Why do American shows cater to black demographic when they only account for 13% of America...

Why do American shows cater to black demographic when they only account for 13% of America? Keep in mind Hispanic make up 18% yet you rarely see them in the media.

Also is there a reason why American idolize black shit like modern rap? It sounds objectively bad.

Attached: I wonder who could be behind this...jpg (1280x720, 351.48K)

White people love blacks in US

women are people now? do americans really

It's the same in Western Europe
Blacks are the most privileged race

Hispanics don't even watch stuff like that they watch Narcos, Telenovellas, and Telemundo. That's it.

first seasons of house of cards was the only good netflix series. who the fuck does even subscribes for that shit nigga just torrent lmao

they don't cater to black people
they cater to white men

>Hispanic make up 18% yet you rarely see them in the media.

they're like 25% at this point, and hispanics aren't entertaining as blacks, also blacks are authentic americans since they've been here before this country was even a country.

I think only a few shows cater to blacks, the shows are suppose to cater to everyone. Black shows are usually on stuff like BET.

Just wait until the next generation of chicanos grow up.

bro this is 4channel not pol