Why do they look latino?
Why do they look latino?
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Because Spain gave your entire continent daddy issues
They fucked your race
lmao, what a non country. they have histories of thousands of years while your artificial shithole is less than 200 years old. Imagine living in a country with no history, culture, and stealing it from its original inhabitants. i feel bad for you
We are them they are us
Define looking Latino
>Imagine living in a country with no history
Not true bro. One time they got BTFO by Brazil.
Because they fucked their way across your shithole continent.
if you told me every one of these people was brazilian from sao paolo i'd believe you
Medieval Moors and Aräps inseminate and rape south european women -> southern euro rapebabies come into existence -> southern euro rapebabies rape and inseminate south american natives
They look like latinos (and vice versa) because of common moorish blood. I call it the Southern European-Latino-Moor triangle of Rape.
What a meme
Yes, you can seethe cry and whine but facts dont care about your feelings.
>A jew saying this
Fucking Texas has a longer history than your nation-state kek
Genetic studies don't care about your feelings either
I wonder what that ancient primordial BVLL ancestor looked like.
>muh (((genetic studies)))
Yes very credible studies done by ZOGGED academia and longnose """"""scientists"""""". You're standing on shaky ground bro.
I'm not. Sicilians Calabrians and people from Puglia have some moorish blood. The other regions don't and the genetic studies prove. They prove both of these things which mirror history
Don't you find it incredible how all those 9 individuals can easily pass as locals in Latin America and the mediterranean world(south euro, levant, north africa). This is the culmination of thousands of years of rape.
You are an european larping as a middle eastern. Yes, your true languages are yiddish and ladino
There is more iberian admixture in morocco than the other way around and it seems that it goes from far back since our countries are really close. The moors were literally spanish converting to islam. It was literally the reason in the XIII century another dynasty desided to invade again, they saw the muslims in spain as corrupted because they drank wine and ate pork.
Lmao cope
Not at all
I geniunely don't care because I am asturian and I use moor to bully andalusians.
i think spaniards dont understand when they go to china, the chinese think you are arab
Sardinians are the swarthiest of Italians. Then you have maps like these and the Arab incels screaming about
We don't give a crap about whiteness you fucking retards. To us its more about culture shit.
I'm less Arabic than a fucking Latvian
Is that why you and Italians are the only ones outside the Balkans famous for making monkey sounds and racist slurs towards African players? I think you do care about whiteness quite a bit
You're making it sound like hooligans represent the average citizen and everyone else doesn't act like them for optics (saving face) while in reality those people are a minority
Also what is defined as white culture in the US greatly comes from non white European countries like Italy and none from Eastern Europe. Italians saying we are europeans is not wanting to be white. Maybe you should check yourself before checking others