Do you think the youths of your country have any future?

Do you think the youths of your country have any future?

Attached: kids.png (750x1334, 147.54K)

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No, climate change means there won't be a future for most young people.

>That user on /g/ that has terrabytes of OnlyFans shit.

american culture is such deadly cancer

We shall be watching your career with great interest

subscribing to
>lauren southern
>learn liberty

why are people on this website so mentally ill they roleplay as young girls?

Did he pay for it?

>crying about onlyfans
Either "moral"fags or poor coomers that don't learn to be respetable pirates.

you forgot
>mike matei aka loco bandito racialist
poltards are really like this. worst example of poltards on youtube is any WW2 related comment section

and these "people" have courage to accuse jews of lying all the time lol

That's why you have to support China's overthrow of the American World Order

>Climate change
This better happen desu, it's my coping mechanism for everything
>Technological dystopia? Doesn't matter, global warming will wipe it out
>Globalism? Doesn't matter, global warming will wipe it out
>Liberalism? Doesn't matter, global warming will wipe it out
If AGW, is real, there's hope for the future. If it isn't we're doomed.

Do you want your daughters having OnlyFans?

Attached: kids.webm (720x406, 2.95M)

It means I was a failure of a father, at least in an important way. But at the end of the day bro, God decided our destinies long before we were born. Some were born to be presidents, or doctors or cashiers. And some were born to be whores. There is only so much a parent can do when it comes to their child's destiny.

No. He has several hundred terrabytes of pirated porn. His OnlyFans folder was about 4 TB from what I remember.

No. A combination of Reddit, Twitter, Netflix, Chinese apps and videogames and Am*rican culture in general has completely destroyed the psyche of city people. The rural youth might stand a better chance as they're away from all this bs

Men build, women destroy.

who would've thought it was going to get worse.

Attached: 1594522606154.jpg (1194x828, 126.91K)

Is he sharing it?

Not the last time I saw him.

Look at her/his uploaded videos tho

sometimes I think like that too, but I don't go as far as wanting a real armageddon

I love being a ruralfag
All cityniggers are the same in every country Ive been in. Clueless, on edge and really just frustrated with their lives.
I have more in common with rednecks from america or some village hicks in russia
We truly shall inherit this world

i despise zoomers deeply

Success breeds jealousy.
Why don't these girls start now? Only men get arrested, they are free to post their own child porn.

Attached: life.jpg (1080x321, 77.69K)

>We truly shall inherit this world

>CIM okay
>COF not okay


Under the Biden Administration, it will become possible... to blackmail white men into becoming semen receptacles for gays, trannies and BIPOCs. They essentially consented to this when they chose Biden as the President.

If you don't present your ass to the nearest gay/Person of Color, accusations of racism and homo/transphobia could cost you your job

CIM means she just sucks him off till he cooms so the skit doesn't get on her face

>16 year old girl sells sex
>gets caught, the men gets arrested
>the girl is continues looking for other men


There is not a better place for building a future as a youth than in Canada/Western Europe/Australia/NZ and "muh onlyfans" is not an argument
You would not give two shits about that if you found yourself finishing a medicine degree in Eastern Europe and having to work for a laughably small amount and have to take bribes just to live a middle class life (debatable if that's even a thing here though)

It would hurt me profoundly