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International #1341
Do you want to find love in Sexentina?
There were more Ukrainians than Russians until 17 century
/nachti/ vllt /zu früh/ ganz bestimmt /deutsch/
Americans call this 'coffee'
1. Your country
How did he get away with it?
Meds be like
Dutch is ugl-
Ven land, Suomi, Finland, explain yourself
Most voted councilman in Brazil
How can white women compete?
I am black in America
South Korea appreciation thread
Poland, Hungary veto EU budget over rule-of-law issue
I'm so tired of studying and cramming for exams. I wish I had cute girl to relax with
Sverigetråden - Våldsamma upplagan
Is it true that in the 3rd world Ikea furniture is seen as a status symbol?
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Why do burgers fear seeing their parents naked?
Would Russia be considered Northern European if it stayed in core lands and never expanded to Siberia and Southern...
I don't want to be a porn addict anymore
If one country should rule the earth, which one would it be?
Which race do I belong?
Come to Maine
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + tomodachi
Should Italians be classified as brown?
Do people in your country get tired of being alive?
/fr/ - le fil du soir
Blue - Northern Europe
Yep, this is a photo from an EU country
The Benelux is the rightful heir of Western Europe. Fuck G*rmany and fuck Fr*nce
/mena/ - الشرق الأوسط و شمال إفريقيا
NYC is as hot as Rome during summer
Tfw my teachers bullied me as a kid
Post countries that don't exist
/lat/ hilo latino
Every single citizen in your country knows this man's name
Yeah keep talking user what did jews do
Did your country ever get mentioned in anime?
Who will win a war between Latin America and India?
Is your country a slavelet?
Tfw no gr*ek gf
Sverigetråden Oskuldsupplagan
Is your country being colonised by Russians?
What are the most reddit country leaders? Some example that come to my mind:
Rightful German clay
You wake up in Seattle
I ate so much potato recently with kotletki, it's unreal. My stomach...it's going to explode
/ita/ - il filo
I support Catalan independence
I still dont understand why euros seethe over the fact that we're mutts so much
Do you love France?
What's the longest time you held down a job for?
Why do they pretend they are not Romanian?
2007 Zig Forums
Do yuros rly?
Sverigetråden Alla Kommer Dö-upplagan
In just a year, I survived 3 supertyphoons, 2 earthquakes, a volcanic eruption, covid 19 (hopefully)...
/fr/ - Le Francofil De l'Amour Divin
China now has control over 1/3 of the economic activity on the planet. Even Japan and Australia joined them
/ita/ - il filo
The sacred waters of the Ganges
Same-sex sexual activity legalised in 1858
/v4/ + balk - Sloni
Why is CHINA so based?
Post pictures of Zig Forums meetups
How much does it cost to buy a wife in your country?
Which country has the best lovers?
Italians dont speak roman anymore
Germany is 5.7% Muslim
We're not fr*Goids. We're Alemannic Germans. Our Land isn't named Alsace but Elsass...
1) country
/deutsch/ vong Abend her
Kurva anyátok
White men of int, why arent you making white children? dont you know the white race is dying out?
Post nazis from your country
Days without making EUcucks seethe: 0
Why cant they just be normal?
Graduated 5 months ago
What is your country's main source of electricity?
Why dyez, I am indeed Polish, what gave it away?
Guess the country thread
Sverigetråden - bajsmaxxa
Today is Sanna Marin's 35th birthday. Says something nice about her!
How do I stay positive in the face of diversity?
China has successfully united east Asia and Oceania under their sphere of influence
Why is Zig Forums so left wing?
/spielzeuge/ ehemals /deutsch/
/fr/ - le fil du confinement
Tell me about Macau, has anyone been to here? What do people do here...
Is finland the closest example we have of paradise on earth?
Have you ever meet a greek?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
American vs Italian Pizza
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
New Restrictions in Sweden!
Red: meme countries that should be annexed by a nearby blue country
It's true?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Why are japs like this?
/ita/ - il filo
Why are Black Africans now claiming Egyptian heritage...
Redpill me on French Guiana
So are people in your country going to get vaccinated when the vaccine comes out?
You have to choose between Italian housewife or Japanese office lady girlfriend
Sverigetråden NYA RESTRIKTIONER-upplagan
Yes, it will happen. No, you cant do anything about it. No, you will not be asked. Yes, you will be ruled by Brussels...
How are muslims viewed in your country?
/desi/-Tamil Kangz edition
Why yes my last name ends with -ski, how could you tell?
Is WMAF common in your country?
Post pictures of based schizo boomers from your country
/fr/ - le francofil des revalations
How many ethnic friends do you have?
Damn... how did this happen
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends:
Imagine being asian
Why is this allowed?
Varg appreciation thread
This board amazes me, alot of people on here seem to be a normalfaggot in real life, i.e having sex, traveling abroad...
Imagine how great Zig Forums would be if pic related was allowed to post on this website
Just how weeb France is?
Why are they still shit at English?
1:Your flag
Do you have windmills in your country
What does incel look like in your country?
Thoughts on the new Chinese Empire?
/med/-Mediterranean general
Do you own a cat?
Rightful Ruler of Turkey
What cunt has the best musicians?
Why did "pekka" become the meme name for finnish people
/lat/ hilo latino
Is incest legal in your cunt?
Convince me not to go to Turkey for hair transplant
Will they get CRIMEA'D now?
Umm... what does your country think of pre-transition trans girls?
International animals
I am never alone because I always have Allah (swt) by my side
It's 2020 and people are still racist
American custom
/fr/ - le fil de la France
Which country should I go to find a European tradwife?
French people
What do you think about historically black samurais?
/esp/ - Hilo Español
Have you met any Australians in real life? What were they like?
I'm a german girl (female) and I'm looking for a shy japanese bf
This is the flag of Armenia
Sverigetråden - Kaosknegupplagan
Americans make small talk with cashiers
Post SOVL of your childhood
Kurva anyátok
What was it like living in southern europe during the financial crisis? Was it as bad as everyone said it was?
What's the most dangerous animal from your country?
Are books banned in your cunt?
Brown eyes
Australians invented wifi
/ישר/ - /อิสร/ - /isr/ - /ཨི་སི་ར/ - מהדורת הסימפ
How do scandinaviods cope with the darkness in winter...
/ita/ - il filo
Do people in your country like Seinfeld?
A fucking wheel
So this is Chinese poetry... I kneel
6' dad
What was "the incident" at your school?
Is the Latin alphabet based or would you prefer it not to be the script of your language? for those who don't use Latin...
Do Americans really?
What cheese do you like new worlders?
/dixie/ - Southern US & 404
*wards off bad mojo*
/lat/ hilo latino
Post average house in cunt
What do you think of space exploration?
Do you love Japan?
Post shitty food from your cunt. Pic related is from mine
The middle East is now fixed
/mena/ - الشرق الأوسط و شمال إفريقيا
700 fucking years
Why do Brazilians like this show so much?
International help thread
/nachtschicht/ später wieder /deutsch/
What Hikikomori calling in your country?
Do we all agree that they have the most needy women for foreign dick in the world?
My country has a more impressive military history than yours
The concept of race and ethnicity in the new world is too fucking weird
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Why do we have to fondle a dildo to move fast?
You know why I dislike America? No, not because they are the only superpower and they are incredibly shit at that...
Post your country historical uniforms
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Have a beard
Have you ever talked to a german girl? What are they like irl?
It's crazy to think there were less than 200 million blacks in SSA in 1950
Time to go to bed Euros :D
Hey europeans why are you still up?
What should i say to anger an american...
1. your cunt/ethnicity
Are boys in your country into skater culture?
How come latino countries can't develop nukes when India can?
Post the most KINO picture possible you have representing your country
Why yes my views on China are influenced by sexpats who had to leave china after the government cracked down on...
I guess it's time to hate germany again
Does anybody else have a deep fascination with the deep south? I've always wanted to live there...
If a fictional character needs to be of your race for you to empathize with them you're a subhuman
Do you have a brown gf in your cunt?
Why are Americans not scared of dying
Is it over for Germany? They seemed to have become just as unordnung as the rest of Yurop
Would you move to Japan if you had the chance?
/lat/ hilo latino
Slave away for 5 days
Brits have access to this but don't visit it regularly
What is the climate of your city?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Moving to San Francisco next month, from one of the poorest regions in Russia. What should I know before landing there?
1. your cunt
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
What's the most annoying diaspora?
What did food ever do to the people of Britain that they have such a vendetta against it?
You Can Be ReBorn as a Handsome Native of Any Country
If you had to live in one country in MENA besides Israel, what country would you pick?
Do euro countries have “cool” talk?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Post your local birds and wildlife
Fine dining is the most pretentious midwit hobby there is, just give me a simple hamburger
Mountain thread
Why don't Europeans make suburbs American style?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Western Sahara ended its truce with Morocco, who will you support in this imminent war?
What do italians think of this masterpiece?
25 year old American
There are people in this board who eat chicken babies without remorse
Why are mixed people like this?
British niggas get stabbed by a black kid and be like “Right, what’s all this then?”
Do men have this hairstyle in your country?
Rooms of Zig Forums
You are a country?
/mena/ - Middle East & North Africa
/ita/ il filo
What are pitbull owners like in your country?
I am an arab man from the levant, perhaps you have questions for me Zig Forums?
Why are they so superior to everyone else?
This massive idiot once said "If you can get a Big Mac from McDonald's without wearing hijab you're not at all...
"Italians are niggers lmaooo" and similar shitposting aside, what do other countries think about Italy?
How common is this in your country?
Phenotype and Dating preferences
What's the most confusing thing that you don't understand about America or Americans? I will try to explain
What do people in your country think about Ireland?
Does your country have wypipo larping as poc and oppressed minority
What’s the cultural reason that the British are so bad at cooking?
Thoughts on Northwestern Europeans?
1.your country
The uk will stop being a first world country next year. it will become more comparable to portugal or latvia
Why are these fuckers so desperate to be liked? Everything you hear about them are lies.>
Are turkish girls really like this?
What are finns thinking about right now?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2454
Based or cringe?
Wife taking out the trash in the morning
Let's play a game
Ich hasse Leute von diesem Scheiß Land
/fr/ - le francofil
Italian Girls
You wake up in Croydon
Best nation to play as in EU4?
Why Japanese have dark circles under eyes?
/danmarktråden/ + /skandi/
/ita/ il filo
Just how effeminate and progressive are the Nordic countries really?
1. Your flag
Sverigetråden - altrajt upplagan
Why do these retards swear in Russian (cyka, blyat, etc) even when speak their finno ugro tongue?
I tried some wine today, it's fucking disgusting, why are italians and french obsessed with wine...
Why do people criticise Indians for being horny on the internet? It's part of their culture
Which language would you recommend to Japanese people to learn, deutsch or français?
I just wanna eat pork and drink beer with white folks
/ישר/ -/이스라/ - /እስራ/ -/इज़रा/ - /isr/
/lat/ hilo latino
Why do they believe they're white?
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends:
Why are british people like this? I thought they said they were better than americans?
/balk/ - FYROM Thread
Be a isolated nation next to China
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
American children get "The Talk"
Do people in your country believe in corona aka COVID19?
Your county
Your country
Sverigetråden Lena Pål-upplagan
/ita/ il filo
German Cuties
Average russian party
/v4/ + friends
Can a Moldova fag pls tell me what the ramifications of this are? If the woman wins will you rejoin Romania...
It's settled then
/world of polska/
What happens in this country?
ITT we post the ideal Europe
/fr/ - le francofil
Poles in Norway be like
Read about americans complaining that they make 40 000USD + benefits per year as if that is somehow bad
/homoerotisch/ - ehemals - /deutsch/
Why do american high schools look like prisons in their design?
WHAT are Polish women like??? (apart from being attractive)
I kneel
Aboriginal """relics""" are just a bunch of loose rocks
Are Anglos the worst tourists?
What places could I visit in España where there are no Moors?
Why are there so many white girl bloggers in korea?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
What sound do dogs in your country make?
You enter to an American public school
Saudi aren't hated as much as they should be
Do Americans really?
Does your country also still have irredemed lands?
I suffer in a cunt with lots of sun
Sverigetråden - Skadade upplagan
What's this phenotype?
Why are these dudes so butthurt and sensitive here all the time ?
Oh you're from the Balkans??
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
/ESP/ Miguel Unamuno edicion
African BVLL dominates motorsport. White boys just cant compete
/cum/ - canada, usa, mexico
How come they are so tame compared to other muslims?
Tfw I will never ride on the Lisbon-Vladivostok bullet train
Kurva anyátok
There's an ancient chinese proverb that says if you go to bed with an itchy bum you wake up with a smelly finger
Why can't other country be original and creative?
What are your thoughts on this country?
My mom loves this country because their chocolates are very tasty
Germanic bros... latins took this from you
This kills the american
Fucking Mexicans
Is there anything more SOVL than a Mediterranean Village screwed by corruption and tourism?
Post your cunts average police car
/fr/ - le fil des kop1s
Hello Zig Forumsbros
Confess your international sins
What do modern day Italians think of this map?
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
/med/ - Mediterranean general
How much of Turkey is actually white?
/ita/ - il filo
Be not White
NEVER confuse Hungary with Bulgaria ever again
Is it over?
We MUST stick together
Japan nearly became a Catholic country 400 years ago
ASEAN, China, other partners set world's biggest trade pact...
Are you unemployed and poor in your country
What food from your country should i put in my fridge?
Mexicans look like this?
Turks used to look like this before they emigrated from the steppes
What foreign nations have you visited?
I reached 110kg 181cm
Why do arab women have such big ass
Ultimate sign of being third world
I've never seen a single ugly or short white person from this marked region
Are your parents proud or disappointed in you?
Post your Sunday breakfast
What should I do to this motherfucker?
Open up YouTube video
Post average women from your country
It's over lads. Dad just asked me if I'm into girls at all since I'm alone in my pc at saturday night...
/ישר/ - /እስራ/ - /ཨི་སི་ར/ - /isr/ + חברים
Turkey is so big! We have everything
I am an Indian Muslim
Do Japanese like black?
How do I obtain Japanese GF?
I wish I was a fucking Norwegian
International & Interracial marriage
Do you have any savings?
You fuckers told me japan wasn't racist??
Sweden and the UK have never been at war with each other
If you had to leave your country but you could move anywhere in the world starting tomorrow, where would you go and why?
Sverigetråden - Ingrid Bergmans upplaga
Are these the average Australians nowadays?
How come every black person thinks they're from Egypt?
Countries that have nothing in common with their neighbors
I can't cope with being Latino anymore
>one shot at life
/lang/ - language learning general
American gyms
Given demographics, these two states are no longer western civilization
Why do a lot of leaders these days have relatively mediocre credentials? It's not the top uni or whatever. Let's see
Average swedish male
Australia posters are filled with immigrants or the children of immigrants (I am one of them)...
Why do ppl make fun of Americans for using drywall?
/desi/: Deepavali edition day 2
How are mixed race people treated in your cunt?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine