What happens in this country?

What happens in this country?

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Cлaвa Укpaинe! Гepoям cлaвa!


If wypipo are superior how come ukraine is poorer than many african countries?

hebrews and russians are keeping them down

I'd tell you but I'm sure the Russian janny is monitoring this thread

Slavs are the niggers of Europe

your people are literally Slavs raped into submission by mongoloid steppe nogs

Poverty, violence, corruption, right-wing nationalism ran by the jews


Fucking war is going on, people are getting even poorer, elders die from covid and corrupt officials defeat anti-corruption officials
We are doomed overall

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Faggotry and massive gaysex.

That makes me sad man, Ukraine is based
Why are things like this?

would you accept being annexed by us?

>implying Brazil is any different

>Why are things like this?
Because ukrainians are idiots and they are not based.

stop being a cringy imperialist

>Why are things like this?
I don't want to blame communism, rather we have done everything wrong since 1991. We didn't want blood, conflicts and difficulties, but in the end we got a complete fucking ass. Balts, Czechs and Poles turned out to be much wiser.
Not yet, most of us still love our homeland and hope for something in future

I hope that bbetter days come for Ukraine

Ukraine was too much connected to Russia economically, culturally and ethnically. You couldn't just cut all ties with them like we did.

I wish all the best to Brazil mutually
We could, it would have been hard, but Russia was weakened and everything could work out. We started doing it too late.

History of the so-called ukraine
>invent a fake nation
>tell idiots populating that area they are members of that nation and they should be proud now
>literally nothing to be proud of, all they manage to produce is chaos and poverty
>part of population doesnt believe those lies, is smarter and wants to separate
>tell idiotic population they must have war and destroy more stuff in their own country to be "free" and have dignity

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>why yes I do learn Ukrainian history from Russian memes

>We could, it would have been hard, but Russia was weakened and everything could work out

I'm not even talking about it being 'technically' possible, just most of your people wouldn't want it. A lot of Ukrainians are somehow connected with Russia, they have their families there, they work there, do the shopping there etc. etc. And they simply consider Russians their brothers or even the same people and even if there's a conflict between them they treat it like a family conflict, not a real one.

caused by r*ssians

nothing wrong with this. Only western cucks think that nationalism is a bad thing

How can you learn something that doesnt exist?


nice proxy ivan

>where muh 250k ukrainians

It's not like that now. Actually most of us have and had nothing to do with Russia except some kind of a second cousin's grandmother with Ukrainian roots or something.
Most of the economic ties have already been severed and an absolute minority of Ukrainians are connected with Russia. Personally, I have no one in Russia, but I have relatives in Poland (Poles, not Ukrainians), although I myself am from Eastern Ukraine.

*caused by Russians in denial(aka ukroids)
>nothing wrong with this
Yeah, especially for you. If you want to permanently lose territory and worsen the state of the country, your nationalism based on fairy tales is certainly the way to go. Works great.


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>What happens in this country?
cute grills are created


yeah you r*ssians invade our territory and then blame ukrainians for it. You are truly retarded

I'm sorry

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Fake map, this one is closer to reality

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>let me tell you about your country
I live here, Sven

Why do Ukrainians always talk about Russia?
In this thread Russia was mentioned more often than Ukraine. I think Ukraine and Russia just should reunite.

>speaks in russian
>thinks in Russian
>the so-called ukrainian language is actually peasant-tier Russian mixed with polish originaly spoken by a small group in western part of the country
>still have relatives in real Russia
>still have significant part of population that didnt change their identity and remained Russian
Yeah, you have nothing to do with Russia alright.

But the cultural bond is so strong so you can't simply cut it. You watch their TV shows, movies, listen to their music etc.

Also the most important thing - most of Ukrainians never really hated Russians so they didn't see any reason to radically cut all ties in 1991 and trying to join the EU, NATO etc.

weak bait jasek

>nationalism is good
>but when we get rekt by a nationalistic neighbor nationalism is bad
bruh moment...

Because everytime there is a conversation about Ukraine, Russians or Russiaboos come and start talking about Russia

Half the country voted pro-Russian parties until 2014. Even now, with the most pro-Russian regions lost there is still a pro-Russian party polling as the second most popular.

>map that referes to peoples republics as occupied territory
Pick one

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Holy fucking based, feels so good knowing countries like this also exist in europe.

>Russia is why Ukraine is poor
Then how come Russia is several times richer per capita, and why was Ukrainian SSR among the richest republics?

Reality is Ukraine as a concept never existed until 100 years ago. There is no such thing as Ukraine, Ukrainian and Ukrainians. You are little Russians

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invading other countries =/= nationalism

Large country. Most attractive slavs.

>What happens in this country?
Nothing happens in a country that doesn't exist.

I feel you bro, they're annoying as fuck, hope ukraine BTFO's the russians.

why do you care? you are not even from Europe.

That's impossible because they are more incompetent than Russians, poorer than Russians, and most of them are Russians with identity crisis.

You just don't understand the realities of the Ukrainian electorate. My Ukrainian-speaking great-grandmother, who lost half of her family during the Holodomor, still votes for the "pro-Russian parties" because she believes that they want to return cheap and high-quality food, as it was in the USSR.
The majority voted for Yanukovych and his party because they are "our guys" and will allocate money for our cities.

In 2014, most of those who voted for Yanukovych began to hate Putin for the annexation of Crimea. Most of them turned out to be loyal primarily to the Ukrainian state, not to Russia.

>Then how come Russia is several times richer per capita

oil and gas

>and why was Ukrainian SSR among the richest republics?

it wasn't, the Baltic states were, also the Soviet economy can't be compared to modern economies

don't have the screenshot, but his mom is ukrainian

Ukraine is in a tight spot because of undeserved Russian aggression and corruption. I hope the situation there gets better one day.

There was no russian aggression until 2014. Was Ukraine a better place to live? I don't talk about Donetsk ofc

>oil and gas
Ukraine is very rich in natural resources too.
Per capita Russia doesn't have THAT much oil and gas.
>the Baltic states were
And Russia and Ukraine right behind.
>can't be compared
You're right.
But saying they are poor because Russians is both idiotic and damaging in the long run.
They are poor because they are a highly corrupt society with schizophrenic politics, in a greater measure than Russia.