What should I do to this motherfucker?

He drinks all the milk we have every morning and shows no signs of remorse whatsoever.
Does this happen in your cunt?

Attached: IMG_20201115_130850.jpg (3350x4315, 3.57M)

beware he will shit around if he took cow milk a lot

Care for him

watch out there's brown person holding your kitten

If you want to get rid of him, put him up for adoption. But if you want to deal with the milk situation, put the milk on higher surfaces. He's small, he won't be able to reach it until he gets bigger. If you are planning on hurting him, I am planning to bomb whichever Indian city you live in, if city at all.

Cats shouldn't drink milk.

Try putting the milk somewhere where he can't reach?

>If you are planning on hurting him, I am planning to bomb whichever Indian city you live in, if city at all.
fucking based. i will lend you a hand

Microwave it lol
Set it on fire
Get a fish tank and drown it

crush his skull