Is the future of Europe Spanish?
Is the future of Europe Spanish?
the fuck is wrong with them?
young EU women*
The one positive thing reagetton gave us.
Why the fuck doesn't anyone in Europe want to learn French
This graph is fake almost all the actual languages are English and French.
You're a thread burning time wasting nugger
Cheap tourism
what's wrong with portugal
A German girl once told me Spain came off as a beautiful relaxing land. She was proud of being German but said she wants to retire in Spain
I doubt it's fake, nobody wants to learn English because they know it already. And french is just really fucking gay.
Not all Europeans are native English speakers like the scandis
The fuck happened to Portugal.
I met an Austrian girl who spoke fluent Spanish. She learned at school.
Fake map. People here only care about learning French and Dutch
El español es lo que llamamos coloquialmente como "basado"
you don't need spanish to order a beer
Nobody wants to learn English. It's the lamest and the least impressive language to learn. Not to mention zoomers should be able to at least communicate with it already
Spanish and Italian are the default choice for normies who want to learn an additional foreign language
everybody wants to learn english. that’s why i can go to almost any country in the world and get a job teaching it with barely any qualifications
It should be Mandarin. China is the future.
Well it’s official there
Like English n French here
But french isn’t feasible if you’re not in government or near Quebec
Chinese n Spanish are better options
Overrall it’s stupid that you need to bilingual for those positions even for pm
They are colonialists that got beat why the guilt
England literally raped a rapist while he had his pants down raping
Fuck with Quebec
French is pretentious as fuck
Spanish is easier and sounds more smooth
Every european girl that i've met and that is in love with Spain/Spanish is because they like music in Spanish and because of netflix shows. Imo if it wasn't for the spanish girls i wouldn't like anything about Spain.
Sorry guys is not because i hate you or anything but i dont have good memories with spanish people.
Better learning spanish than learning the globalist language also known as English.
This is because of reggaeton and caribbeans, not sp*inmoors
People here are getting more and more demanding here about languages. If you want to work in Brussels for a nice firm, they will require you to be trilingual (French, Dutch, English).
In fields like law and economics this is the most present. Either you are trilingual/have connections or you can fuck off.
t. seething amoorindian
Well well hello ladies
Because we dislike whitey unless he's nordic.
Then, Eastern Europeans are -automatically- on the same level as gypsies socially here. You'd have an easier time saying you're german.
El futuro es hispano, la era del *nglosajon esta llegando a su fin
>j.just wait®
I can guarantee you that it's mostly w*men who want to travel and like shitty club music.
I'm med
>The one positive thing reagetton gave us.
i dont think most of those people know what reggaeton is
spanish wasn't even offered at my school. Only french, russian, italian and latin
Then even worse. If you're brown + you admit to being eastern european you're even more likely to be put in the gypsy field. Remember that all spaniards think romanian = gypsy.
What a fucking shithole holland should annex you and kick out all the baguettes and jews
English is the most important language. That's the only reason. You're acting like people learn it out of passion and not necessity unlike Spanish
Isn't that the norm or are you too much of a brainlet to know a language that is spoken in your cunt.
Are you stupid? I'm italian
>nobody wants to learn English because they know it already
lmao I've met plenty of yuros who claimed to be "fluent" in English and they were incomprehensible.
It's not fake, it's excluding English.
You're the summer holiday country, everybody in Europe wants to go to Spain to get laid, be it whores or horny guys
Never ever heard a french wanting to learn spanish, in middle and high school we have to learn another language beside english and it's either spanish or german (rarely italian but possible). People who don't care take spanish because it's easy and basically free good grades. Kids forced by their parent or retard take german
Either way we never use it after high school and forget eveyrthing
How am I supposed to know, retard?
I thought you meant you were ethnically med.
We are forced to ""learn"" French here. (Literally nobody gets jackshit from it EVER compared to English)
No we are not.
There are like 2 or 3 lads below 30 here.
There is a difference in knowing a language and KNOWING a language. If you think that a small talk level (the shit you learn in high school) is enough, then you're very wrong