
holy fucking peng edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


could drink ANY irishman under the table

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I suppose this is it then

well, here we are then
all the lads

last ever /brit/
been an honour lads

any pintmen in

birdseye bbq chicken griddlers
mccain crinkle cut chips
bachelors mushy peas

peng scran

would actually buy this book

consider myself a pintperson

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wheres the skribbl then

>tfw no townhouse in Bath
end it all right NOW

quite drunk off a few ciders
might dox myself
what would you like first?

Genuinely wish I could buy a printed, bound copy of every brit thread

someone post it

we're sketchful chads in here

secret for british posters only I'm afraid

bad idea lad

want to suck on his arsehole

no we're not
be quiet

was established earlier there have been over 52,000 editions

>that time when oliver reed moved to ireland and became a pintman because no other phenotype could match his drinking prowess.

Long story short, I transitioned female to male about three years ago and I regret it. I'm 25, was on T for three years, and got top surgery. Looking back on my life, I honestly feel like a classic case of someone who would end up attempting gender transition. I grew up as a tomboy absolutely hating my female body, I would pray at night that I could wake up in the morning in a boy's body instead. Always wore masculine clothing and had my hair cut short since the age of 6, and I have always been attracted to women. When I was 15 I found out about transgender people and knew instantly that I wanted to transition to become a man, too. I admired these people I saw who were able to transcend their womanhood, or so I thought.

Years later, when I found Tumblr, I was excited confronted full force by a new wave of transgender acceptance and culture. I read endless stories of other gender dysphoric and non-conforming young women, who claimed all the same uncomfortable feelings and experiences that I had with my female body, and I saw that it could all be solved through gender transition. If I took hormones, bound and cut my breasts, walked like a duck, talked like a duck, that I could escape my female body and the womanhood I had always hated so much.

Have coronavirus but I can still smell

I bet Emma Watson does gross poos.

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You find you are being whisked away to Reddit...

Dublin Pub Life and Lore by Kevin C. Kearns

probably quite easy for a lad clued up on coding to make a scraper or something
search for threads titled /brit/ on the archives, download and throw into a pdf or something

not got much to lose
i'll probably be dead in a ditch in a few months

no you don't
be quiet

Yeah but what would that look like as a book? Each edition is only about 300 posts long, so no more than 10 pages I reckon


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Why is a break from lockdown being considered for Christmas, but wasn't even suggested for other celebrations such as Diwali and Eid?

Just wanted to hear anyone's thoughts on this

Fuck off, Janny, you cannot keep me down.

Kill yourself nonce

would prefer my facedoxx not to be in the /brit/ book
should just be a highlight reel or some shit

because muslamics and indians make up like 5% of the country

We AyE aWcTiC mOaNkYs AnD tHiS Is EyE bEh u LoOk on ThA dAnCe FlOoH DoN't beLIevE The EypE

you don't go Diwali shopping or Eid shopping

you go Christmas shopping

why is it so fucking expensive to fly to Berlin

Welsh niggas be like:

Hello I’m from cum rag

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Because they said lockdown would only be a month. They wouldn't have been LYING would they? Also almost everyone celebrates christmas, who gives a fuck about the others

better question is why you even want to fly to berlin.

you horrid fucking racist

based, fuck sheep shaggers

Any drinking in a graveyard lad in?

one is celebrated by 90%+ of the country
one is celebrated by like 5%

thats why

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one month til it's 2021 PepeHands

lapping up some bat soup are you?

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Just told the cops you're drinking on hallowed ground.
"You say you saw a spook drinking in the graveyard?" he said
Think he misheard

is it common to think that masturbation is disgusting and unnatural in britain like it is in the american Sovth?

that’s not common anywhere you pathetic virgin

when this place finally gets shut down and britchan emerges, this will be a report option

sounds a bit racist that, so cos we are only a small percentage we don't matter?

Not at all. Must more common to not obsess about sex all the time like yanks do.

had this tune stuck in my head for days


Don't know if janny is lurking this thread like a hawk or we just have a resident snitch camping on /brit/ 24 hours a day. Anyone else been warned a lot for fuck all recently?

Getting drunk in a graveyarad lads


been banned about 3 times this month, janny is speedrunning or something

Just had this one wriggle its way into me head 10 minutes ago

sucked eltons knob behind betty's cafe tea rooms in northallerton last thursday
