Would your cunt accept American refugees once the civil war kicks off?
Would your cunt accept American refugees once the civil war kicks off?
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Hope Switzerland accepts me.
yes probably only democRATs
Fucking checked and refutes your question
>civil war
Don't be naive. The worst that could happen is a few terrorist attacks.
yes but only if they're cute single girls from the SOVTH
like so
no. shoot them at the border
They need to learn the language. I would also only accept right wing americans, no liberals allowed. Maybe they will flip the country and the Afd becomes the strongest party?
Nobody wants to go to your shitty country, idiot.
>Allowing refugees to vote
Do Germs really?
It makes no sense that she’s holding her gun like that.
You really believe the Americans fleeing conflict in their own country would be the ones to turn Germany right wing? Doubtful.
The white man has destroyed my land.
What tribe?
By turning it into an economic powerhouse and eventually the most powerful country in the world for 75+ years?
Lol not even the illegal immigrants would try to go back
They hardly accept their own kind (ie Germans, French, Italians). I doubt they'll make an exception for you.
stop pestering about "muh gun discipline" just let the confederate girl have her coffee in peace
there wont be a civil war, no matter how much the media wants it or the braindead lefty twitter retards and Zig Forumstards cry about
what would it take for it to become a civil war?
All of the nuclear weapons to magically disappear and a technological collapse
It’s less about gun discipline and more about physics
thanks for the intel
I'll run it by my CBP PФ handler to see what he thinks
>Nobody wants to go to your shitty country, idiot.
He doesn't know about retirees who prefer to live in Mexico than in their shitty country
When America sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people
>civil war
It's going to be more like the Troubles in Ireland, I think.
This, shit wont happen with bread and circus and all this technology around. Everyone is angry but nothing will happen because you can go back to watching youtube videos at anytime
I sometimes like to hold things off their center of gravity because I like the extra weight in my hands :)
How come all your women want white cock?
Worst case scenario it would be Italy's Years of Lead
only big tiddy WASPs tho
bleach us senpai
Basically this. Possibly with Hispanic and native american backgrounds
We will send our chuds and lefties to die in America
Nothing wrong with the original quote.