>one chance in life
>Not born as a coomer in ancient Rome
Why even live /int?
One chance in life
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I see you are a man of sophisticated fapping culture as well
>one chance in life
best character inspartacus is ashur
they make so much gay porn in spartacus, no good.
not really, I was just interested in the pic you posted so I googled it, never watched the show
And what of good Solonius?
Post your old man somewhere else
This is a hetero thread now
Based Soloniusposter.
This show was so stupid and filled with so much crappy CGI. Poor man's Rome
it made no attempts at being rome
I jerked off to this show a lot when I was younger.
>Poor man's Rome
It was a different type of show that happened to share a setting
I wish I was a Roman woman who had orgies with and got fucked by loads of men.
Don't care if I was a sex slave or the wealthiest woman in Italia as long as I could get cock.
>I wish I was a Roman woman who had orgies with and got fucked by loads of men
me too, me too...
Based, pole is life
lads whats wrong with you
>dream of making a Gladiator based videogame
>lots of ideas
>history is really great inspiration, some great stories that could be told
>look for more inspiration
>decide to give Spartacus a shot, I heard not bad things about it
>2 episodes in and it's already the cheesiest shit ever, worn out tropes and bullshit storylines, it's all there
welp, that was a big disappointment
I suspect it's not getting any better throughout the seasons, is it?
Glad they're here and not out there in the streets.
>ang*osemite television
Do Kiwis really let preggers actresses do nude scenes?
for these shows they always get worse, the first few eps or first season is usually the only decent part before it gains an audience, dumbs down and gets ridiculous.
I am born today and I can coom pretty woman that's the life.
angry they’re here and not /lgbt/