This is the "30th most murderous city" in the world according to wikipedia

>This is the "30th most murderous city" in the world according to wikipedia

Attached: zacatecas1.png (1915x941, 3.34M)

Zacatecas is just a western irl

what's it like after dark?

Vgh... the blood soaked streets of zvcvtecvs

yeah bro truly dangerous and murderous never go there

Attached: zacatecas2.png (1920x948, 2.21M)

cars passing through 500 year old acueduct

Attached: zacatecas3.png (1915x953, 3.56M)

People from zacatecas are obnoxious

imagine having a 500 year old acueduct just outside your doorstep

Attached: zacatecas4.png (1909x946, 3.38M)

This is why you guys need state sponsored human sacrifice again. Get all the Aztec blood lust out of you.

nice church

Attached: zacatecas5.png (1919x945, 2.98M)