
LONDON edition

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did any of you lads ever play tekken
i always played hwoarang

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here come the spastics with the posts theyve been saving for the new

Listening to music lads

apparently my prison officer assessment is going to be done virtually, including the fitness test. Am I going to have to to star jumps in front of a webcam or something

good evening fellow redditflaggers

-black cocks

Remember Tekken 3 on Spaced?

nah hate fighting games. always found them boring.

my willy is hard and wet

why did britain grant southern Ireland independence?


Aye but as Eddy haha

mutt's law

what do the other cities look like then

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you'll just need to strip for them and put on a show

youll have to sniff spice on webcam just to prove you can handle it

>BT advert about a BM/WM couple
wow, that's unique.

Aye but as Chinky haha


this song good

>Muh heritage

I must break you.

Hey Missouri! I've missed you bro! Is Glasgow in today? Saw him talking with Cornwall and Devon earlier but don't know if he's still on.

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Tax haven

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Wonder what Cheadle looks like

Abs and bolt-ons

Doesn't get better

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take the piss

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Stopped using the extra flags extension because it was full of cretinous teenagers.

hate hate HATE that women wear doc martens now

not only can i not wear them anymore without looking like a poof, but now women look the same height/taller than me. bad enough being a turbomanlet without every basic emily trying to heightmog me with fuck off 3 inch boots

the scrannage

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new PS5 review lads we're all in here


people recommended me solovairs. theyre not bad

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fuck off devon

Solution is suicide


thanks lad

yea shoes n that

pooey bumholes and farty willies

>Yes I wear boots as part of my regular outfit why do you ask?

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>Undertaker broke kayfabe
actually cant believe it lads

They look even gayer

always been a mixed gender shoe

Rocky 4

>thinking women are a good enough reason to suicide over

never gonna make it

the so called scran

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Imagine the smell.

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just bog standard boots mate


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is that the new stormzy song

Kane was better

Smell status: IMAGINING

hello boys~

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who told him he was allowed to reply to me? i'll have your head.

yeah but now literally every girl wears them
out of the 3 women in my friends group they've all started wearing docs in the last 2-3 years

Rarely ever go on Zig Forums but I did today and everyone's saying the same thing, barely any games and even the PS5 dashboard itself has a disclaimer saying the exclusives are coming to PC so they're fuming about that

bit bent him

Roxanne (Roxxxy)
22 / Bachelor of Civil Law/ Taken
Pronouns: xe/xer
Hobbies: Traveling, Wine, Netflix, Parties, Photography

internet is so gay now I remember youtube used to be full of mad shit and if you googled some random thing obscure conspiracy theory blogposts would come up. Now everything is redirected to sites that just talk about how bad fake news

Sensible pair of derby boots is all you need

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ashamed that i'd happily bum him given that i've known of him since he was just a regular non-tranner bloke

Smoking soapbar lads

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>whats this got to do with telecomms?

Autistic Harry Potter shoes

love a good sneeze
formerly chuz

use yandex or duckduckgo

Lying in bed under my duvet lads. Max comfy.

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no sure what a harry potter shoe is

How did we lose it Starmerbros?

Westminster voting intention:

CON: 44% (+6)
LAB: 32% (-4)
LDEM: 5% (-3)
GRN: 4% (-1)
BRX 3% (-2)

, 18 - 19 Nov
Chgs. w/ 09 Nov

not for me


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Road Warriors > Brothers of Destruction > Hardy Boyz > Dudleyz > Edge and Christian

simple as

mental that just a few years ago i unironically didn't see race apart from it being a physical characteristic like blonde hair or brown eyes, now it lives in my head rent free

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Is this the look of every village hall in the UK?

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Watching Submarine. Wales looks comfy



Corbyn issue is damaging them at the moment

primary school assembly hall vibes

most avoid the clock for a more timeless look

Tories just got the femenist vote when it turned out that carrie symonds runs the country

>that one burnt out light that no-one can be arsed fixing yet

Huge heel on these

Would help me stand a solid 6ft tall fuark

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Where's HurriKane?

this tripped me out because it looks genuinely identical to the one in my village
the layout is reversed in my one though but it's a good point

Shan't be surprised if it was also a venue for satanic ritual abuse


fucking awful list, unironcially would be better in reverse, brothers of destruction especially was a meme tag team, they had no ring chemistry

Got chocolate drink in my moustache

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>he wears trainers and a backpack

>Legion of Doom in last place
I would actually hit you a fucking slap if you DARED utter this within arms reach of me.

>sporadic metallic clanging noise in your basement sounds like the music in Terminator 2 when the evil melting policeman is close
It's been nice posting with you lads...

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Fuck off mate

*licks it off*
there you go la, all clean

fuck up boomer, no one cares about pre-attitude era

Best team was Kane and Xpac


Considering buying shoes with lifts in so I can stand at like 6'7 or 6'8 instead of 6'6 and then I can smack my head on doorframes and complain about it.

>mfw feminists would celebrate a female dictator committing a holocaust just because YAAAAAAAAAAS QUEEN
Imagine if Hitler had been a woman.

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stopped reading here tbqh

dunno m8 i've started to feel like the internet's the end of sensible human progress. a mad cunt can say some insane stuff on whatever platform and as long as enough people go 'yeh sounds reasonable' or they like it or whatever it starts becoming fact. like weird medieval witch hunting times or the dark ages or summat but with added computers.

you are CRUISIN my son. ask me what you're cruisin for


for me, it's the APA


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I had a SEGA with Mortal Kombat

Laurence Fox types wanking themselves silly today with International Men's Day and banning the word faggot in Fairytale of New York.

>"pro wrestling"

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Verity statue in Ifracome

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you uganda be hurting after i chokeslam you

that the place with the bee thing?

main stream is lying too
that balanced it out

Why do Indians love WWE?

me after my third steak bake of the day

quite enjoyed the pogues calling him a cunt

heard about kate bush being a tory and when i looked it up she had said nice things about treesa may
later she said she wasn't even a tory - so it's powerful enough to make someone approve of may

*gaslights you*

the cruiserweight title

north devon is quite pretty

why are there ALWAYS skiddies in my undies despite a very thorough wiping regime being in place

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you scumbag you maggot you cheap lousy faggot

got a stutter m8?

that's quince honey farm, just up the road

Wash your bum