Never Forget edition
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Governor of California sat next to the California Medical Association at a birthday dinner in Napa this past weekend
He lied about everyone wearing masks and lied about the event being outdoors
How do people still believe this hoax?
freddos are australian
You're thinking of Taz bars
Australians are British and so are AC/DC
how do YOU answer the phone: with a simple hello or identifying yourself first?
Arrest them
ac/dc fucking sucks, the cunt who sings for them needs to be killed
Dont think Bupro is allowed in the UK
My mate has been trying to get it prescribed since forever. He gets it elsewhere as it really helps his condition
Well how are you supposed to eat a meal with a mask on
as a white man im ok with that
In work I answer with "hello ". On my other phone I answer with "wagwaan" because it's invariably cold callers asking me about the accident I was in that wasn't my fault
I'm typically incapable of speaking as my mouth is usually stuffed with nigger penis
never answer the phone
they can go into voicemail or text me
Blood in my shit. Hope its not bowel cancer. Cant be dying at 23
Dark blood is the killer. Light red is just piles
Ah yes, schizophrenia
I always say just my name if it's not one of my friends
too anxious to set up voicemail me
Be glad your scandal is just about a fucking dinner
It depends on the blood colour, mate
Not the point I made now is it?
You don't get to prosecute people you surrendered to.
Shit bait
Oh good. Going to stop drinking for a bit and eat more fibre/drink more water. Can't be having haemorrhoids either.
Reminder that women are cattle instinctively attracted to obedient service to iron-fisted men
point of dresden was to destroy germany after the war too
directly hit the people that were going to rebuild the country
get them to state their business after a short hello
leftypol on the ropes
hopefully twitter bans trump once he's not president anymore
moshi moshiii anooooo wa desu kedoooo~~
Stop wiping so hard as well. You're doing yourself no favours.
sucking a duracell AA battery
He's President forever, America is like that. The Secret Service will be paid to guard him, his (soon to be ex-)wife and his kids for the rest of their lives.
>tories are scum
Wow, who knew
walk up to the ceo
hand him your number
answer the phone with a firm ahoy-hoy
Im shitting igneus rocks at the minute due to my diet of pizza and beer i wipe and theres nothing there
He'll still be president all next year
find it a bit weird to answer with anything other than hello
Get some rehydration sachets from the supermarket, they're next to the multivitamins. They're almost always blackcurrant flavour for some reason
im not actually
well twitter isn't part of the secret service he's not entitled to it
Is it possible to make good "baked" potato in the microwave lads? I just put my spuds in the microwave covered in oil or salt, hopefully they come out fairly crispy. Can't be arsed waiting for the oven at this time.
He had twitter before and will have twitter after
The thought of the people being defrauded by a few conniving demons in human skin is almost erotic
They live such amazing lives
Parler's the new hotness anyway
Yeah it’s just not as good
are they any good?
>Is it possible to make good "baked" potato in the microwave lads?
No. And God help you if you use margerine instead of butter.
yeah i feel like a weirdo saying 'x speaking' but if i don't they usually ask anyway to confirm so it feels more efficient
Twitter was going downhill before Trump, annoyingly his love of it (and peoples hate of him) kept them up
>I just put my spuds in the microwave
No. I’ve tried a million times.
I use them and they work, that's all I can give you
*surreptitiously duckduckgos parler*
hey brit, talak, talak, talak
the leftypol spaniard actually managed to hack out a good post
you should've said "I'm out of juice!"
Americans stand poonited more like
ngl the double big mac was delish
What's his endgame?
bazza votes tory
tory steals from bazza
donated more blood plasm monday
notice a lot of the young girls there trying to establish eye contact
pitifully simply creatures, them
moreover gave it a lot of thought and realised i'm donating in the belief that insurances will correctly manage the freed up funds from more plasm in storage
that is one hell of an assumption, but I can't let it cloud my ego altruism
since if I lost interest in donating from an ego altruistic perspective, and did it solely for the poon, i'd be hypocritical or something
almost passed out from being sat upright
very embarassing
You can make homemade crisps by cutting potatoes really thin and putting some oil on the slices with a brush. Can't really bake it though
looking like a turtle
Tempted to pick the lock on my flatmates room and smash their ukelele into a million little pieces so they can stop playing fucking Bruno Mars at 1 in the fucking morning
>pitifully simply
>very embarassing
pathetic display
will be removing myself shortly
It is a just cause, go forth
yeah should have
Playing the ukelele lads
lodge a complaint
nobody wants to hear a fucking ukelele
What song are you playing
thinking about BBC again
Kill your family to slow the reckoning of climate change
If I see someone without a mask on public transport I sit in front of them and stare them down and they get visibly uncomfortable and eventually put it on
Most of the time its obvious incel types or people who visibly have 4 IQ
*claps along because i'm happy*
just the way you are by bruno mars
recording music for a corporate video are we
Thank you for your service
Not a fan of sertraline anymore. The first month or so was incredible, gave me back the energy I used to have. but not anymore
people who own guitars and ukeleles
mongs by default
It's not by bruno mars though is it
It's by you
only people i see without masks are elderly
>Most of the time its obvious incel types or people who visibly have 4 IQ
aka the /brit/ populace
ive yet to have a positive response to an antidepressant after trying 4 so you've got that going for you
a tremendous restart
try meth
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>Parler's the new hotness anyway
getting wannabe hotshots to go to a big party in switzerland by paying big appearance fees and crafting flashy campaigns
Mum's got into a spat with nan.
May sound a bit heartless here but as it stands inheriting nan's house is just about the only chance I have of owning property but at this rate it'll probably be going to my aunt. 'uck sake.
wish i had a fun friend like kramer
actual racist