This lockdown has absolutely decimated my dating life. They only sexual encounter I had the past 8 months was a late night handjob on a bench.
This lockdown has absolutely decimated my dating life...
Jeremiah Clark
Matthew Hughes
Why cant normie countries live accordingly so there wouldnt be lockdowns? Can't you just live a bit more autistic for the time being? We don't have much restrictions other than pubs close at 23:00 and infection rates have been 200 cases per day over a month.
Justin Johnson
shut the fuck up you normo dog
Sebastian Young
kys normalfag lmao
Cameron Lee
Tell us more about that handjob.
Was it day or night? Who gave you the handjob? Was he/she attractive? I want the details.
Kevin Edwards
yeah it sucks, I haven't had sex in 25 years due to corona
Grayson Cruz
Arent all greeks normans?
Benjamin Lewis
Late night at a park. He was a qt scruffy twunk
Brody Moore
Not enough detail to be believable, virgin FREAK
John Flores
Ι wish I had Norman genes