Why are Chinese people so unhealthily thin? Should we put them into thin camps (opposite of fat camps)?
Why are Chinese people so unhealthily thin? Should we put them into thin camps (opposite of fat camps)?
eat de fuggin burger gommie :DD
Do American universities really expel people for not eating as much as them?
But that really is an unhealthy weight to be fair
Very unhealthy weight for a 5'2" woman with a thin frame?
>I will delete comments suggesting diet or exercise
For an adult yes. I bet she can't even run 100 metres without tiring out and panting. Probably can't do a single push up either. I know being thin is a fad but being that weak and frail is dangerous.
she looks just ok
why would an university expel a student that has a eating disorder ? That doesn't make sense
So, you refuse to eat the burger...
>expelling student with eating disorder
they want them to killthemself ?
Maybe she was in the McDonalds Hamburger University
So now she's going to McGulag?
She's technically underweight but she looks fine, she doesn't seem malnourished.
The picture is Osaka, Japan
or in the McAutonomous Economic Zone of Ronaldia
She make fat feminists feel insecure. And American Uni take salty bitches seriously.
eat them burgerns chinase fucken shit :DD xd
t. yale mcdonald direcdor
Chicken nuggets, anyone?
Fuck sake
Yeah. She probably has very low muscle mass. We call women like that "cotton dolls" in India.
>Frances Chan says she’s done stuffing her face with ice cream and Cheetos just to make Yale University happy.
>Since December, Chan has had multiple medical appointments and mandatory weigh-ins. She met with a nutritionist and a mental health counselor, as well, to determine whether she might have an eating disorder. She said a nurse told her at one point that her low weight would kill her if she didn’t do something about it.
>Although she attempted to do as she was told and eat more, Chan only managed to gain two pounds. Yale said that wasn’t enough.
>I bet she can't even run 100 metres without tiring out and panting.
So still better than most fatties in US
>be american
>get expelled for not being fat enough
I think there's someone who can help with that.
Reminder this is the sort of body type that would've been allowed to stay on campus.
Dude Indians are disgusting. You all have pot bellies and skinny chicken calves with heaps of disproportionate hip fat. All Indian bodies are just disproportionate.
Is this real?
if only i could be as healthy as average american
Do Americans really?