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International #1338
Lithuania is a fake country
The Indian guys at the tennis court made fun of me in Hindi
Why are Americans such picky eaters?
Thin long faces with cheek bones and huge ears seem to be common features in Anglo-Saxons
Do any of you joggers live here? Is it really as bad as they say it is?
My mother weeps in the other room. my father's hair turns gray, his eyes are dark, and he works like a mule...
Sverigetråden - Våldsupplagan
Do you like Italy?
Multilingual Fags
/deutsch/ am Abend
His "language" isn't spoken beyond its own borders
What is it about the simpsons that made it so popular in latin america?
Why do Americans have to ruin video games?
What is the least interesting country in the world?
/fr/ - le francofil
Most popular tags in AMERICA
Kurva anyátok
Why does the irish pretend like they don't belong in the kingdom?
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Why do they have such a huge inferiority complex towards us?
How AmericaniZed is your country?
Being depressed is a 1st world privilege...
Why do we have this letter, hispanic bros?
And I made Romania bigger!
Why do Latinx/mestizx men prefer dating white women over their own?
Where do immigrants come from in ur country?
It amazes me how much poorer every other nation is than us
Sverigetråden DET HÄNDER-upplagan
Do Americans really? Also what type of mexico is your country?
We were killing each other all over the world a few decades ago...
Med or Nord?
Is this true? Vietnam is fucking strong
/fr/ - le francofil
Vocaroo thread
You're only first world if your PC is AMD
Why aren’t Swedes held accountable for the one of the biggest genocides in human history?
Is anyone else impressed with how good at English non native speakers on here are...
I don't have a university degree and I don't speak any East Asian language
We must protecc our Islam Women
How do you feel about Scandinavian design products? Apparently it's world famous
Do you come from a culture where sex with children is "normal"?
/deutsch/ ist die Saar
Every poster from this country is an angry teenage girl yelling at her screen
/dixie/ – The SOVTH & Friends
What's northern irish culture like? From what I have read they don't even teach irish in school anymore
We're fucked
Why do people love Japan
Another strong typhoon is coming and they banned me from opening office tomorrow. I am already prepared...
What are some words that you really fucking hate, either in your language or English?
/ita/ - il filo
How should we cope with the fact that Middle Easterners are our cousins?
Why is american tipping culture a thing?
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
In my city they have forbidden to speak in the subway because of the covid
Have test about demographics
EVROPE just ordered 200 million vaccines from Pfizer. Problem, eurosceptics?
Why does Minnesota seem to have a much more definite identity compared to other flyover states? Them being Canadian...
/lat/ hilo latino
Congrats Indiabros
/med/-Mediterranean general
NOOOOO the earth hasn't orbited around the sun enough times since that girl was born in order for you to date her
/fr/ - le francofil
Sverigetråden /svt/ Kungliga-upplagan
Do europeans really?
I suffer in mena
What went wrong?
Have 0 girls in your country ever showed any interest in you?
What is your country's most popular cheap meal when you go to a restaurant ? For us it's steak-frites
/v4/ + friends
What went wrong with Détroit ?
What's your blood type in your country? A+ Chad here
The infidels are scared
Be some Brazilian Amazonian tribesman
Your thoughts on Finland?
I want to be a girl desu
BLACK bros... Where did it go so wrong?
What went wrong?
Thats it Zig Forums i have come to conclusion that im just not meant to ever get a women
Germany thread
What makes asians so immune to obesity? Can this power be learned?
Why haven't you moved to Australia yet?
When did you first realize all the Korean flags on Zig Forums are U.S. servicemen?
Why are men more suicidal than women?
You can only pick one
Is permanently destroying your hair really considered a cultural choice?
Lest We Forget
Map of dog ownership
Tfw no nvrdic NEETbux and you must wageslave everyday to exist
Based brazil
/ישר/- /อิสร/- /isr/- /이스라/ + חברים
Are you considered a loser in your cunt if you dont have a college education?
I refuse to play as black spiderman
Literally all European countries have larped as Romans at some point
China, stop
American cuisine
How did America fuck this up so badly?
Hi Zig Forumscels, what is your morning routine in your country?
Serious question, why is Brazil so violent?
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
/ita/ - il filo
/balt/ + /ausnz/
I said "ASS-tec" a lot in class when my history teacher tell us about Aztec
European says something nice about my country
Do Mexicans do anything to stop these people illegally entering their country or do they just not give a fuck?
What is the safest country in MENA for Christians? Is it Lebanon?
What would your ideal house look like in you're country?
Why do Spanish people pronounce 'r' as 'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr'?
English longbowmen
/rammsau/ ehemals /deutsch/
What's the best state or just general place in America?
9 A.D
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
My country
Suicides in Japan rose by over 82% among women
We are under lockdown again. Can't go outside between 19:00 and 05:00
A 23 year old man without a car or a driver's license
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
What happens there?
Should Africa expell all its whites?
26 years old
Please come to Brazil : )
Yes, I was born in the United States of America
Tell me of your interactions with slavs
Good morning Zig Forums
1. ur cunt
Do people still hunt with antique weapons in your country, Zig Forums...
Is England to Western Europe what Japan is East Asia?
Would you consider living in the southern United States?
Does Zig Forums have a home gym?
/fr/ - Le francofil de la nuit nocturne
Why do americans think this shit is good?
Do you feel a stronger connection to your country, or your specific region?
Will Argentina be like Venezuela or is that an exaggeration of the media?
Ay wazzup wit it dawg can me and my homeboy come up in yo crib?
Is it true that theyre masculine chads that mog every other asian country physically?
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Actual paradise
Why are russians chuds?
Ur cunt
Are you countrylet? Imagine living in a globalised world & only owning a single passport...
We are NOT third world. STOP calling us thirdies
Post the most American picture you have
What caused this border autism
Do these scare you?
Bad things done by germans
/ita/ - il filo
This is my typical vacation outfit in Italy (though I've already ditched the shoes)...
Hilo latino /lat/
Name one good pornstar your country has produced, or forever be dabbed on
/nachtschicht/ später wieder /deutsch/
Ancestry thread
Hey! stop compliment us! (ノ∇≦*)ポッ
Russian booba
The most genius race
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
What went wrong, bros???
Kurva anyátok
Gigachad, I challenge you to a pokemon battle! Grab your console and let's go!
Sverigetråden - Colaupplagan
Whats stopping them from becoming first world?
How'd Finland avoid being turned into a Soviet puppet state?
Iranians are the only people who don't have issues with depiction of Mohammad, even in negative light
Why am i not happy even though i live in the happiest country?
What's going on in bulgaria?
Latin Americans, I kneel
Is this Lewis model of cultural types true for your cunt?
Hold up, Stacy,. This creepy guy is staring at me. Can you just like walk away and sit somewhere else...
Do we really?
In Britain you can get arrested for selling bathwater without a license
How's life in Colombia?
Be American
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Wow this song makes me want to throw away 1300 years of civilization and live in a mudhut
What's the worst cultural/ethnic group in your country?
Are blondes bullied in your country?
What are the biggest misconceptions about Nafris?
/fr/ - le francofil
/esp/ - Hilo español
What did you smoke today?
Does kneel meme originate from Zig Forums, or did we just import it?
Why are w*Sternoid ""people"" so fucking sexist and cringe???
How will Romans ever recover? Oh wait they didn't
Is germany a fun place to visit?
America is actually descending into civil war, isn't it?
Why do specifically black people have to be inserted into every part of history?
I suffer in the UK
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Post Zig Forums setups, rooms whatever
Which countries have the best/worst cuisine?
Do the germanic people feel like they have a common identity and share a common destiny in the world?
Worst accent in the world
Imagine a world without racism
Press F to Laugh
Russia is such a great nation with an amazing history and bright future ahead of them
Sverigetråden - Gamla upplagan
/ita/ il filo
You can't suffer if you're Black
How will you celebrate 102nd anniversary of Polish independence tomorrow?
/frosch/ besser bekannt als /apu/ ehemals /deutsch/
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Remember when replying
I suffer in South Americ-
You have 10 seconds to prove you're not an Arab
Do Europeans Really?
This is how the Japanese viewed Europeans. What's up with the dutch?
Where are you on this compass Zig Forums?
Post burgers from you cunt
The European Union needs to restart from Poland and Hungary...
What would happen if someone insulted Muhammed or Islam in general in public here?
1) Your country?
Bros... I... I can't take it anymore... Russia is so big and powerful, we stand no chance against them...
Which country do you think will take the most damage from covid? I think Spain
The free world in red and to a lesser extent yellow
I wish I was white. It’s literally impossible to suffer as a white. Do white people suffer in your country?
How will Scots ever recover?
How do Muslims feel about Reconquista? Are they as butthurt about it as Christians are about Byzantium?
Wow user, you know so much about countries! Where did you learn all that?
What's their relationship with other Portuguese speaking countries? Do they emigrate, are they well known?
Biden : Brussels legitimate capital of the free world
How difficult is it for an educated croatian to immigrate to the us? i am sick of this shithole with no opportunities...
Sverigetråden - Bilupplagan
I suffer in Greece and I will explain why;
I have never met a european person, how are they like? are they normal people?
Explain the relationship between these countries to me
Ask a depressed tunisian anything
ITT: we call out reddit tier soy countries
Eur*peans are such hypocrites
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2450
/fr/ - le francophile
I have never seen a german on this board say anything positive about their country
How did such a young country become the world's supreme military force and the richest country by a very long shot...
Comfy Apu Thread
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
1. your flag
How can I, an american, acquire a canadian gf?
/ita/ il filo
Where are most migrants in your country from?
Is chess popular in your country?
Kurva anyátok
Sverigetråden - Framtidsupplagan
Be american
Post good literature in your language or from your cunt
India and china already have mars rovers
How is he viewed in your country?
Thread is about Islam
People here use "britain" and "england" interchangeably
What is it like to date a Spanish girl?
1. Country
Why is it so difficult for Americans to face reality?
Why are norwegians so much swarthier compared to other nords?
Americans be pronouncing "Duty" as "Doody"
Do you white french people have Arab/Black friends?
Is it called the Czech Republic or Czechia? I've heard both
Americans will go to their car dealership just to change oil
What did you learn about Finland in school?
/fr/ le francofil
Latam with soul
Claims to hate le epic nigger xd
Why are they so hateful?
Post churches from your country
What do you think about your national costumes?
Why are Finns like this?
First the Döner, then Crysis, and now a successful COVID19 vaccination
Sverigetråden Ryska Kvinnor-upplagan
/ita/ - il filo
British woman
China Number 1. Fuck iPhone
Are they white? I always thought they were similar to the rest of the middle east
Would you hang out with me if I visited your town?
Do third worlders really!?
Vgh... turkish bvlls did it again
He wants to move to Japan and become an English """""teacher"""""
Atheism is the new religion
European christians
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Beating up woman bad
Do you like to forage mushrooms?
Would you date a French man?
How can you still be a virgin?
Does your country employ German poopshelf technology?
Do you want to find love in Kazakhstan
/fr/ - le francofil de l'après-midi
Disrespecting lgbt people on 4channel should be a bannable offense as much as saying the n word is
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
I imagine myself inside br*wn boipucci, leading my rape gang. Our mission is to keep br*wn twinks from masculinity...
I keep thinking about this image alot
"you can speak more than one language? are you like a genius or something?"
Sverigetråden /svt/ Edward Blom-upplagan
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
The existence of the Japanese emperor will completely depend on this kid making a male baby
/isr/ /ישר/
An here are... America's next generation of military leaders
It's settled then
My sister just posted a photo album of her, her husband and kids in France...
What is your favourite ethnic food?
Do you want to move to France?
/ita/ - il filo di Ezio Greggio
Spanish public debt is highest in 118 years
Kurva anyátok
Does this happen in your country?
China has 4000 years of history. Your country has?
Is it common for people to bald at a young age in your country?
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Why is she so popular?
/deutsch/ Hartz IV Frühschicht
Fucking Sw*des
The last thing a brazilian sees before he dies
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Greek bros... I kneel
Tell me again how white genocide isn't real
Who else /european/ before their nation?
What happens now, armeniabros?
"Oh hey, user. You ready to study feminist power structures in the work place today...
Do European countries have rich Chinese students who buy up real estate or is it only a new world issue?
Tell me about the online dating experience in your country
Which one?
Why are asian-Americans like this?
/fr/ - le fil du matin
Is there a single good reason why you haven't converted to Islam yet?
ITT: Rate your country's neighbors
Do you want to find love in Taiwan?
Greek women are angels
Do people hate the US in real life as much as they do on Zig Forums in your country?
USA solves ends the coronavirus crisis
How munted are house prices in your cunt?
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Why are Japanese posters so bad at English? Are they retarded? Even Korean and Chinese posters don't have bad english
Aus media keeps shilling biden all of a sudden and it's really annoying. how did you cuntree's media react?
Do you know how to cook?
What the fuck is this
This is Gaben after leaving America, see how skinny he became?
People who gave up on life
Do they really?
If I lived in Colombia, I wouldn't be an incel anymore
Why they never post on Zig Forums?
Sverigetråden - Arsenikupplagan
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
They will forever be stuck in the 80s
"Um I'm sorry, WHAT did you say people like to do on dates in your country?"
Have you noticed any changes to your body as you got older?
Why is their pop culture so weak?
What are we to make of this?
Why are Americans so obsessed with serial killers?
Do you love Japan?
Post your cunts top uni
What are your favorite Zig Forumseractions?
The protagonists of the world
Defend this
In Japan you can rent a gf
Theory fo gravity which created modern physics
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Why are some of us so fucking obsessed with guns?
/ita/ - il filo
In a perfect world
How the FUCK is China winning?
The longest piece of English literature is a fan fiction about Super Smash Bros written by a Mexican
Half Japanese girl bullied for being black
Armenian-Azerbaijani War ends
What's your favourite American invention?
Do you plan to marry?
Post tanks from your country
Why are foreigners so obsessed with our birthrates? Nobody cares
Just submitted my diversity visa form
What am I supposed to call people of Latin origin?
This is what australian mass shooters look like
How Americanized is Your Country?
Are there emerican greeks?
Girl asks about your political leaning
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
Love chinese people
Recommend a good film from/filmed in your cunt that i should watch tonight
What are some official Zig Forums video games?
I suffer in Uruguay
Do you watch pornography on the internet?
Question to Korean. Why your girls want to look Japanese? You're not Japanese
Post the REAL worst parts of you country
/deutsch/ - /german/ - Nachtschicht
My cousin is schizophrenic and thinks that license plates are trying to tell him something
Has Zig Forums ever talk to a Scandinavian? what are they like?
History classes
My country is slowly dying and I can do nothing about it
Are there most based people on earth than Indians?
France to seek end to EU's customs union with Turkey
What is your opinion on Spanish queens ?
That one self hating american who spams an image of a list of places the us has bombed and insults his country in every...
What do thugs/gangsters look like in your cunt?
Zig Forumsernational tinder
When I see a hot or cute girl outside I want to catcall her, but catcalling isn't in our culture so it would be weird
/v4/ + friends
Why do you always talk about cute "boys" and post anime pics of underage looking males...
You have 20 seconds to find:
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
How comes Afghanistan speaks Farsi? I thought they despise Iran
Europeans fear this
Currently americans look like this?
Apples are the white man's fruit
What the fuck, americans explain?
/kurven-anja/ ehemals /nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
In World War I enemy soldiers would at times avoid trying to harm or kill each other and instead would deliberately...
Stop making fun of our delicate palates, you privileged cunts
/fr/ - le francofil
Do people in your country recognize the eternal glory of ROME?
I want old Zig Forums back
Best experience with drugs in your country?
What does Zig Forums think about Colombia and Colombians?
Chinese niggas be like
/lat/ hilo latino
How to South Americans feel about being ruled by Arabs? Most of your leaders seem to be Middle Eastern
Indians of Zig Forums, what caste are you?
Here's your western animation, bro
Is this common in your country?
Do american guys really avoid wine because it's considered a women's drink?
Jesus christ how adorable
Fellas, would you rather marry a girl from your own conservative culture that your parents arranged for you...
/ita/ - il filo
VGH, valle del cauca
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine