Hastings edition
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>calories in calories out is a lie, bro
Trust the septic to fuck up the new thread. And to think I was sitting on that holohoax image for the last ten minutes. Fuck me.
My grandad often says "there weren't any fat people coming out of Belsen" whenever there's a discussion about diets/eating habits
ate christmas
ate cheery music
ate presents
ate family
luv mulled wine
this is a declaration of love
Don't know is this PC.
I’m depressed because of my intelligence, unironically
I’ve been disillusioned
think gf wants reassurances that I want and plan to marry her but don’t want to give her those assurances
this sudoku stuff pretty fun
It was in reference to the calories in calories out remark, of course. aha
but what about people who are skinny because they can't eat much? i'm 6 feet tall and 10 stone but i get full so fast and can only eat half of what most people seem to be able to. i'm not going to eat if i don't want to but i want to gain weight
23andme is half price right now, that's why I bought it. i'm more interested in the health data than the ancestry stuff
watching something on the Cotswolds
so Tolkien just got all the places names for the Shire from here?
hypochondriac fuel at your own expense
I love capitalism
she won't be your gf for much longer then chum
you're probably not as intelligent as you think you are. but yeah being intelligent does make you more effective at being mentally ill
what show?
Just force yourself to eat more and you'll get used to it. No point in complicating things.
prefer not to know that
already have a lot of heart issues on both sides of my family, I’ll have it eventually I’m sure
just drink melted ice cream then
intelligence is an absolute shit tier mechanism to define people
i know this argument has been done an infinity times so I won't bother going into it further.
Where can you found out about secret raves?
t. low iq coper
one of my uncles did a dna test and it turned out he was like 1 % jewish and a few percent italian even though i'm white as fuck and can trace my family back centuries
dm me on the /brit/ discord
Genuinely confused by this. I'd eat 1500 calories of chocolate in the hour before bed if left to my own devices.
Unintelligent opinion, niece noncer.
anti-semitism? that shit isnt cool bro
It’s time for me to focus on me, to heal my traumas and work on becoming a better person. I think I’ll start by taking a hoof of ket in bed.
Bulk on junk food
it’s a lot more casual than it sounds in terms of her wanting them but I can tell she does. Not at a place in my life right now where that’s feasible and probably won’t be for another couple years at least
I’ve already told her that I don’t know what the future will bring
She also most likely doesn’t want children and I’m still undecided on that
diminishing returns after the first few blocks
then you're into pure sugar-fuelled dopamine
why are mps always so peculiar? I can't remember the last time we've had one that was "normal"
I could eat a normal sized bar of chocolate but after that it makes me feel sick. The one thing I can do is drink beer endlessly and they say that is loaded with calories but I drink at least 5 or 6 cans of beer per day but I don't gain any weight
Loads of mongs are mentally ill, why wouldn't you be depressed if you're constantly having to cope with being stupider than everyone? Same with more serious stuff like schizophrenia and Bipolar 1, how many people with these disorders raise healthy, mentally happy, well educated, well earning children? Brilliant mentally ill people are the exception, most chronically mentally ill are deeply embedded in the underclass.
good times.
Wtf bro do the white race a favour and slap some sense into her
cry me a fucking river
looks comfy
how can you convince me that locking up women would be a bad thing? just look
The time for self reflection is nigh
Theory: intelligent people are more prone to mental illness because their thought processes can override the neurotransmitters released after completing rewarding, constructive activities
just some egocentric posters who are using their belief of intellectual superiority as a mechanism to get over their problems and feel worthwhile in a world that makes you feel worthless la'
i feel like fat people just took their refuse in food whereas i took mine in drugs and alcohol but even though i look a lot healthier than them my mind is probably much much worse
would have sex with a man only if I’m top and only if they look feminine
wacky bruce at it again
drill business
If you can't stop yourself from shoving junk food down your gullet, it's simply a problem of lack of self-control and willpower. I'm sorry, but you are weak. To become less weak, you have to bare the discomfort of not eating like a fat fuck. Not difficult.
should probably start doing 100 crunches a day but cant be arsed