how to find traditional wifu?
/desi/: Deepavali edition day 2
Good morning bros
Why would you want to find a living person with the same utility as a microwave?
We only celebrate Vijayadashmi in our house. The rest of the 2 days there is not much.
A traditional wife will cook for you on open flame. Modern one will reheat something frozen from the mall in microwave.
>Due to sky high unemployment Hindus are now taking seats of momeens in Islamic courses, and will soon be appointed as Maulavis in masjids all over India
Muslims are ngmi, lolololol
muh dick
date was good today frens
happy deepavali
Belongs to muh dick, foreigner
This. I hate women who can't cook.
My 2/10 friend went to Germany to a shitty University and got himself a white girlfriend. I hate my life
Did you not know that white and whasian girls find non incel acting Indians pretty attractive?
Also how would you rate the girl's attractiveness
what's whasian tammy. I've only seen that word from you
How to tell relatives that you don't want to come to their house without hurting their feelings?
White-Asian aka hapas
Dude's an incel. Hated girls back in school. Thought they shouldn't be allowed in schools without hijab.
Tell you are not feeling well. That you have a slight cough
>That you have a slight cough
The person who invited me has more than a slight cough and is going everywhere with his 4 year old kid, neither of them have a mask. The shops they're going has no one wearing a mask.
Correction, he went to Ukraine, not Germany.
I'm not autistic enough to rate women or other things on a scale of 10, but she has a long face. Would fuck not marry.
Be blunt? Hey covid time and I dont want to meet you rn
Damn he’s boning a happa. Lucky lad
White + asian, only ever heard hapa when I came here
Rn in her studio apartment actually, probably gonna go to sleep here soon once we finish our project
I thought white bootlickers were bad but this is a new low. Why are you guys like this?
Not gonna get it wet tonight?
That might be an inch newfag
Seems so. Everything they post reeks of insecurity and immaturity.
why is india such a horrible country?
Yep. And the seethe when someone drops some hindu vs muslim bait. Us desi bros don’t make such post because we don’t care for wypipo attention.
My grandmother died in Bengaluru and she had to be cremated hours later because there was no room at the morgue to hold her body because of all the covid deaths
What a pathetic larp. And every one of you is enabling his mental behavior. He larps as a 6'5 sometimes, sometimes as a med student then as a coder and you lot just slurp it up.
whasian sounds gay as hell
I'll be honest with you it's because there are not enough of us Indians
>I want to learn node
>So can you tell me road map for that
Do they really? And what the heck is a road map?
We started working on a group project afterwards bc we forgot that it's due on Monday
She said I can crash here since it's so late, wish me luck
What about birth control?
Always have a condom in my wallet since 10th grade lmao
I had to go to an antik sanskar thing and the creation place had covid patients, they opened their bodies to do the antik sanskar and there was panic. Kind of fucked up
Hello MH, do you know that a person can be a premed student and still attend a Hackathon at the same time? It's not mutually exclusive bitchboy, I have interests
Dude, having a rubber between your dick and a warm, wet pussy is like humping your hand. Does she have pills? Tell her to take it or go for the morning after or if you’re confident enough, pull out.
Similar thing happened to my grandfather who died of COVID back in June, he was unfortunately one of the first in Chennai and in Tamil Nadu as a whole
My relatives weren't even allowed to see his body because it was fully wrapped and treated as a virus vector
They only gave us the ashes
>Does she have pills? Tell her to take it
Ruins their hormones and turns them into western whores