Tfw my teachers bullied me as a kid

>Maths creates everything of value
This is misguided desu, you think the way our society is organised is based on an equation? You think your national history or your sense of place in the world is due to numbers? Even South Korea with their massive focus on education funds the arts (non-STEM) because it produces a valuable return on investment.

>All men do X and all women do Y
So are you wanting them to be special forces or militia or what? Here we have courses in HS that kids can sign on for and they do training/shooting/marching/camping after school and on weekends. It is one of a few options that is provided (rest are less military focused) and one option has to be taken so a lot of kids pick it. At the end of the training they aren't rambo though and frankly the endurance training isn't so intense that women couldn't do it. Similarly I don't see why men can't learn how to cook (especially if they manlets or something lol)

>No you can't just do the classes your interested in!
This is literally how post-HS education works lad. Studying Latin when I was 14 and Chemistry when I was 16 has (surprisingly enough) NOT helped me very much because that is not applicable to my career path. Not everyone is going to grow up to be a STEMfag and your basically ignoring that to build an idealised society where everyone is either a;

The teacher changed for your detention? Damn

i don't but you probably can find it easily on youtube
by the way by punishing bullied people I'm not meaning people that fight back, but basically the weird kid will be punished for breathing the wrong way

It was black and kind of see through.
Always was a bit attentive to me.
I could've hit the jackpot but instead I've grown into a miserable, fugly adult.
I was this close to greatness.

Yes, I was just thinking of how I used to hate a particular class in elementary school, even though I really like the topic, because the teacher was a huge fucking condescending evil bitch

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My physics teacher in high school used to bullied me because I always had the worst grades (like 0 or 2/20) saying things like "look user is going to become a trash collector!" or "another step closer to McDonald's user!" in front of the whole class laughing. I was basically doing nothing in school because I was bored, so I didn't care a lot. I still covered his fucking car with toilet paper and glue, called him a fucking sad faggot. I ended up working as electronic engineer though

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