Post russian memes

post russian memes

Attached: hammerofjustice.jpg (807x605, 145.08K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 1548267107574.jpg (604x432, 50.86K)

Attached: A3496C29-CA4A-4F9D-A0F5-4A69463D63F3.png (852x852, 70.51K)

I like you guys really.

Attached: index.jpg (276x183, 6.94K)

We like you back

Fug wrong pic

Attached: 23575E66-58A6-41AC-A408-AA5435F0DA14.png (1080x1080, 843.09K)

Attached: Flag-Ukraine.gif (380x252, 1.39K)

I will post pictures we use on 2ch to mock Ukrainians

caption: three Ukrainians looking at each other

Attached: 0BA53342-2EBC-47E4-B1F0-0D250F8D610F.jpg (1080x816, 158.83K)

RIP THREAD. Here comes Janny. WHY U DO THIS?!


cossack spirit
fury fearlessness courage

Attached: 696D2F31-6610-4631-AD7C-B7B870FC25E0.jpg (500x531, 60.06K)

Attached: 84FF066E-8DCE-463F-BC5D-3D5E7006B114.jpg (1684x1500, 466.31K)

bound by blood
belarus russia crimea ukraine

Attached: 193B4C47-82EF-435D-A087-059AA183EB3E.jpg (604x452, 77.55K)

Attached: russian playtime.jpg (539x600, 241.89K)

Arsen avakov Ukrainian minister of foreign affairs "I can see russian vata seething from this pic, yes our allies are strong"

Attached: 8701E4B9-0FE2-45CB-8400-2FCC578B860E.jpg (444x484, 105.88K)

Looks like Russians have a butthurt obsession with Ukraine

Attached: clean_city_plus.jpg (500x706, 126.24K)


Attached: EED483DC-C651-4447-B1B8-E17589E16076.jpg (248x203, 13.22K)

chill hohol

Attached: 75E6D269-0AE1-40DD-A99C-7BEA37E2A383.jpg (1080x633, 60.47K)

But why are ukrainians pigs? I dont understand.

Attached: 58413A92-4D79-4441-ACF6-AEAEF210D111.png (900x746, 331.15K)

Never met a russian who wasnt a top lad tradition

Attached: 6A9F8DBB-0EF0-4100-AE4A-BD605DBBCFA5.jpg (878x960, 243.85K)


What does it mean?

I’m out. Sorry I didn’t have any actual memes

Pic related is Alexey "Pinya" Navalny - face of the Russian political opposition

Attached: 0F2E6180-5ABC-4AA3-9510-A35E39F3A38A.jpg (1000x500, 71.22K)


Attached: image(1).jpg (600x449, 143.28K)

Кидaй тoгдa тy вeбмкy c лoбcтepaми и Пыня 2018

schwienopeskar' is too strong meme for /int, we should post it very carefully



Russia is such a fucking embarrassment of a country!
A giant nation with the largest population in Europe and every imaginable natural resource has its gdp dwarfed by a tiny island with no natural resources.

>loses 30% gdp because of 0.001% mortality virus
nothing personal kid