Why are Nords in Iceland taller and stronger than their continental brothers?

Why are Nords in Iceland taller and stronger than their continental brothers?

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Island gigantism and not racemixing.

>even though I have a 6'5" boyfriend, I'd totally date a sweet nice 5'5" guy!

>tfw 190cm
i wish i was a 220 cm BULL like Olivier Richters

Attached: 26157.jpg (600x1000, 458.73K)

Does he have nudes? The first thing that always comes to my mind, when I see tall guys is if their dick size actually fits the bodysize they have.

So... how does it work

We aren't, we all basically share the same average heights and also have had a lot of winners for the strongest man in the world.

Any slav will beat up all of scandinavia with ease, an they're not taller than balkan slavs

Nature finds a way.

Attached: 927997-haf-r-j-l-us-bj-rnsson-son.jpg (640x360, 31.65K)

It very rarely does.