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International #1339
Does your country have "herd immunity?"
Why are nordics allowed to be proud of viking ancestors but italians can't do the same with romans?
What's your opinion about Lebanon, guys?
German stereotypes of other nations from the 1700s
For all the east Europeans and latinos that have "suffered" under so-called communism...
What's the most Third World European (non-eastern) Country?
In the gulf states it's tradition for a boi to dress up in a short skirt and bra as his father buys him an evening with...
Normie logic
be me
What race would you not date?
/v4/ + friends
/weltuntergang/ ehemals /deutsch/
/med/-Mediterranean general
Scotland is Cel-
1. Cunt
Why do this?
Do euro niggas really not celebrate Thanksgiving? If you don't do you have something like it?
Sverigetråden - Basshunterupplagan
Does your language have any forms of creole or major differences in how it is spoken besides the "regular" version...
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
Why couldnt i just have been born a girl
Why do americans like black people so much?
When was the last time you saw someone wearing a mask? for me it was a few days ago
Ask a favelado anything
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
What is the most disgusting, horrible or evil part of your country
Write the name of this youtube channel without looking it up
/esp/ - Hilo Español
Yep, i think based
Why do people laugh at italy for losing to the Ethiopians?
/FR/ - le francofile
Do you agree with this?
Seriously why do Americans do this to their children?
Why do Slavs have no cheese?
/ישר/- /อิสร/- /isr/- /이스라/ + חברים
The CHADS of Asia
Do you agree?
Europeans live with their parents after they turn 18
Why is the world at large still blind to climate change?
Man takes a break crying how his family lost everything when his house was submerged by the worst typhoon to hit Manila...
Do you personally know anybody IRL who's extremely racist? If so, how do you deal with them...
Why did they abandon their English/British identity and identify more with their far away lands...
Sweden's population has become much more ethnically...
/TtFg/ - Thirdies to Firsties General
Kurva anyátok
Gas all korean whores
ITT American anons rate their servants from most obedient dogo to naughtiest dogo
What makes Asian women superior to white women?
Germany thread
How are they related ?
I want a Norwegian husband do their men like American women???
Japan should re-adopt State Shintoism and become an Absolute Monarchy
Fixed the balkans
Which of these countries is most worthy to rule Antarctica?
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Why are Western European countries and their descendents (America, Canada, Australia) so in love with blacks?
My wife and I are thinking of emigrating from the US. She's a first gen of Chinese decent and I'm like 7th gen US
I'm opening a chance for Zig Forums to ask buddhists, You can ask anything about Buddhism...
Are (You) taller than the average worldwide height?
Do you love korean men?
Is this map accurate for your country?
Thoughts on the balkans?
The official tier list of US states
/deSEA/ or /asean/+/desi/
Where did it go so wrong for the American zoomer?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2452
Sverigetråden - Kattupplagan
Hilo del CABE
Do you think the youths of your country have any future?
Thoughts on latin america?
Why do South Korea and Vietnam have no cool historic or modern buildings like China and Japan?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Is there a white majority or asian majority area where pic related is common?
Just submitted applications to UToronto and McGill for grad school, can't wait to get out of the USA bros
Why doesn't socialism work? It has failed in every single country that tried it. My question is why?
Are small Finnish eyes attractive in your country?
The future
Replace the Spanish, Italians and Portuguese with the Germans, English and Dutch. And this would be a highly rich...
Famous people you've met IRL
Tfw hate living in a cold country
Choose wisely
Rightful Brazilian clay
English niggas be like, "hello, how are you?"
I'm thinking about converting to buddhism. What's your country's opinion on buddhism?
Your cunt
Post from your country
How do people say "hello" in your area?
I suffer in Brazil
First worlder: "bro, I have depression"
Quick rundown on their leaders 1940-2000?
Is the education system in your country any good?
So what do you Zig Forumscels dream about at night in your country?
Wait, real american women look like THAT !?!
/lat/ hilo latino
/blutsauger/ zur /nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends
Filipinobros, why didn't you ever tell me Manila looks just like a Latin American city?
Parts of countries very different than the rest of the country
/fr/ - le francofil
/cali/ general
Post the most accurate representation of what exactly a person of your country should look like
Why does Europe have no freedom of speech? I thought they were an American colony like Japan and Korea
Sverigetråden Skånska upplagan
1.5 years until my italian citizenship gets recognized
Medicine>>engineering>>>>>>>>>>>everything else
Why do french people have such a disproportional representation of Fields Medals (Math Nobel Prizes) compared to other...
Mark Zuckerberg has been fascinated by Augustus Caesar for years
Were the leaders of your country handsome / pretty in their youth
Why are they like this?
How easy or difficult is it for you to get a firearm in your cunt?
This is my nose
Why do you guys think America is so evil? Name a single bad thing America has done that your country hasn’t also done
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
How did you know I was German?
Be american
What happens here?
/ita/ - il filo
/v4/ + friends
View from window thread
Sverigetråden - Brottsliga upplagan
Redpill me on the Turkish drone meme
Patattens met frietens editie
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Behold, the king of Zig Forums and kingpin of Malmö :)
USA: Move or Stay
/fr/ le francofil
If you could snap your fingers and know 5 languages would you choose?
Look up American traditional foods
How accurate is this map of Europe according their Pokémon types?
Whats the most dangerous non-human animal in your cunt? have you ever encountered one?
What country is the most likely to collapse within the next 12 months?
Why are Swedish men intimidated by tall women?
Imagine not knowing this feel
Missing out on teenage love is worse than cancer
This is swedens biggest musician right now
Let's be honest: Spain is a Third World Country (at least 75% of it) with top-tier infrastructures subsidized by the...
Thoughts on the Western United States
Be native american
Who are the definitive good guys on this planet?
/sippen/ ehemals /deutsch/ am Abend
When I die I want to become a mummy
Search for "your cunt + folk/traditional music"
This man raids your village
Sverigetråden - Akimbo meido
How come america spend a country entire GDP of money into a movie and is the most fake realistic boring CGI garbage but...
Tfw no fat ugly scottish gf
How the fuck did Welsh survive? I thought it was Irish-tier irrelevant...
Does anyone recognize where this nose come from?
Kamala Harris Made Up of All The People (Mostly Young Black Males) She Prosecuted
Say something nasty about Britain
What drives someone to become an immigrant?
Is it true that Americans eat tacos?
Make your choice anons
20 years old Algerian user here
Why do so many men (mostly millenials) in america use female gestures and ways of showing emotion and think its normal...
Why are ESLs so arrogant?
Do you like the brutalism?
This is the flag of Armenia
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Post what an upper middle class residential neighborhood in you are a country looks like
Kurva anyátok
Guess the country thread
Is it normal in your country for most of your class to die after high school...
/fr/ - Fil francophone
Norway is fucking enormous huge
There are "nationalists" in Turkey who think Pakistan should join Turan if it is ever created...
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Why did the worst and swarthiest Christian kingdom conquer the Iberian Peninsula?
/ita/ - il filo
/world of polska/
Why Portuguese posters always keep saying here Portuguese women are pure and conservative if more than 60% of their...
What's with Americans and wearing hats, but mostly baseball caps, indoors?
Sverigetråden - Fisbjörnsupplagan
Explain this map to me
Which country's girls are most anime looking?
We have a generation of neo-bolsheviks here in Poland
What are your honest thoughts on America?
What do you think about russia? personally Im a big fan of russia...
Why are Americans like this?
There are 4 Spaniards in this pic, the rest are Costa Rican mutts
/goth-gf/ ehemalig /deutsch/
Which Pepe or Apu do you think best represents you?
HOLY BALLS. Where in the world can I find dark haired, dark eyed women like this?
Sweden is not a NATO member
Russia has once again proved that it is one of the most progressive countries in the world
French niggas be like:
Oh no no
*lives rent free in Zig Forums's head without even posting*
Arabs have clans and Indians have castes. But what's actually the difference between a caste and a clan?
Why do they write so many letters but only pronounce a few?
Is it acceptable to piss in thhe street in your country ?
Ywn marry a wholesome iconographer who rejects degenerate western art
America's soft power is weaker than I thought
Was Jesus a real person?
How do you feel about women that are not native to your country?
When did Europe start to lose its touch for beauty? Was Pablo Picasso the catalyst or is it American influence?
This is one of these "no go areas" in stockholm. Why are americans so afraid of these?
/gal/ - fío da galicia
Sverigetråden - Låg profil upplagan
/dixie/ Southern US & Frens
Russian architecture thread
Le fil des Alpes - /fr/
What’s the most common, generic name in your country? Ours is probably Noah, I know way too many Noahs
There are literally hundreds of know ex ISIS members living in Switzerland on welfare
Blue = Civilisation
Why do Europeans love Lidl so much?
Beautiful Arab Women Don't Exi-
I suffer in Canada
Apply for 200+ jobs
France is just as rich as the UK...
What happens here?
Is it true that white people stopped having kids because they're expensive?
There is not a single image of Bill Gates wearing a mask
To the people that oppose immigration. Remember, half of the people that immigrate are women
Can someone give me a quick rundown on the Netherlands?
/ita/ - il filo
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
Amerigganer grabbeln /deutsch/
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Hmm, today I'll walk on land
Arab bros.... we lost
Where would you rather live?
How the FUCK do you unironically get a girlfriend? Not even memeing
I am an Afghan refugee
Good morning Zig Forums
Is Poland 1st world now?
Sverigetråden - Tokiga upplagan
Koreans swap social media accounts
How do you say cat in your native language?
VGH the cute bois of Germania
Zoomers will never understand this feel
/fr/ - le fil libre du pays réel et de la francophonie
As a gay man, I just don't understand how women can be attractive, inside or out
The World in 2030
Hogs all the coastline
/med/-Mediterranean general
It doesn't matter what your culture or nationality is, as long as you're here in the United States...
Italians dont even speak latin anymore
From which country are usually the best & worst players you've met online?
What does the future look like in your cunt?
I must admit... I... kinda like german humour
Which immigrants are the most welcome to your country?
How do all the homophobic Middle Easterners on this board cope with the fact that they have the longest tradition of...
Talking to american girl on interpals
Post your amore
What the fuck man, how do scadinavians survive in this shit?
Belgium does NOT belong to the Netherlands
/ita/ - il filo
Missing out on teenage love is worse than cancer
Sverigetråden - vakna upp i det här fittlandet upplagan
Why are polish "people" like this?
Now that the war is over, can they be frens?
Why are Indian flags so self-loathing on this board...
Why do they look latino?
List of insect languages:
Do non-Americans know of all US states? If I mention Missouri or Idaho would you know what I'm talking about...
/esp/ - Hilo españolico
What the fuck
Did you know that Finns get lied at school about """Russian""" atrocities during the Swedish empire time but actually...
/v4/ + friends
How long until Britain comes crawling back to us?
Do you have schizoboomers in your cunt?
In Saudi Arabia and Greece, men look down on women who were used by another man before...
You wake up as a 2/10 black guy in a white country
Asian dyel from my gym
Be Norwegian
/rus/ - /bel/ - /ukr/
This is for little kids
1) Go to YouTube
I'm Taiwanese and would rather become a Japanese state than unify with China
I am based
/isr/ /ישר/
/skandi/ - søgeord: norge sverige island færøerne
Why hasn't your country taken the universal healthcare pill?
This girl is literally saying that she likes me on the cringiest way you can imagine
Kurva anyátok
/frühschicht/ ehemals /nachtschicht/ ehemals /groBdeutsch/ ehemals /deutsch/
When did it peak?
Well? Where's your city?
Hello, Zig Forums
How was evolution taught in your school?
Your cunt
My biggest fetish is mature woman kissing young boys. What fetishes do people have in your cunt?
Former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, who is visiting South Korea...
The sad fact is, the majority of Americans, would agreed with these sentiments...
Has anyone else noticed that Indonesian posters have become very Muslim lately...
Tfw I get 20 intrusive thoughts on any given day
Do canadians really?
Does your royal family trigger white women?
Thread got deleted so ill post it here
Why are asian men obsessed with video games?
Chinese are now taller than Italians
Who is the greatest man to have live in all of Zig Forumsernational history and why was it Augustus?
Why do Western Europeans zoomers abuse panchitos/sudacas so much? It happens everywhere
Does your country have diaspora population? What are they like?
Can you call these countries safe?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Does your country have half naked woman reporting on the news?
How's the dating culture in your country?
Do this happen in your country?
/fr/ - le francofil
Why do the Yellow Asians treat the Brown Asians so poorly?
How will the human race be remembered when we all go?
How bad is it?
Why are we like this?
There are two types of people; those who view the world through race and ethnicity...
Falun Gong
Do non-Americans and non-Italians prefer American style pizza or Italian style pizza?
1. google "most handsome man in *ur cunt*"
Does anyone else think the concept of "Asia" is very outdated?
/dixie/ sovthern kemalists & friends of atatvrk edition
/flag/ + /extraflags/
The United States of Fat
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /groBdeutsch/ ehemals /deutsch/
The fact that this website allows porn and the worst of internet should make us understand that we need to leave this...
The French are a bunch of cowa-
/cali/ - California General
What do you mean Canadians are the same as Americans? Canada is so different...
The most prosperous and peaceful city in Mexico has a population of 80% white american expats and 20% "native" brown...
Would he be a 10/10 in your country?
What's a easy passport to get?
Recommend me a good movie, no capeshit
Why are the japanese so shit at English?
Which Pepe or Apu do you think best represents you?
Why isn't Quebec a country?
Post good food from your country. pic rel is traditional soul food, fried catfish and collards
Sverigetråden - Coronaupplagan
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2451
Why are thirdies so much cooler than firsties?
/land reclamation/
Is balding common in your country?
Will the EU succeed?
Does this happen in your cunt?
Post the most relevant area of your country
Has anyone here ever had sex reassignment surgery or knows someone who did?
In Pisa I got lots of stares. What would I get in your city?
Ywn be anglo
Brazil is not Latin American. As an American, I don't see Brazil as anything like Latin America
Is this common among French women?
Croatia aims to join the Eurozone by 2023
Chinese Compliments
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
What country do most immigrants in your country come from? What are they like?
Can you fight?
This is an American pizza
What do you think people even do here all day?
Sverigetråden - Bö ti-upplagan
Go to zillow.com
*defecates on you*
Do you love white hispanics?
How do you rate the 5G network in your country? Is it up to par?
A martyr of the modern age
Why is this allowed in america?
Why do Americans stutter?
be American
If you aren't at least a little ashamed of your country's history, you don't know your country's history
/fr/ - le francofil
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
/mena/ - Middle East & North Africa
/ita/ - il filo
/dixie/ - SOVTHERN US and Washington D.C. and friends
Post only brown countries things
I can't believe how small Europe is
Is getting a gf notoriously difficult in your country? In turkey it is
Betrayed expectations map
Brazil bros
This is a map of Portugal
Post something you love about the country above your post
What is your cunt’s version of this?
Sverigetråden - Trötta upplagan
I want to live in New York City
Post from your country
Do you agree?
Barbarians, I
What was the major #happening around the time you were born?
Why does Japan not use this version of their flag anymore? It's so much more inspiring over a prolapsed asshole
Constantly rated as some of the best countries in the world
Do you watch French cartoons in your country?
Amazon is about to pay 37B to EU`s antitrust commission in fines
Real European countries vs fake countries
Do you love Poland?
This is Ferdinand Foch
Pretending to be a Jewish Israeli woman on twitter for political shitposting purposes
What do people in your country think of latin america?
Sverigetråden - Stormupplagan
The Best Continent
Do the swiss know pain?
/fr/ - le francofil
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Can a Nordic person explain what my hopefully soon to be Nordic gf meant by this? It was on her profile
The worst area of your country
ITT: we pretend to write in the language of the above poster with made up words that look like the language
Would you rather have an English gf of bf or a Scottish gf or bf?
I hate them cause them tried to genocide us 75 years ago
Would your cunt accept American refugees once the civil war kicks off?
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
What happens here? military base?
Will paleness come back in style as China's power increases and its sense of aesthetics is elevated among the world's...
Does your country have old 2007-2010 youtube videos that became ultra memes?
How is china succeeding in Africa but all of western civilization failed?
Can Europeans rap?
What do you guys know about Burma/Myanmar?
What did your country used to be about?
Are...are we humorless?
1. Your country
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine