Tfw my teachers bullied me as a kid

>tfw my teachers bullied me as a kid
Does this happen in your cunt?

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yeah it happened to me my one teacher hated me because she had clear favorites and her favorites disliked me.....Go suck one, Mrs. Harris.

in my highschool i had a war with our classroom head teacher (its a teacher responsible for a subject and also for general behavior of that class)
she bullied me a lot and always tried to set me up to look like an idiot in front of the class, i used to call her old ugly whore, corrupted whore and old failed woman
she tried to get me kicked out of the school but i was elected class president, had a major class support and documented a bunch of her corruption by organizing the students into a sting operation where these students and their parents would attempt a bribe and the old whore always without a fail accepted the bribes, and i had it all documented

jesus christ so glad i am out of the school, i maintained contact with 0 of those people a week later after i graduated

Good for you for going no-contact with those people. What assholes.

Happened to me in middle school, it was your typical art teacher bitch. She is probably a single lonely feminism hag now

yes, she stuck the sharp end of a pencil in my palm and drew blood because i had bad hand writing

i also had a problem with art type teacher, i kept constantly telling whole class in front of her that her subject is irrelevant and that she should leave us alone with heir nonsensical worthless subject so we could focus on learning the things that actually matter in life

It only happened once. I told my teacher that there was a limit to how cold something could get and he was like no you’re stupid and then i said look it up its true and then he said you’re smart in many ways George but this time you’re stupid and everyone in class laughed at me :( . Well who’s laughing now?

Based. I knew she was a sad little woman back then, but in hindsight she is even sadder

man why do they even allow these retarded women to teach? here is what schools for children would be like if i was making them

>no more arts/literature/useless classes
>sex segregated
>boys have to graduate shooting classes, obstacle classes, small unit tactics, map/orientation skills, locating fresh water sources, basic explosives handling, scouting etc etc
>girls get cooking, child care, athletics
>math is the most important class for both
optional classes, students pick
>labor market dictates which optional class is worth how many graduation points, the more jobs there are the more this class is taught
>schools are educating nurses, welders, stuff that is useful to society

simple as