
cross section books from when you were a lad edish

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Where's Greggs

give over. go home. for fucks sake.

Think I may have this very book desu. Mum's sold the family gaff so now I have to go through all these old books and chuck most of them away, and it's making me sad

off to the thermoplium, anyone need owt?

desperate to find music I enjoy
It can't turn out that what I actually enjoyed was drinking myself blind and trying to shag anything moving wearing a skirt

for me it was turning immediately to the pages with the toilets


bottle of garum and a cheeky loaf of bread

The old cunt can piss off ARISE SIR MARCUS AND SIR JÜRGEN

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it gets significantly harder to maintain the will to live each day when you're approaching 30 and have still never had a gf


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does sperm actually have a mouth

*takes a salt shaker from the table*
*cups my hand underneath it*
*pours the salt*
*it's all seemingly caught by my hand*

listen to bicep

Ah yes, we need more of these fine gentleman in our country

Imagine the food they will bring!

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all non western european languages are cancerous shite

corrr wish you could get paid for “shilling” on 4channel

>Rorke is a NEET
>Still never has a day off

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Those rocks looks suspiciously placed

how far will we have to socially distance on mars when we land there

sperms love pints

doing a poo

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I had this one about ships that had cross sections of ones like HMS Victory with people getting violently killed by cannon fire and shit, was awesome

Haggis mongs at it again

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I only value charts made by BritainDrinks

mad how if you tried to take a big gulp of air youd just choke and your lungs would start melting

I put them there

groundskeeper must be furious


covid was always a weapon
leftypol stopped caring about it when they rioted in the summer and now again that their establishment shill has been elected

remember, remember, the fifth of november - gunpowder, treason, and plot.

That's why we need plants rorke, mad that

can’t wait for porridgewogs to finally piss off

Looking tidy is fascism

rorke seething because the rona killed pub culture forever

>Scottish and Irish people are the good guys and Brits are the bad guys in the eyes of the rest of the world

How do Brits deal with this fact?

was the football pitch bit really that important to the title

haha imagine them doing a big takbir afterwards and hes there raking up the heads going "willie hears ya. willie dont care"

wtf when did they start selling cherry coke again? Not the diet shit but the full sugar stuff. Haven't seen it in years but it was in the supermarket today.

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>GPs to be paid £12.58 for each vaccine dose administered
fkin hell, it's a racket lads

Trump won, leftychuds!

I want Kate to give me an aggressive cfnm handjob wearing leather gloves and giving me a stern look

Biden won, rightychuds!

>boss asking me about project progress
>planned resource allocations

fuck fuck fuck fuck

>covid was always a weapon
>leftypol stopped caring about it when they rioted in the summer and now again that their establishment shill has been elected

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same way I deal with the opinions of other insects and vermin

>We are now the John Lewis or Richer Sounds of the agency world!

A ringing self endorsement

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people from madrid are the villains in the eyes of the world and the catalans are the plucky underdogs like the scottish and irish

keep failing psychometric test hoop-jumping stages in corporate job applications

corporate dad trying to big me up saying i can work on my personality and how these tests aren't bullshit they really do work despite me now being fully disenfranchised with the idea of ever working for a big company with modern corporate culture in the state that it's in

corporate dad's wife (my mum) in tears thinking it's all over

me googling how to go about becoming a train driver

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they like the welsh as well, it's just the english they don't like

they never stopped


The Irish I can MAYBE understand, but I don't see how the Scots keep getting away with this shit. They're hardly an oppressed nation, they played a key role in Britain's imperialist and slave-trading history, the bastards. Somehow now they've managed to convince jf that it was only those nasty English bullies who did it. Contemptible swine, every last one of them.

goin 4 seasons total landscaping, anyone want owt ?

Anyone coming near me with an autism injection is getting poo thrown at them

so I just need to give them £12.59 for them to say they gave me one

what with the red and black stripy design and that

as if trump wasn’t equally pro establishment lol
rorke falls for the populist mask so easily, it’s hilarious

with the drawing of the blond fella with the moustache smoking his pipe in his union jack undies

Scotland is British.

*plants a massive fucking hydrangea on mars*

Fucking hell, I can breathe now

Pretty sure you need to work your way up to become a train driver

not just slide in with a useless corporate degree

why is this slag only responding in emoji
and these are obscure ones you have to search for

yeah this
at least the irish call the scots out on their trying to distance themselves from it

scottish when brits are accused of war crimes
british when we're in the lympics. simple as

had the star wars vehicles one and the thunderbirds one
both great

they just fucking moan non stop and people assume they must have a good reason


Don’t get why people hate incels

incel= not being able to get sex based on mutual physical attraction

if thats true for you you are an incel

escortcel = incel

ugly guy who gets pitysex from to time to time = incel

beta provider in a sexless marriage = incel

this is why lms theory is also wrong. its not looks, money and status what seperates an incel from a slayer..its looks and status alone. money has no impact on mutual attraction. women are attracted to the money, not the person. a ugly poor incel who wakes up one day and wins the lottery is still incel even though he is now able to pay hookers/attract golddiggers/women who are ready to "settle down"..

it's literally the braveheart movie, it's what their entire modern culture is built around

trump will drain the swamp any day now

why are the royals allowed 3 (three) poppies?

If they are only responding in emojis they are politely telling you they are bored m8

not even joking, it's a 'fuck why are you still replying' thing

my man george floyd dying on the street while whitey up on mars breathing away *sucks my teeth*

This is absolutely true though. Same with Basques.
Why would anyone actually like the English though?

>british when we're in the lympics
ive never heard anyone in scotland say this who wasnt from a city.

I don't know about leftpol but there's a crowdfunding campaign to sue the lockdowns in your country, what do you know about that?

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she needs more booba

there are literal train driver grad schemes

yanks unironically call themselves "Scots-Irish" with pride kek

elon musk didnt land on mars
it was you nigga

she must really want [horny devil] [aubergine] [droplet] [droplet]


Until they make you take a psych test lmao

nobody knows who the welsh are

anyone want to see my disgusting inner mouth injury?

most of them are literally norf fc descendants but say Scotch-Irish to make themselves feel special

Nevermind going tae mars I'm already on fockin' pluto

lmaoo they probably would actually aha

Oi rashford I don’t like paying for things either where’s my free food

meant for

Just find incels disgusting and horrific on a very base level, same as people with disabilities/mental illnesses. A bit of a shameful feeling because they can't help being that way but there is a feeling deep in my bones that they should all be euthanised for being completely defective.

And a lot of vocal SNP supporters are from the Central belt who historically supported the English in things like the Highland clearances. Can understand the North and Islands wanting more autonomy and to differentiate themselves from the rest of the UK but Glasgow and Edinburgh are just English and Irish Diaspora.

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Trump will still be president in February lol

those schemes are full of psychobabble tests and have even more shit like response/reflex tests and timer tests too.

Charities and non-profits are just ways for rich people to get their useless kids jobs, and transfer money to them tax free.

based youtube recommending me some new black youtubers, just what the doctor ordered

You know could get in a car crash tomorrow and be an incel

never mind rashford, what about that brown mayor who took a selfie with his dirty shoes on the antique furniture

what i don't get is why do any english people actually care about scotland remaining part of britain?

i really couldn't give a shit if scotland was independent, if anything it would probably be better

Bet you would drive the train into the sea

mental bastard

don’t worry I’m working on it

mad how there are cults out there just waiting for me to infiltrate them and bring them down

One for each branch of the armed forces

Scotland is a bourgeois nation of merchants, England is a proletarian nation of workers.

just coomed to a video of a couple of birds eating whipped cream from each others arseholes

My man.

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it's called having your cake and eating it. yanks do it with state vs federal as well. . all the cool countries find a way to avoid criticism like this

would rather just join one and have something to do

wales is a neanderthal "nation" of welsh "men"

what species

thanks for sharing that utterly sad facet of your miserable life

All of the British Isles should be part of England. Gaels are Völkerabfälle.


wahey look at me fuckin go driving the train into the sea waheyy!

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what about the territorial army huh?!?

Celtic Union when?


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I want them to stay part of Britain because I like them and think they'd struggle as an intependent nation.
Also think they would import somalians by the million who would hop the border and shit up the north.

most people think that the welsh were completely exterminated by the english hundreds of years ago.

Mental to think that this level of civilization would not be reached again for some sixteen centuries

Haha absolute mentalist

prefer not to say

yeh mate being a high-T virile chad is sad. do one.


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Reckon it would be alright as long as people leave you alone and the leader doesn't try to make you kill yourself. Just a macrocosm of larger society at the end of the day innit. Cults used to be a lot more common, probably was good fun back in the day.

pretty sure me and my mate don't really like each other but we stay mates because we're past uni and the chances of making new friends is diminishing

you know why i logged on to /brit/ this arvo?
i was just doing my daily do and i thought of something and laughed

ah finally, because it's about time that regular citizens and not just criminals had their dna and prints on file. Thank covid, the most useful virus ever. Good thing it doesn't actually kill people, otherwise keeping all these records of dead cremated people might be ill judged.

Yeah you're so high T watching fetish porn and wanking at half 2 on a workday mate


suck my fat cock

It's SHITE being Scottish! We're the lowest of the low. The scum of the fucking Earth! The most wretched miserable servile pathetic trash that was ever shat on civilization. Some people hate the English. I don't. They're just wankers. We, on the other hand, are colonized by wankers. Can't even find a decent culture to get colonized by. We're ruled by effete assholes. It's a shite state of affairs to be in, Tommy, and all the fresh air in the world won't make any fucking difference!

>i really couldn't give a shit if scotland was independent, if anything it would probably be better

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Most people are gay

Reserves are part of their respective branches

>union of the poor dogshit corners of western europe

mad how outer-internet has finally come up with their own "rorke"
only took them half a decade

>Also think they would import somalians by the million who would hop the border and shit up the north.

this is the real issue

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You'd like that, you fucking fag?

Having a spot of lunch

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i had one of these at my local library asa a kid
now i think its gone

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Ain’t nothing wrong with the welsh, at least they can laugh at themselves unlike the scrotes

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