This lockdown has absolutely decimated my dating life...

This lockdown has absolutely decimated my dating life. They only sexual encounter I had the past 8 months was a late night handjob on a bench.

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Why cant normie countries live accordingly so there wouldnt be lockdowns? Can't you just live a bit more autistic for the time being? We don't have much restrictions other than pubs close at 23:00 and infection rates have been 200 cases per day over a month.

shut the fuck up you normo dog

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kys normalfag lmao

Tell us more about that handjob.
Was it day or night? Who gave you the handjob? Was he/she attractive? I want the details.

yeah it sucks, I haven't had sex in 25 years due to corona

Arent all greeks normans?

Late night at a park. He was a qt scruffy twunk

Not enough detail to be believable, virgin FREAK

Ι wish I had Norman genes