ITT we post the ideal Europe
Attached: be7e46c37b219e4cf7a676193792fa24.jpg (1200x919, 173.51K)
best case scenario would've probably been if the 1848 revolutions succeeded across Europe
Attached: Europe_1848_map_en.png (2284x1503, 1.22M)
I see bavaria-austria I upvote simple as
seriously. this looks like shit ancient romans or modern soviets would do
ahhh, now THIS is perfect
Attached: fixed europe.png (920x926, 94.98K)
I agree about Transylvania, don't know about the rest
I never understood the stupid obsession with merging portugal and galicia.
"you may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one"
behead those who insult romanians
Attached: 1560523805486.jpg (640x512, 150.75K)
>Ukraine is bigger than it is
>when it is the only country in Europe with ongoing internal ethnic violence
wow totally not a biased map
Retard arab mutt surrender monkey
>croatian coat of arms isnt visible
The only acceptable answer
Attached: evropa.png (1925x1601, 1.5M)
this was always the ultimate destiny of the Rugii
Attached: Rogaland_Flag(NORWAY).png (2400x1500, 70.64K)
Attached: UK Euro.png (2500x2033, 1.31M)
Bavaria-Austria is even more Reddit than Austria-Hungary
Attached: 1585855259732.png (2988x2187, 536.38K)
Attached: freewessex.png (1868x2640, 992.44K)
Attached: 15843600836432.webm (640x640, 1.47M)
Attached: GermanClay.png (1168x576, 26.73K)
wtf this is unironically good
except for greater azerbaijan