Do men have this hairstyle in your country?

Do men have this hairstyle in your country?

Attached: top knot.jpg (889x499, 66.92K)

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Its the Jesus aesthetic. People have it yeah.


I have hairstyle like this

Attached: Рицу.png (678x890, 432.63K)

i used to have something like that when my hair was shorter. Now i just tie it in a ponytail

I have a ponytail and ginger pubic hair on me chin. Does that count?

legitimately more convenient than when i had short hair. Back then, whenever the bangs grew in they were annoying, when it's tied back ina. bun you can truly forget about it. Probably the second most efficient hairstyle, second only to buzz cutting your hair in the shower at home

I wanna crack open the skulls of faggots who have this haircut

t. zoom-zoom undercut babyface

Men don't have this hairstyle anywhere