Poles be like

Poles be like
>hello my name Grzygzorz Glzyzjazjawewski and this is my friend, Kamil Kozszceszceszjwewski

Attached: average pole.jpg (306x460, 17.16K)

le central european face

Poles be like
>hello yes we are delaying the game for the sixth million time oh btw now it looks like trash and it has trannies

>Kenyans be like

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enefingk for ze Złoti, kurva

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they look like white gypsies

vgh...the evropean race.....magnificent



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this is racist, reporting all of you

Will you ever stop seething? Why are you so obsessed with us?

What is the seething part of this?

no wonder you're from butthurt belt

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I'm just having a laff.

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Haha poles look just like us.

Hej Sloveni!

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LMAO I was one of these kids back in high school. Makes me cringe now.

I know this one hairdresser I go to is Polish
He's a nice lad and speaks with a cute voice uwu

>t. Piotr Ptrzjzyrjzwitzski

Why they love West so much? Are they wanna be americans?

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why are russians so obsessed with poland?

>we're western european just look at how white we are
>looks like an inbred russian

I sometimes have the impressions that russians care about polish politics more than we do,

only so they could have something to be butthurt about lol..

toughest kids at school beat up nerds and smoke cigarettes filled with epic weed

Aren't you the guy that seethes in /v4/ all the time?

i can smell the jealousy lol
pretty soon Russia is going to have literally 0 (zero) allies in Europe.
Eastern Europe trusts the USA and EU to lead the global north into another century of progress and prosperity.

Polish Sminem :DDDDDDDDDD

sweden will always be a russian ally.
they are our descendants

You are an EU member, Sven.

Why do slavs have to get buzzcuts? It makes them look even uglier. Also don't get that forehead style like Russians.

How hard is it to let your hair grow some and do something about them sometime?

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what does that mean? thats like saying america ls a nato member so they must hate khazakstan.
completely irrelevant

Actually they are my descendants.

t. Varangian BVLL

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Why do we need allies if those countries are gonna become part of Russia?

how the fuck are you this ignorant about your own regional politics?

>why are russians so obsessed with poland
we only care of former Soviet countries, even Lithuania bothers us more

>sweden will always be a russian ally.
>they are our descendants
The real reason Sweden never joined NATO has been found.

same with finns

>Eastern Europe trusts the USA and EU to lead the global north into another century of progress and prosperity.
How can any be this delusional. US and EU cant lead to prosperity even themselves.

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I realized that we have been lied to. It was the dirty K*relians and Ukrainians who committed atrocities against us Western Finns.

China is an even bigger shithole than your country

Certainly OP, but a question torments my mind. Who are you ?

Is your soul aware that none of the hominids here are aware that your insignificant spirit exists?

Your thread was perhaps intended to provoke the hilarity or the interest of the hominids here present.

However, only an immense feeling of unease arose.

You are therefore requested to get out of here as soon as possible.

Peace and serenity on your soul notwithstanding.