So what do you Zig Forumscels dream about at night in your country?

so what do you Zig Forumscels dream about at night in your country?

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about your bobba

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I dream of loving and being loved.

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>she wakes up at 5 am
>she posts on Zig Forums
>she posts on Zig Forums until she goes to bed at 2am
Hello you are the biggest Zig Forumscel???

Is that you

big booty latinas


nice to know
ohh user i would give you a hug if i could
am i?

highschool and middle school times and classmates
every single night for about 6 months now

Yes I think you are a social reject and possibly even a virgin

Not that it's a bad thing but that's what i can gather

Becoming some sort of God King and building a harem of the world's women

Unfortunately I'm not that cat user.

Thank u

agricultural machinery

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so that means you miss the old days where you weren't an adult yet
sounds like projection to me

sleeping is the worst part of day, it's only time when I have any semblance of emotions, about every night I wake up to a overwhelming sense of sorrow and hopelessness, if I get out of bed and walk around for a few minutes it goes away but I absolutely dread sleeping because of it
I think my body is trying to tell me something, I think I have been alone for too long

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>so that means you miss the old days where you weren't an adult yet
yes, I made no friends at uni and since the lockdown I've only talked to 3 people outside of my family and all of them are my friends since middle school

last dream i had was having sex with a girl but she told me to stop coz my penis is too thin

No it's not a projection, it's a psychological profiling. Also I'm not a virgin and very much comfortable with my social reject status so I have no need to project
>she is aged 18-20
>deeply insecure
>act haughty and catty online
>probably weird girl in high school
>try to present herself like she isn't by saying her interests are beauty and grooming
>try to come across as a hot bitchy socialite online who wears high heels and go for pedicures
>still spends hours and hours on a shitposting forum for autistic NEETS
I'm on to you

in my dreams i often run very fast and jump very high and far i think about 20 meters
i really like these kind of dreams

Last night I dreamt my co-workers I've not seen since March got together to go to a bar, then it turned out to be a little birthday party for me, then they disappeared and I had to get a ride home.

It's been awhile since I've really remembered a dream other than that.

Killing my self or ways in which I can day

Your glorious boobies. Will anything convince you to show them again?

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I dreamed i was in ww3 and koreans or maybe chinese shot at me with ak47s in the parking lot of a local supermarket.

i dream of OP being violently murdered


hope for you it's just a dream and not also the reality
are you a psychologist? that's right your'e not
>still spends hours and hours on a shitposting forum for autistic NEETS
projection, i shitpost here every now and then mostly through my phone when i'm bored
it is you who post in every thread i make, not the other way around
get help user
a 20 (you)s will do

That's not what projection means. Projection would be if I used a tripcode to show everyone on Zig Forums that I was a ripped football player and talking about hanging around with my bros and banging hot blondes

I didn't post in bad faith, so you don't need to be upset, however it does seem to indicate that it was accurate hmhmhm

yet another projection, am not upset just pointed out that it's you who post in every thread i make

(you) #1
אני חוצר התיתיס

Thats not what projection means aaahhh

And yeah I've never said otherwise

but it is though, you're projecting onto me your upsetness, deep insecurities etc.

being some kind of lone adventurer

I used to dream about my high school buddies back in a day

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(you) #2
how do you do?


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(you) #3
A pleasure to see

i dreamt that i was running away from something but i had no idea what it was. this was playing in the background
i have a music playlist i listen to sometimes when i go to sleep if that explains it.

(you) #4
we've been here before


I'm just saying that your persona of a bad boss bitch wearing heels and manicure doesn't go together with you posting on a forum for anonymous NEETs for compliments about your eyes, hands, body etc
That leads to the conclusion that your tripcode adventures is who you want and aspire to be, and you wouldn't feel that need if you actually were the hot socialite.

I'm a NEET with mild aspergers and never claim to be anything else, so I don't understand how any of this would be projection on my part

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All of my dreams are random but lately they have had negative undertones like rejection, isolation, anxiety.

(you) #5
I feel truly alive

(you) #6
part of your tricks