Imagine if Africa had million niggas like Thomas Sankara

Imagine if Africa had million niggas like Thomas Sankara...

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Imagine if a bilion boers lived in Africa.

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We would have normal relation with Africa.
There won't be like "too tiresome".

He was a threat ZOG and France. Couldn't have happened.

Truthfully a man above all men

a true hero

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>niggers with white skin
Anglos are the reason why South Africa is relatively rich compared to SSA standards. Boers are comparable to zulus and Sothos.

Eritreans have the highest IQs on the continent sans Boers and Anglos

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Couldn't unfortunately happen. Africa needs tp be poor, corrupted and destabilized, so African can flee their countries to the Western World for the so called a "better future" narrative (((they're pushing))) while in fact they change the western world demographics all according to (((their))) plan.
That's why they killed Sankara, Lumumba, overthrown Bokassa, and recently Khadafi to keep Africa down.

>i-it was the jews!
it was you guys. the french. sit down.

Africa needs to be poor, corrupyed and destabilized so that developed nations can buy raw materials for dirt cheap and exploit the fuck out of them