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International #1342
The Brits were right about them all along
How hard is your native language to learn for a foreigner?
Describe the native people in your country
What happens here?
/deutsch/ auch bekannt als /deutch/ ferner /doitsch/
I love british women so fucking much bros
God doesn't exist
Ich mach ein /deutch/ faden :D
Why do western atheists romanticize Buddhism so much?
/fr/ - Le francofil
Why are Nords in Iceland taller and stronger than their continental brothers?
They should adopt a real name for their country instead of a soulless acronym
Will I pass as a local in your country?
/ita/ il filo
I was born in America
What is this called in your language?
What is the final redpill?
Why do spaniards talk in spanglish?
Name: United Arab Republic
Today is Latvian independence day
1.your country
This is the flag of Armenia
You're only allowed to post in this thread if your cunt had a civil war
Sverigetråden - Sötpajer blir tillfrågade-upplagan
Sverigetråden - 96 nya döda-upplagan
What does a 7-8/10 look like your country?
Can i pass as a local person in your country ?
Emirati women look like THAT!?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/Flag/ + /Extraflags/
Where my brOs at?
What's your viewpoint on the indian subcontinent?
Will Anglo indvidualism be destroyed by the collectvist hoards?
What is it like being a 30 year old in your county?
Average height
The illegal wood from the Amazon, seized in the Arquimedes operation pointed out by Bolsonaro...
Why is the election sticky still up?
What's their endgame?
I literally cannot tell the difference between Australian accents and British accents
Wait Japanese Idols look like THIS?
São Paulo just elected its first trans woman and trans man to the city council
I have coronavirus, does this happen in your country?
/norgetråden/ vision-utgaven
Is there a north-south divide in your country?
Why does JAV have no white male actors while they have tons of videos of black men with Japanese women...
/lat/ hilo latino
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
What is the name of this phenotype?
Is mexico culturally a south american country?
Tranny Tranny
Sverigetråden - Roliga intervjuupplagan
/fr/ - Le francofil
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Lately I've been collecting data on interracial relationships I see on the streets...
I really, really...
I hate portugal and the portuguese
The countries in green were sovereign countries in the year 1000 AD. They are the only SOVLFVL countries of Europe
The Spaniards bred with THIS?!
Could this work in Burgerland?
Why do brits fear russians so much? Why do they get so incredibly assblasted about them with a hair trigger...
Social media in your cunt
American mass media has reached north korea tier level of quality, gratz
Florence should be Italys capital. Its a much better city than Rome
Discrimination based on race and skin color will never be tolerated in Islam
Saudi Arabia
Why are white people so sensible to stereotypes? They literally do this here every fucking day with all other races...
Do americans really?
Are there any other Zig Forums posters that are instantly recognisable by their posts?
Can I pass as a local in your country
The inhabitants of the Czech Republic will soon be richer than the Italians and Spaniards
What was your experience outside the internet with France and French people? Was it positive, or negative?
I need to be fluent in Spanish by spring (Uni requires you to be trilingual)
What would you like to know about Wales?
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
/ישר/ - /อิสร/ - /isr/ - /ཨི་སི་ར/ גרסאת נוסטלגיה
Why are Chinese people so unhealthily thin? Should we put them into thin camps (opposite of fat camps)?
/bbc/ - BBC general
Hungarian bois simply cannot compete
Post a pic you took recently
Indian elections were crazy, Modi had to up against Gandhi and Stalin in 2019
You may only post ITT if your health minister is under 350lb
Yep, coronachan is back
Why is this even allowed in the most developed coutry?
Please use Cyrillic alphabet
Sverigetråden - Spökliga Upplagan
Just how popular is UK drill in Britain...
What happens here Ruskiebros?
What is the age of consent in your country...
Which country is the larpiest?
/Fr/ - le francofile
What do you feel when Japanese girls look down on you
Kurva anyátok
Is horse riding popular in your country?
Berlin has changed a lot
1.your cunt
Makes the entire Western world seethe just by existing
How do bridges look in your cunt?
/ita/ - il filo
Why are australians superior to brits?
Soviet puppet state Hungarian comics thread!
/tr/- canino1997 edition
Civ 6 finally added Babylon!
Has any country so dramatically gone from SOVL to soulless like Canada?
Tell me about Christian ethnoreligious minorities in the Middle East Zig Forums
Guess the cunt
Earth at night :)
Do Europeans really?
Why do people say america has no history when it is older than most european countries...
Simplified Flag Thread
Do they think about anything aside from money and appearance?
Casu marzu
Why does this make Egyptians seethe so much...
Imran Zakhaev, Russian nationalist
We muslims will face difficult times in europe
Be finnish
What is urban life like in Dubai?
Would it work?
Did you do anything today, Zig Forums?
/lat/ hilo latino
Are Uruguayans as white as Zig Forums said?
/nachtschicht/ später wieder /deutsch/
W-What's going on in Germany, lads?
ITT: your least favorite cunt to see as the author of a post
Why are Balkan slavs so much better than west and east slav at everything?
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
Thoughts on latin america?
Thread about anything
After the Portuguese first made contact with Japan in 1543...
What did your country do during WWI?
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
What is life like in Tierra del Fuego? What happens here?
Japan is a cultural superpower only topped by the USA
Can Europeans actually just drive from country to country?
Which one is based and which is cringe?
Most black people are nice
I follow a lot of digital artists and noticed that Asian artists almost never draw epicanthic/mono-folds. Obviously...
Why does everyone on Zig Forums want a japanese gf?
I do NOT suffer in Thailand
British culture is centred around pajeets...
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
How did mainland China become so much safer than the West?
Do you like their sense of humor?
City bad! crumbling wooden house in the middle of nowhere with no infrastructure good!
I suffer in west virginia
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Korea is a miserable country
Name a more overrated city the London
Moving to South America
/lat/ hilo latino
Is Singapore proof that Chinese people are the master race?
Post results of your last name
Vgh... finally revnited
This is how 90% of Spanish live like
What do you eat for breakfast in your cunt?
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Europeans fear this
What part of the UK do British girls look like this and do they like brown spic men...
Question to Americans. Do you feel like things in the US will improve in 2021?
One chance in life
Which region of your country has the ugliest people, Zig Forums?
Does your country have TRUE freedom?
Why does racism exist?
I have never left my country before
Do Americans consider her Russian or American?
American Isolation
What were the comfiest places in the world to be an average person, at various points across history...
ITT: it's Zig Forums circa 1920
Do you believe there's life after death?
Sverigetråden - Närconupplagan
Isn't it weird that this guy can go in 99% of all countries on earth and he'll be recognized but americans have no...
Is there a north-south division in your country?
Tell me about the death of your national industries
Your cunt
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What would your parents and friends say if they found out you had a black girlfriend?
What do they think of each other?
Do you have "fat acceptance" movements in your country?
Funny Zig Forums related things you beloved when you were young
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + tomodachi
/fr/ - Frankreich
Have you ever been to New York? What did you think of it? Was it cool?
That's cute
Would you say this image accurately portraits your country?
Is Southeast Asia the only part of Asia that lacks any kind of soul?
Why are Germans so magnanimous and kind?
Which is the most chad med nation
Median wage in Norway: 4000 euro
Bad boys bad boys
Your country
/lat/ hilo latino
Sverigetråden - Laktosupplagan
/puuh/ ehemals /deutsch/
Reminder that americans are unironically happy to pay a cool million bucks for a shithole cardboard home in a shitty...
Tag your color
This is the European gay-ABC triangle between Amsterdam, Brighton and Cologne, the official gay capitals of Europe...
Who is the person you admire the most that was born in the same year as you?
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Guess the country
Wtf finland looks like THAT?
What do the people on the continent of Europe think of Ireland?
The German
I'm going to Finland next year but I want to avoid Finno Sw*des
Why is the president of México a white guy?
Americans have to spend at least $1100 a month to share a room with a stranger
Madrid looks like a south american shithole
/ita/ - il filo
What would you do if you have $100,000,000,000?
Sverigetråden - Sötpajupplagan
What is the first thing you imagine when you think of a Greek person?
/fr/ - francophile
Why does Sweden prefer wine now? Do they think larping as cultured Med BVLLS will make them any less Nordcuck?
Why do some Anglos look like ancient Greek/Roman statues?
What is the most crazy area in your country
Zig Forums in a nutshell
Americans will never try pizza kebab
Is north Africa a mulatto ethnonstate?
What headphones is he wearing?
What were the social...
Kurva anyátok
Rate my humble setup and post yours
Tell me a joke from your country
/tr/ - testosterone of the races edition
The rightful borders of Hungary, post the rightful borders of some other countries
Have sex with german girl
What kind of shoes do you wear in your country?
Have you thanked a Greek for civilization today?
Is the future of Europe Spanish?
Is your country proficient in English?
A perfect world
I'm a chud but I genuinely love the chud meme. Just look at this guy
Sverigetråden - Jag prövar att skapa en upplaga
/lat/ hilo latino
/fr/ - le francofil
30 largest world economies by their GDP per capita
Why did Greece bully them into changing their name...
So what is there to do in Russia apart from hanging out with your friends?
I bought a 14 pound Spanish ham, stand, and knife to have as a side treat at Thanksgiving. Whats the best way to eat it?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Brits have Knights
Bye bye 300M Euros: An Italian rocket, launched by a French team with a Spanish satellite
What's your country's sister nation?
From today's march on Rome
How are mutts perceived in your cunt?
What is sex tourism in Eastern Europe like?
Are there any famous fins ?
What's the relationship like between Sweden, Finnland, and Russia...
Do IT jobs exist in the third world?
Why can't no one do entertainment like them?
How are you preparing for BLACK friday?
Name first 3 things, which will come into your mind, when you think about Germany
/norgetråden/ naut--utgaven
Sverigetråden - Visbyupplagan
Is it true in countries with free healthcare you can get condoms for free?
/ita/ il filo
Do you own a car? Do you HAVE to drive in your county?
Wtf Mexico, explain yourself now
How art hoes in your country dress?
There are people who unironically go out wearing this
Let me see if I understood this whole first worlder life business...
The eternal Hispo destroyed this
So why is everyone in England not blonde if they were invaded by vikings?
How picky are women in your cunt?
So I have 3 children from age 4-10. I want to teach them about other cultures through food...
I just don't get it. Why do white zoomers like watching anime and not Western cartoon as they're supposed to?
/rus/ + /bel/ + /ukr/
Why do they sound like this ?
/fr/ - le francofil de l'après-midi
All Southern Europeans here live like this. Right?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Gentlemen, let us adress the most important issues of them all, the gypsy menace
Sverigetråden - Rohirrimpastans ryttardampupplaga
How accurate is this?
Of all the Arab countries, which is do you think the most Arab country?
How does gender neutral language work in your cunt?
Why do burgers hate banter so much?
Who is the most notorious poster in your general?
Your country
Why are European flags so soulless?
What would your parents say if you brought home a girl (male)
This is the Britain’s most premier and important cultural heritage
Why are their languages so complicated to learn?
Does your cunt have a retarded neighbor?
The holy trinity of civilised cuisine
Do any of you speak any minority languages as your main language...
/ryona/ ehemals /deutsch/
/med/ - Mediterranean general
What are some countries in which the swarthy Med looking man is idolized by the women?
Post spiders from your cunt
Americans make small talk with their parents
What is a common unhealthy snack that people tend to favor in your country?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Kurva anyátok
You are cunt
They're a eastern european country which also belongs to the balkans region
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2455
Map thread
Your thoughts on Finland?
Cherry-picking aside, what is feminine about common Swedish men?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2456
/ita/ - il filo
Kaliningrad & Baltic anons
1. Your country
Does your country invest in wind energy
Why is Estonia such a wonder of a country?! Only 25 years ago it was devastated by communist rule...
/esp/ - Hilo Español
Thoughts on Nazi slavs ?
Where are you from?
Why Swedish people hate Muslims more than Jews do
What are you smoking?
What do you feel when you see Japanese girl in your country?
ITT: Rude countries who can suck my dick
Sverigetråden /svt/ SV HO-upplagan
/fr/ - le francofil
/desi/-Deader than all bits and pieces of Rajiv Gandhi edition
Spanish people eat bulls testicles and barnacles
What happened here? When I was a kid I always heard they are very poor. When this changed?
What went right?
Do I look more like a nordic or a med?
Have you ever met a Japanese girl?
Why Danes are so genocidal?
Do you agree?
Racist cat
Does this happen in your country?
Sweden, Norway and Finland all occasionally get mentioned here, but Denmark is completely irrelevant. Why is this?
Why do I feel like I should be a girl
Is his attitude common in Sweden?
Your country
Is it true this country has no violent high-crime areas?
ITT: Your cunt's worst rulers
Which slavic language sounds the most distinct?
Be white
The swedetwink meme is true
I am a direct descendent of Genghis Khan
Post eyes
Post regions you have ancestry from
Korean shit rightists: DOKDO!!!
Are Chinese the most boring ethnicity/ancestry?
/ישר/ - /อิสร/ - /isr/ - /ཨི་སི་ར/
/ita/ - il filo
This is the "30th most murderous city" in the world according to wikipedia
I am Arab in America
What 800k gets you in brownentina
Indiabros, it was our turn to be a superpower
I'm from Tokyo uni. what's yours?
Why do Americans hate God?
Did you know Tokyo is BIG?
Are Chinese diaspora basically the Jews of Southeast Asia?
Do you watch streamers in your cunt? I do and it's basically all I do
Huge continent with tonnes of natural resources like iron and uranium which other countries are dependent on
Do consoomers exist in your country?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
South America es Gordita mujer
Have you ever tried to impress a girl with a skill? How did it go
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Just KEK if you're blue. KEK
My country just legalized cocaine, opium and morphine
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Wait................. THIS is the holiest site in Islam????????????? Woah
I actually want to see China fail
Why are East Asian genes so dominant in every mix?
Why do australian girls get so big when they finish school...
/lat/ - hilo latANO
Mexicans are genetically very weird
What do Indians honestly think of Apu?
Why whites have such big noses?
Why is Naples such a dump?
This the best region of America to live in
Icelanders believe gnomes exist
Why are Afghans so insecure?
When you see my flag you automatically think I'm black, I live in a slum and I hear gunfire every day, don't you?
If your flag is not constantly portrayed in the west as alpha handsome villains who will doom everything that...
Is Southeast Asia the Latin America of Asia?
Believe it or not, this guy is brazilian
Do women in your country envy asian women?
Oceanlets begone
/nachtschicht/ früher /deutsch/
Tell me about serial killers from your country
Why are brazilians like this?
/lat/ hilo latino
This cottage cheese looking rotting pasty skin woman is the best woman netherlands can offer
Gets doubles
International webm thread
Japanese posters; How common is this really ?
Formulate a singular argument as to why these countries should not merge into a single country
Born too early to explore the world
How's your country like
How should a thirdie, brazillian (brown) expect to be treated in Sweden or Finland?
/RCEP/ general
Would this country be heaven on earth if not for african migrants raping their women?
What's it like to go to college in you're country?
You like americans, don't you Zig Forums?
Australia has an unsolved murder rate on par with Brazil and Kingston, Jamaica
*blocks your path*
Is NoVa a good place to live? I was thinking moving there...
Why Asian are nice to blond blue eyes 6 feet tall guys only
What is the last thing you do before going to bed in your country?
So this is the average latino pol user, right?
How do you pronounce "sverigetråden" in your head whenever you see it?
Fun fact
How did the Burgers pull this off in the 60s?
Post russian memes
Call me a germ one more time, I dare you
Are you learning a language, Zig Forums?
Nip bros, what goes on in rural Japan besides there being a lack of young people?
Want to move to mexico
Most Latin Americans on this board are part of their rich and privately educated upper class...
He doesn't live in a high-income economy
In a few decades, America will be a latino country
/fr/ - Le francofil
How is your country celebrating transgender awareness week?
/ita/ - il filo
Why do American shows cater to black demographic when they only account for 13% of America...
I donated $30 to Wikipedia
Sverigetråden matgeekupplagan
My ancestors colonized this and meanwhile, I get drunk British girls in the summer
In 1920 year dozens of young women hired to paint glow in dark watches in factory owned by US Radium Corporation...
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Post the picture that represent you the best
Post your country’s SOVL
/nachtschicht/ - kurz vor - /geisterstunde/ - ehemals - /deutsch/
There’s nothing wrong with being poor and brown
Why are american born hispanics higher IQ than most latinos?
I browse foreign generals from time to time, just lurking, not posting, usually /lat/ and /deutsch/...
I'm scottish and i want my own flag
I just bought a DNA test from myheritage, any euros did the same before? what did it say?
Post qts from your country itt
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Do boys in Germany date MENA girls?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/lat/ hilo latino
And you said Germans have
Kurva anyátok
Why are norwegians so much swarthier than other nords...?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine