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International #1343
Poles be like
Which country unironically deserve a good spanking?
Hate LGBTQ culture
This is from the most famous pizzeria in Naples, Italy. Tourists wait have to book weeks in advance to eat this...
So powerful
Finland appreciation thread
Tradwomen of different cultures?
French americans
Italy Skin colour
What makes Scandinavians so incredibly unlikable, narcisstic, faggy and attention seeking?
Sverigetråden - Vinterupplagan
Why are wypipo so obsessed with this show?
We live on a floating rock in one of the 100 billion galaxies (counting only those we can observe) in an infinite space...
/fr/ - le fil Suisse et Belge
My town is about 1300 years old. What about yours?
Do europeans actually like the EU?
What do you think about this hoodie?
How do Spaniards feel about Moorish immigrants?
Still thinkin bout a big pizza
Reject modernity
Georgians unironically name their sons "giga"
You've been left with no choice other than moving to Russia. Which region would you choose?
Americans use lube to masturbate
Please don't ever come here just let us sell our raw ore and cow in peace and fuck off
Do do irish people REEEEALY?
/skandi/ gay tinder edition
Why isn’t Australia more influential?
Why do europeans have a problem with this?
/desi/-commie seethe edition
Still many Africans are suffering the effect of defoliant by USA
China is spitting straight facts yet again!
/ישר/- /อิสร/- /isr/- /이스라/ מהדורת האתחול הגדול
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Which american state has the most pawgs?
Which one of these is more cringe?
How do you deal with the fact that you're stupid and therefore no one wants to talk to you?
56% Americans are clinically obese
Would your country be a good axe?
USA destroyed al it’s soup and culture in exchange for cars
/ita/ - il filo
Why do Australian women have a distinct smile?
Rule Britannia! Britan
What European country is the Texas of Europe?
I suffer in Japan
ITT: Zig Forums in 1908
Goes to job interview
We have LIDL but I've never been there, I feel like I'm not experiencing German culture to its fullest
Do you have McMansions in your country?
Why is the south poorer now?
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Describe your country with one picture
Have you ever been up London? Did you enjoy it?
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
ITT: things done in your cunt that the world should use
/lat/ hilo latino
What's your favorite comfort food and why is it corn dogs?
Ethiopian men look like THAT?
I'm learning japanese so I can become a light novel writer
Sverigetråden - katttråden
Why do Koreans use Anglicised surnames?
Let's be honest, we're all happy with this map
Mexicans are going fucking extinct
What are american core moral values?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
I think they're alright
Do you still remember him Zig Forums?
QUICK The Anglos are asleep, say something nice about them!
What does your country look like?
Hello my Zig Forums friends!
Japan is a Western country
Attractiveness and dating potential:
In China, yes
Foreigners who know Portuguese come to Portugal to visit or live
I want to live here, i don't want to be part of western society anymore get me out of here
Did you know the truth about Danish "men"?
How do you say elephant in your native language?
Does your country have country bumpkins?
French Colonialism
Post something
Canada is a first wor
How are brown hairy jews treated in your country?
Most black people are nice
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
What are the italian diaspora in your country like?
User! So glad you could make it to the Zig Forums meet-up
When was the last time you thought about my country?
What happened to the japanese?
Is this like the European version of commie blocks?
Sverigetråden - Syskonkärleksupplagan
Map thread
/nachtschicht/ später wieder /deutsch/
Would you eat the bugs in your country?
/lat/ hilo latino
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Do NORDS really?
How do you deal with lonliness in your country?
Do you support Quebec independence?
Does Pope Francis love ur cunt?
I suffer in the philippines
Only for argentineans: are you really going downhill?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
This is a british delicacy
/fr/ - le francofil francophone
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
World happiness map from 2006
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Feels good living in a country with free speech
Should our right be usurped so that the Greek can pay her debt to the European Union?
Medium well at a restaurant, well done at home. Anything bloodier than medium well is DISGUSTING
Say something nice about Belarus
ITT: low key based countries
Sverigetråden - Vidstige även känd som Aragorns upplaga
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
Vgh, why did they take this from us bros?
Do qt petite latina girls like east asians?
You wake up in Boston, Massachusetts
Does your country have bears?
Wait, is the Chinese social credit system propaganda?
Are there places in other countries that are culturally distinct from the rest or is this just an American thing...
What do you think about the icelandic language?
Why does Europe invest so little in space?
America is a German colony. Deal with it
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Does your country have society?
Is Tokyo the greatest city in the history of humanity?
Do you prefer tea of coffee
/ita/ - il filo
Underestimated friendship
Thoughts on Southeast Asia?
How do i stop being racist
>America is third world tier
I'm sick and tired of firstoid thinking all Latin americans are browntoids
What is the most aesthetic weapon? I don't mean the strongest weapon, the most aesthetic
/fr/ - Le Francofil
The mentally impaired of Europe. Change your goddamn numbers and stop putting random letters in your words. No fr*Nce...
Sick of this shithole..does this happen in your country?
Sudacas larping as europeans XD
Sverigetråden - Frågestund med sötpajer se snabbt
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands...
Rate the most popular song in Brazil right now:
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Croatia doesn't have SOV-
My Ethnic Heritage
Why do non-white canadians dislike Québec?
Do you have frogs in your country?
Wake up
Can arabs tell about the Muslim Brotherhood and maybe answer other questions?
*mogs every other country on earth nature-wise*
There are Albanians outside my house
I suffer in Greece
I’ve never seen snow in my life
Is this video accurate for Swedish high school? Looks based and not like a prison like American school...
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Best east coast state and why
Sverigetråden Raskrigupplagan
Hello! My name is Kenji and I'm blogger from allnationz!
This is the last thing what a liberal American refugee sees in Germany
Whats your favorite latin american country?
/esp/ - Hilo español
1. Your flag
What are the most Chad/virgin names in your country?
When did you grow out of hating israel?
/ita/ - il filo
Earth at night :)
Highly successful in school
For two centuries the only European country exploring Africa was Portugal
I wake up every morning thankful that I don't have to live in a c*mmunist state
Are we the bravest country in the world?
I suffer in a country where I can go on erasmus and have endless sex with young hot turkish...
Do attractive people get treated better in your cunt?
When did mods on this board start to become so strict?
What is your country's grocery store of foreign origin?
How long will they last?
What's the most retarded religion ever created? Islam or confucianism?
Mexican Heraldry
Where did the ones in england come from?
Post average poster of your general
How do Egyptian cope with this?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2456
/balt/ + /ausnz/
China has 7 nobels in the sciences. India has 6
What do you call this phenotype?
/fr/ - le fil sans pa :'(
Noooo don’t modernize our cities! We want to live like medieval people!!!
Is this considered a fruit or a vegetable in your country?
What's stopping Lithuanians from being happy?
/brit/ /bort/ etc
Are we the main character of the world?
Sverigetråden Inget Burgareupplagan
Tell me about the Armenian people
/gal/ - Fío galego
What is "humor" like in your country?
Hey user, would u like to join us in our Turkish sauna?
Why Latin American countries don't have the scientific capability to develop nuclear weapons like India did?
Every goberment i don't like is dictatorship
/eißhörnchen/ nicht /deutsch/
Post sexy shit from your country. Old commercials, insta thots, tic tok slags, politicians, vintage stuff, new stuff...
Haha look at this soviet thing woaaah!
How famous/popular is Japan in your country?
/ita/ - il filo
This is what France used to be about
There are alot of muslims posters with western flags and some of them openly support sharia. why?
Is this the final form of EVROPA?
How united is India really? Do indians get along with each other? Are there any independence movements?
I have a EU passport and I won't ever leave Brazil nor work away
How can Finland be the happiest country and has the highest suicide rate in the world? u guys ok?
What happens in the Faroe Islands?
Do Spaniards really?
Why do Japanese want hafu children so badly?
Literally the same thing
How are Muslims treated in your country?
/fr/ - La Bombe à Sneed
Did your country destroy its own cities? Mine did
Do mexicans really act like this irl?
What is the prevailing public opinion on Greta Thunberg in your country?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Sverigetråden - Johtoupplagan
Why are asian girls so pretty and cute?
Imperium Romanum
*Rule Britannia starts playing*
Has Zig Forums ever been to Africa?
Why does Zig Forums attract normal people?
How do I get a qt white American gf?
Why westoid always insist on banning palm oil when there are no better alternatives?
When was the last time you cried and why?
Rate your education system on a scale 1 to 10 (10 being fantastic)
It is physically impossible to suffer in Belgium
What if they had won?
When was the last time you felt the warmth of a woman?
Are you going to fly on a Boeing 737 MAX when your country's travel restrictions get lifted?
Is it still normal to burn churches and sing Black Metal in Norway?
/ita/ - il filo
Your country
Chinese laughing at western rumors
/med/-Mediterranean general
I play video games
/fahrradpozzilei/ ehemals /deutsch/
/lat/ hilo latino
How do we stop the Scandinavisation of Europe?
Sverigetråden - Frågestund med sötpajer-upplagan
/fr/ - Le coprofil
How big is your dick Zig Forums?
Does you country have Amerimutts refugees?
Arguing with gf
Is basketball a common sport in your country? As for the netherlands: not really...
Pajeets...time to kneel to the QING EMPIRE
Why are they so wise?
What did you like the most about Japan when i visited Japan?
Which other country you incels consider your country's best friend?
Do swedecucks really?
Is having lots of body hair considered attractive in your country?
What does your country think of boymoders?
Kurva anyátok
Are you a mutt, Zig Forums?
Would you eat my lunch, international community?
Hungary and Poland should be kicked out of the EU
Is it actually possible to suffer in Greece (/the Mediterranean)?
I suffer in germany
Does anyone else worry China might have a dark side?
Is there any reason why 4he Russian economy is so mediocre...
/ita/ - il filo
Tfw no chinese gf
Korea has the best looking women in the world. Cope
/ישר/ - /isr/
How tall are you Zig Forums?
Greeks see themselves as celestial beings compared to you
In my childhood I believed everyone in the world speaks Japanese, but they just use alphabet when they write
Tell me about your home region
/esp/ - Hilo español
You guys seriously think that this is the best board on Zig Forums?
What ethnicity is this guy? I took this photo a few months ago...
Does this happen in your country?
Why are blacks so much more flamboyant than whites
I just love the hustle and bustle of tokyo nightlife! It's like I'm in my favourite animes!
Is Africa a good destination ror your honeymoon...
Latinx Europe
You have 10 seconds to act as Greek as possible
Potatoes originate from Chile. thank you Chile
You can pick one woman each from 5 different countries to start a harem which ones do you pick
D-do they really??
/balk/ - proper
Are autistic people pretty in your cunt ?
I think it's easy for a third worlder to live in a 1st world country...
When was the last time you met a black person?
Well, Zig Forums?
Do people in your country call it football or soccer? which do you prefer and why?
Western Australia controls the worlds iron ore supply
How do we save the argentine peso?
Europeans think that Turkey and Russia are not European countries
1) your cunt
Born as a polynesian is winning genetic lottery
Have you appeared your local or national TV before?
Do you get mistaken for other ethnicities?
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Why does this board froth at the mouth with hatred when saudi chadrabia is mentioned?
Which country is the best to find a white christian waifu?
Famous battles of your country
Trying to get latina gf
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Fuck this country
Why is Japan still so racist?
Do you love or hate Finland?
Why do Anglophones talk back to their parents? Why do Anglophone parents let their kids talk back?
Church attendance in Australia has dropped off a cliff
Why yes, we are the only thing keeping the US afloat, how could you tell?
Do you non-americans see America/Americans as a default and standard people or do you see them as forgein, unique...
Ashkenazi Jewish father
Which one is the real "reddit: the country"?
Capitalist region vs communist region
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
When is this old cunt gonna finally die?
1. Your country
Do brazilians really?
Whenever I hear Spanish, I think deceit, fraud, shamelessness. The language of thieves and opportunists...
Can the different slavic countries tell each other apart just from looks?
Chinese in Southeast Asia
Are you jelly of my cunts cop cars?
USA has more Norwegians than Norway itself
Say whatever you want about Spain, but their accent is so fucking sexy
Zig Forums confessions thread
Reminder that this country did all of the following:
Guess the two countries
Why is it "insane" and not "unsane"?
My social credit score is 620 and higher than 63% of my peers. Anybody want to ask me how I did it?
/fr/ - le francofil
Sverigetråden - Leons upplagan
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
There is no greater yuropeon cultural genocide than that which France has led. Even today...
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Gran Colombia y amigos
/New England General/
Be Amerikkkan
$17 for three chicken breasts
How autistic is he?
Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;
~25,000 Japanese people commit suicide each year
/v4/ a.k.a. Visegrad Group + interested parties
How many did you get right?
Does your country have an alt-right or a far-right ?
What is it that you like the most about Japan?
Do the Japanese really
Can someone summarize the history of Canada for me? Why are they a separate country and not just a part of the US...
Are there lots of single moms in your country?
Thoughts on somalis ? how are they ?
Kebab or Tacos?
Is it common to remove wisdom teeth in your country?
This is un-ironically how the average native south jordanian man looks like, thoughts? That's my father btw
Do girls in you're country prefer wealth or looks in they're man?
Norwegian prison """cells""" are better than most apartments
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Why do white women look so intimidating?
Sverigetråden - Thaiupplagan
Turkey has fallen
China became a first world country income-wise
Solve pls :)
Why do middle easterners hate greenery?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Do you consider yourself beautiful and desirable by women or ugly and undesirable?
Why does Canada have less blondes than the USA?
How do you cope being brown among whites in your country?
What do people from your country usually wear when they go outside?
/fr/ - Le fil de la France et de la fwancofonie
Name three (3) people from Finland
/ita/ il filo
American borders are just sqare- WHOA
Hi incels what's your favorite country besides your own?
No one on this board would be a good hunter-gatherer
Brazillian Leader Tweets Meme
What's his phenotype?
/qöniiq/ ehemals /qnecht/ auch bekannt als /deutsch/
Does your country feel isolated and alone ?
Sverigetråden - Skitlivsupplagan
Why can't bongs pronounce their own words the right way?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Nooo you can't use your rights as a private company to deny people access for not being vaccinated, t-thats communism!!!
Why are people in Iran abandoning Islam now?
If you live in Americas and don't look like this, you must leave. If you don't...
Varg's kids have a channel
Civ 6 leaders. Still no Portugal
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Do Latin-Americans really get mad when Americans call themselves 'Americans'?
I want to leave this fucking country...
Asians are white now
Do all gypsies deserve the hate that they get? Is it really that black and white?
Tfw will never be a british roadman
Does this happen in your country?
Why are Asian genetics so dominant?
Post autist architecture from your country
Americans aren't white
/balt/ und /ausnz/ och semud
Anyone else ever feel like the current nuclear weapons counts are just bogus?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Your country
How do I stop being a coomer bros?
Were your ancestors violent?
Are Bosniaks and Albanians friends? They're both Muslims
Kurva anyátok
Sverigetråden - Matupplagan
/fr/ - Le francofil
/desi/-/ देसी/-/دیسی/
Your cuntry
Had German 5 years at school
/esp/ meme wars
Do Hungarians really?
/ita/ il filo
Holy wog
Could your country withstand the full, unrestrained force of the Italian military?
How did you guys first discover Zig Forums?
Did your cunt commit cultural genocide?
Sverigetråden - Rutans upplaga
Do Finns prefer to have foreign partners?
/lang/ - language learning general
Your country
Everyone in Norway who uses public transport have to wear face mask now. Is it the same in your country?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine