
The Stone Roses edition

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I want to visit America for only two reasons:
Are the amerishart memes real
Will I shag just from having a British accent


I will definitely post here in this thread

I've lived all over Europe and didn't find any countries women significantly more attractive than any other, including Britain.

Attached: EnBV3OZW8AAmHaj.jpg (1919x1077, 129.7K)

Mental that we mostly think about Germany as this silly cheesy quaint nice country in Europe but fairly irrelevant on the global stage, yet we see Putin and Russia as global powerful big dogs. Historically Germany would have been a nation like Russia or China, a really powerful global player. That's what 70 years of NATO does to a country.

The cowards are coming after Mark

Attached: bannedonfb.png (592x372, 24.97K)

Not entirely. You will find some absolute specimens in walmart though.

my brother did a tour of the deep south with his m8s last year and he said being english was a huuuge boost with the ladies

Not really. Germany has traditionally been more of a regional power than a global one.