I wish I was a fucking Norwegian
I wish I was a fucking Norwegian
why specifically Norwegian?
so he can get assraped by somali bbc
This, op is a massive homo who constantly posts his boipussy in our general. Apparently he goes to shady neighborhoods in tel aviv in the hopes of getting used like a sex toy by illegal sudanese migrants
I wish I was fucking a norwegian.
because it's heaven and better than your neighboring nords(sweden has rapefugees, finland is poorer)
>sweden has rapefugees
Thats what you're after no? Why do you always post your ass and whine about how much you want black cock in it user?
Me too user, me too. Was just thinking about this shit the other day.
Could've been a tall, uncircumcised, blonde, blue eyed, chad, muscular Norwegian fucking nordic girls and going on boating trips to sweden with my friend and hiking fjords.
Instead i'm a circumsized jew.
All we can do is suffer