Reject modernity

reject modernity
embrace tradition

Attached: Eth-thorn.jpg (474x184, 17.5K)

Majority of Americans can't pronounce these letters

Reject modernity
Embrace progress

Attached: загружено (7).png (710x840, 67.23K)

It should be Xjumэn

Why does iceland use it but not Sweden

They have lost those sounds. Only Greek, Castillian, English and Albanian have those sounds in Europe

because sweden was cucked in the 1700s and jerked off France and literally wanted to be France 2.0 so we changed everything from our language, culture, architecture, clothing, music to resemble France

Iceland has the closet language to old scandinavian, it's more archaic

>English ALL is written Oи
What happens if you distinguish between All [ɑl] and Al [al]?

It's Oл, not Oи.

Second is Aль

I always mix up which is th as in thread and which is th as in the

Isn't your dynasty also from France?

You get what I mean. Also why are most of the names of the letters Japanese words?

Is this, dare I say, Dutch?

Why, because Japanese now uses Cyrillic as well!

Then why bothering distinguishing g and ŋ? Japanese can't have words that end with g and English can't have words that start with ŋ.

Ask the person who made that alphabet

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yes, they literally imported french military commanders to make half french babies as the royal heir because they loved france so much

The person who made it appears to be mentally ill.

Oui oui tres bien

Are you retarded?
th in thread and th in the is the same.

Lmao that's pretty cucked.
And I thought Russia's Peter the Great was a Westaboo

Based, simply based.

The th in the is voiced.

He was, and many people disliked him for that, even called him the Antichrist when he started melting down chruch bells to make cannons when we had a war against Sweden



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What no. We were allied during the Napoleonic war, stupid.

>Peter the Great
>Napoleonic war
I was talking about Great Northrern War, user

We're talking about Karl XIV Johan

The Japanon asked about Peter, so I answered him

Okay Thordur

you know you're the true snownigger when you use this letter to try to larp as vikang

t. Johanzsszzss Sczzszczdsccszzsskowszski

got his ass

Oh I messed up.