Forever cucked by the Romans

Forever cucked by the Romans

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France is the true heir to Rome

>Rromanistan are you Latin?

being the only orthodox latin cunt sucks

Based romanians mogging Eastern Europe

Where does english come from again?

The most common English vocabulary has Germanic origins, both from West Germanic and North Germanic, but English has many words of French, Latin, and Greek origin as well.


explain yourself romania

How are romanians romance again?
I know the romans colonized part of the region but so have the slavs and turks for centuries

t. forever cucked by mexicans

Didn’t Romanian re-Latinize some of the language by replacing Slavic vocabulary with French equivalents?

And that’s reflected in their language but the core of it is Latin originating

yea but there are a few words like salut or mersi

we have turkish words because ottoman empire
and slavic words(bulgarian) because we are close to them

Roma Invicta!
t. Western Catalan

he have 3 words for cat: pisica, motan and cotoi

i too wonder this how the fuck our language even survived despite being invaded by mongols, huns, magyars, avars, slavs and turks
i also wonder how we don't speak fully a slavic language

Yep, that's us. Our words for fish, sky, cheek and hundred/thousand are from Latin. Quite some other words too

motan is for male and pisica for female
nobody uses cotoi, probably only old people from the countryside


> Sardinian

Hundred comes from Egyptian. Romans borrowed the word, which is funny since indo european languages are divided based on how a hundred is written. It's not an indo european word

>Hundred comes from Egyptian
Lmao, no, it's indoeuropean

but we were the romans

>explain yourself romania
Likely onomatopoeic in origin. "Pisica, pisica, come here my cat, pisica..."

No it comes from ancient Egyptian Sht from which Latin Centum comes from

>No it comes from ancient Egyptian Sht from which Latin Centum comes from
Not really. *ḱmtóm>centum is regular and clearly related to *déḱm>decem.

No, btw it's not really an sh but it's a stronger sound similar to the C in Centum

>a stronger sound similar to the C in Centum
I have no idea on what's the sound you're trying to convey. Use IPA, please.

Also kmtom doesn't exist. Indo european roots don't exist there is no language that give us these common roots. They are invented I hope you realise this. You're not giving me an existing words. Kmtom doesn't exist

Dekm doesn't exist either. You need to realise the indo european thirty is just a theory and not proven. These roots are invented while ancient egyptian existed

But C in Classical Latin sounded like K
Romans said "Kentum" not "Chentum"

>Indo european roots don't exist there is no language that give us these common roots
Instead of saying such inane shit in Zig Forums, why don't you go check and compare the vocabularies of Sanskrit, Latin, and Greek? Because what you're saying is on the same level as
>Romance languages are a not related, Vulgar Latin didn't exist.

Why do I always kill the threads of pan europeists? It only takes a few minutes to discard entire thirties where it's claimed to be scientific but then basic facts are ignored