What do you think people even do here all day?
What do you think people even do here all day?
Other urls found in this thread:
smoke weed and watch old soviet movies
Eat bountiful amounts of food, frolick in the fields, have picnics, relax in the sun, maybe go skiing at their 5 star ski resort in the north, go do their maximum 5 hours of work a week.
wageslave nonstop
Live peacefully under the guiding light of the Great Marshal.
Dab on *m*r*m*tts by simply existing (and thriving)
polish statues of Kim Il-Sung while producing nothing of value whatsoever resulting in famine
Work, eat soup, praise the leader
I like ya cut g
my money's on gaysex
That's am*rikkka though.
Military parades.
Drinking and drugs to cope with boredom.
Shadow economy between peasants, specially women.
Drink, '' work'', go to propaganda events, watch propaganda television, starve and get arrested for killing themselves.
So just like the west other than the starving part.
Work, starve to death, or get blown up by anti-aircraft guns.
Now that I think about it, yes. It's not all that different.
larp as traffic lights
That looks extremely slippery
The will of the Dear Leader supplies traction to all
Just that minor starving part.
Try to escape shithole and get sunk by Japanese torpedo. Just being gooks.
>15 killed
they build the world's largest roadmobile icbm and then parade it
Masturbate to their leader
Coom to tv broadcast of glorious dominatrix Kim Yo Jong.
Bit grim
anyone has an actual non-meme answer?