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International #1336
Ethiopian crisis
/fr/ - le fil wallon
>muh heritage thread
Not moving to Japan and becoming a farmer that sells luxury fruits
Why dont japan want this?
When did you realize that the age of America is over and the age of China is about to begin?
Are Chinese the only cool Asians?
Fall in London
So THIS is the difference between South and North Brazil!
Anons from non-anglophone countries
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
I can't for the life of me understand religious people
Do Aussies really?
Red Africa
Do you think any one language will ever become global or is the situation going to remain as it is now...
What's it like to grow up in eastern europe?
I recently learned that Latinos actually think they are white and western
Sverigetråden - Teupplagan
/deutsch/ und stolz
Why isn't there a mass Lebanese exodus right now? Their economy is collapsing Venezuela-style...
Assigned to okinawa
What do Brazilians and Argentinians think of each other?
You wake up in the federated states of europe
This is the most famous British man in the world
New England
Zig Forums is in meltdown mode
Wtf portugal???
Best behaved tourists = beta male countries
For me, it's I
Top 3 Countries you love the most(EXCLUDING YOUR OWN);
Say something nice
Black women going trad in Sweden
Kurva anyátok
Zig Forums Cup: Zig Forums vs. /o/
Do you like white culture?
What are girls like in your country?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Does your country LARP as a civilization that ceased to exist hundreds of years ago through its currency?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2448
Why do Western Europeans shit on Eastern Europeans like Poles, Bulgarians, Portuguese, and Romanians...
Recent interaction with female houseshareberg
ITT: we laugh at americans for choosing their first communist president
Does this happen in your country?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2449
Why is your cunt's christmas the best?
/ita/ - il filo
If your country went to war with one of its neighbours, how would it turn out?
How are they feeling right now?
/neu/ ehemals /alt/ auch bekannt als /deutsch/
What’s their endgame?
Is this a sure tell sign you're a third world not so serious country? You engage in this diaspora embarrassment?
Where has lack of nationalism brought the United States...
Have you ever been in a street fight?
Do people still wear those funny looking ripped jeans in your cunt?
/mena/ - Middle East & North Africa
Home :)
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Guess the map thread
Is 34 too old to join the military?
I am Ukrainian
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
/skandi/ + /danmarkstråden/ + /norgestråden/ + /sverigestråden/ + /íslandsthráðurin/
1.Your cunt
1) cunt
Why do modern turks hate Atatürk? He was so close into making Turkey European?
M-Macacobros... I thought we were friends 4 life
Sverigetråden - TV-spelsupplagan
I am extremely racist and proud of it
Eat food
Wtf i love hiro now?
Do people do this in your country?
Congrats Indiabros
/desi/-Blonde AOC edition
Latinos please immigrate to Canada
Explain yourselves Denmark
Teach me swear words in your language
How come Indians are more influential in usa politics than Latinos, despite being not even 1/10 the size of population
Is autism the secret to their sucess?
/deutsch/ ehemals /deutshc/
/fr/ - le fil francophone
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Imagine if Africa had million niggas like Thomas Sankara
How come Latin America can't develop nuclear weapons? even India has them
/lat/ hilo latino
/ita/ - il filo
Zig Forums autism test thread
Interesting, mythical place
Did you know that (ancient and modern) Egypshons eat pigeons ...? Do people in your cunt eat pigeons ?
Northern Spain
List your top 5 german music producers
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + lads
Sverigetråden Lördagsfest-upplagan
Which is the most cyberpunk city?
Why are the FRENCH so superior?
Kurva anyátok
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Why do 3rd worlders complain when they live in a tropical paradise?
Tfw you'll never be iberian
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Do christians eat pork and drink alcohol in muslim countries?
How much can you understand languages similar to yours without studying them?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Why are they like this?
Is he the most famous german?
Do real Slavs (blue) consider Balkanites Slavs?
Why egyptian copts look so black
How did euros even survive so long with out us ameribros?
Who would win in a debate between these four?
Is you hair straight and anime/doll like Zig Forumscels?
What happened to Egypt?
Which are the most antisocial countries in the world?
Sverigetråden - Sluta spamma tråkig 2dskit
Wake up
Start 2 world wars
/deutsch/ am Abend
Why are they so tsundere to each other lol
My cat died yesterday. Post cats from your country
Why we East Asian can't get along?
Winter clothes
/fr/ - le fil Richard Norton
What are Chinese SEA's like?
How come some Pakistanis look Italian? Look his nose is Italian
Does anyone like us?
/dixie/ - SOVTHERN US and Friends
Do people in your country prefer sun tanning or skin whitening?
Tell me about your culture
/cum/ - canada, usa, mexico
1. Your country?
Do muslims face racism in muslim countries?
The average Italian boy looks like this
Do Spanish girls really love Latin guys?
ITT:Food from your cunt
/ita/ - il filo
I always feel so humbled whenever I hear about progress in China. They truly are the greatest of nations
Wait, this is how Greeks look like?
Sverigetråden Libanongate-upplagan
Does China really?
Your country is a shithole if it doesn't have an Aircraft carrier
This lockdown has absolutely decimated my dating life...
/esp/ - Edición balconistán
Would you rather have your country be 10% nafri/arab, or 10% black?
Your cunt
/lat/ hilo latino
Why do white people always want to whitewash history
ITT: Post non-American cities that look like American cities. I'll start with Rotterdam
Are toilet mushrooms common in your country?
Post heroes from your country
What are edibles?
Why do they drop bombs on everyone?
Do Africans have internet?
What is your favourite ancient civilisation? I like ancient Egypt
When Biden takes charge, will Europe and the rest of the world warm up to America again?
What does the turkic people think about eachother
Things that haunt you to this day
This is the power of british women
What the FUCK happens here?
Why black queens don’t age?
Americans really do, don't they?
It looks like Japan, right?
6-9 months before elections covid outbreak
I'm glad I was born in the great Korea
How big should Germany be?
/mena/ - Middle East & North Africa
Being gay is still illegal in 72 countries
Innocent mink
Sverigetråden - Det är lördag mina bröder
I am a Muslim. How does that make you feel?
Thoughts on the Iberic race?
1. Your country
Is Christianity dying in your country?
/fr/ - Bientôt l'hiver, restons au chaud
I am not Private Jose Gonzalez Mendoza, I'm a real Japanese, prease berieve me.gaijin kun
/mn/ - medžuslovjanska nitka
How come a bunch of drunk, illiterate Spanish men conquered all of this?
I wish Netherlands and Indonesia were better friends
Are dark skinned Indians considered Hindus by light skinned Indians? Genuine question
Is it true university is free in Europe for international students outside Europe?
Do you speak french?
Eurochads are beating Amerimutts in game development
Is this true?
Portrait Thread
ITT: Relentlessly Handsome Leaders Of Countries
Why are we so gay? Is it the high T? Has it to do with the Mediterranean sea?
ITT: Guess the name and job of the poster above you
/med/ - Mediterranean general
/ישר/- /อิสร/- /isr/- /이스라/ + חברים
How is owning guns seen in your cunt? Is it looked down upon or do people think it’s based...
/v4/ + friends
4th largest population in the world
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Kurva anyátok
How tall are you?
Do you think we'll EVER be able to travel to far-away countries ever again because of the coronavirus?
Why are japs the only people who can't speak english properly here?
What do Italians think about their causins born in Brazil?
How many nationalities are in your blood?
How do you say "I love you honey" in your language?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Why are germans so pro-EU?
How come western countries don't recognize palestine?
Why are humans so diverse? All the races look radically different
Kek Korean BTFOed, HANBOK is copy of Hanfu, get over it
Why is spanish so popular?
White women, Asian women, and Latinas
/ita/ - il filo
Your count tree
Russian and ukrainian churches tread
I want civil war so bad. I don't even care who wins
How has american cultural imperialism ruined your country?
What do people do here?
Denmark.....why?...... ;____;
Your flag
/fr/ - Le francofil
/desi/ morning wood editions
Had a German Phase in middle school
Why are there no British...
What are you doing to preserve Europeans?
Do you agree with my worldview?
Most based US state?
Is mexico the quebec of america?
Congrats USA to having our qt hornet!!
Why do Asians think manly muscles are gay but feminine flower boys are the epitome of masculinity?
Is it normal for 23 year olds in your country to not have college degrees?
Why do non-Americans hate burgerpunk so much?
This is based
Catholic bros, is it a mortal sin to fap to 2D or is it a venial sin?
What's your favorite dessert Zig Forums? Mine is tiramisu
European income tax rates
This region had so much potential but the angl*s sent this place to the stone age
/rückenschmerzen/ ehemals /deutsch/
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
English thread for talking with english learners in Zig Forums #2
/cum/ canada united states m*xico australia germany united kingdom
Are Pale skinned dark hair brown eyes people frequent in your cunt?
Why does everyone hate them?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
What is the best Canadian province?
Anyone else here got a bipolar diagnosis?
Islam will take over Europe mashallah, then we will conquer the worl-
Did you know that Japan is the only country in the world with four seasons?
So what do you Zig Forumscels dream about at night in your country?
Do you love Japan?
Please visit Wyoming
Why do americans have so white teeth? It just looks weird
It's over
How has the corona virus changed your life?
Worst posters by far
Sverigetråden - Morotkaksupplagan
Is it commom for girls to ask boys out in your country?
Let's settle this once and for all
What jobs are available to foreigners with a bachelors degree that only speak English in Macedonia...
Are girls aware that political or racially motivated posts like this is not funny but dangerous?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
1 country
/svt/ - Sverigetråden
White ppl don't be washing they legs
I hate spics in USA i don't consider them americans
What was your country's golden age?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + tomodachi
If an italian moves to america, can he identify as latino?
Literal Neckbeard
Who are the loudest tourists?
USA bros...
Bans Zig Forums
Say something nice
ITT: Sum up America in one image
/fr/ - Le francofil
CoMex Zig Forums + /Mex/
Buy Italian drugs
Which South american country Is the best to move to?
1. Your country
/ita/ - il filo
What do Russians think of Canadians?
What are cats in your country like?
Why do Iranians like to larp as Europeans? Does he look European? No. Iranians look more Indian than European
Should Japan and South Korea just give up on the US? When I talk with Japanese...
Sverigetråden - Kvantumvandalism-upplagan
/desi/ - durgasoft edish
Americans can't pump their own petrol
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Guess ethnicity
I was checking YouTube and this showed up in my recommendations:
The world still hates you btw
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
I suffer in Russia (Europe)
This is why i luv japan, they are asking the right questions
Are Hijabi slags common in your country?
Watching japanese minecraft let's play on youtube
What's the Vietnamese government like in current year?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Fellas is this what the Australian meant by a trad steppe gf?
My friend from Germany told me that all her and her friends were doing is watching the election results from America...
Greeks still dream of a greater Greece
/New England General/
Are blondes bullied in your country?
Which one do you prefer and why?
Why do they hate us so????????
Can I come to Scandinavia?
Denmark-Finland friendship thread
Would pic related pass as a local in your country?
/fr/ - El francohilo
I fixed Europe
Brazilbros please explain this. all the news I find about this girl are in portuguese
Is it really true that people around the world are losing their ability to work and pay for their homes because of the...
Your cunt?
Best subregions
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
My ancestors looked like chinks only 1000 years ago
Which country do you see as your countries retarded little brother? For us, it's picrel
Official list of white countries
Hungary… They took this from you
The new nation of Portway
You are a firstie if you can safely take a stroll at night through the downtown of large cities in you're country
"Big" Ben
/ita/ - il filo
What are you listening to,Zig Forums?
Imagine being so cucked that some of your people practice Sharia
Sverigetråden - Husupplagan
Boy countries vs girl countries
Map thread
Do people still speak Arpitan/Franco-Provençal and Occitan in France and Switzerland?
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
The DVTCH reign supreme
Itt we post like Zig Forums in 2100
/flag/ + /Extraflags/
Your cultural alcohol
It's all Dutch to me
Kurva anyátok
Denmark has France
Say something nice about my country please
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Why do they hate each other so much?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + sõbrad
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Forever cucked by the Romans
Holy shit they actually translated it
What happens here?
How can we secularize them for integration to the EVROPEAN community?
/med/ - Mediterranean general
/deutsch/ am Abend
/ita/ - il filo
Sverigetråden - Uttråkade upplagan
Japan looks like a seahorse
English thread for talking with english learners in Zig Forums
Thoughts on Europe?
Should this area be considered a part of the new world? After all it is Turkey's South America
Bros... America doesn't look so good right now
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2447
Have you ever been fired solely because you're an incel?
Is this happening in your cunt?
Daddy Trump what will I do now?!!
Are tall girls common in ur count?
Why India won't be a Superpower
Post nice cheeses from your country
Buy our cars
Let's do this latam bros
Why does this Central European country make so many people seethe?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine