Why are Americans like this?

Why are Americans like this?

Attached: anti eu clowns.png (494x528, 263.13K)


>Implying Americans care
You overestimate our interest in your politics, trust me, your obsession is nonreciprocal.

i dont understand your image or your point

Why would you want to be united? have you not learned from us and other countries, they're always disasters

What the fuck, We literally formed NATO and UN, what the fuck do you think about our thoughts on globalism. We are the "basic" consumer. We are the "basic" "international" nation.

Europe will unite into a European version of the Arab League once all the nations become Muslim majority, which I think will happen around 2050-70.

We also need international trade, our navy goes around the globe, our planes, our citizens, etc etc.


Why are EU federalists so obsessed with the USA? I'm in a EU group on Normiebook and half of the memes are about America. Stop being obsessed.

Yeah I'm sure most Americans know have heard of lisbon or vladivostok let alone know where they are. The truth is Americans genuinely never think of europe unless we are looking for a vacation spot. we could not care less about what you do

Rent free

>Even a united Europe couldn't compete with USA or China
This is true though

Seethe, you know it's over. Honestly, I don't see it as an entirely bad thing. If Europe is so weak it is aiding its conquerors, it deserves to fall.

Me? I'd rather have a heavily centralized EVROPEAN EMPIRE centered on Vienna. With Swiss-style direct democracy.

Because the USA is the one country that's even remotely comparable to what they want the EU to be.

Why? I think the EU is growing stronger. But then again it's an opinion just like yours.

You arent even a nation just a cesspool of degeneracy

Do EU shills like to blame everyone who is sceptical of the eu as "Americans" even though they are not ? What's wrong with eu faggots anyways ?

i dont understand this meme format

>I'm in a EU group on Normiebook

Attached: 1444508088357.png (1024x749, 116.8K)

The year is 2220
All of the European continent and Asian continent have joined forces together to create the Eurasian Union. The Amerimutt and Chinese menace has been eradicated. From Lisbon to Tokyo, people from all around the world unite to progress humanity to conquer the stars. This is the ideal future for us all, will you choose it

>from Lisbon to Vladivostok


>european coping

Attached: 1605190441808.jpg (471x388, 13.51K)

Americans have never heard of Vladivostok
t. American

Trump is/was buttmad about EU.

You aren't a nation just a cesspool of degeneracy.


That Breitbart dude too.


Because it’s true. Europeans unironically still believe in the National and post-National experiment while at the same time believing in inherent mutually intelligibilities which are divided by borders. At least Americans were smart enough to realize that unless those intelligibities were overcome, nations and post-nations couldn’t exist, even if they were always a farce anyway.

They are right tho. The EU is an awful thing. You and me have nothing in common OP.

I don't get it

Because the globalism that is sold to europeans is turning all of europe in a third world federation shithole one third muslim, one third black and the rest random whites blamed by everything and paying high taxes. European Union would be a good idea if the euros fought for their own race, but they are supreme cucks.