
Thai King edition

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>no anime OP

basado edizione

the officers can't sit in the same chairs as the king?

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train i use didn't look this nice...


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The Pusod

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I've seen all the crazy shit he seems to able to get away with, why won't he start a bitching eugenicist program?

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I guess they can't be at the same level with the king

Marcos should have declared himself Emperor of the Philippine Islands

today i learned that trannies have to dilate their fake vagina to keep it functioning

Ew flat

for the rest of their lives

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they're so much better when they keep their femcocks


Remember when the Queen rode a train (in the first coach) and everybody else was like "meh"

And the soldiers agree to this humiliation why?

We do it for our parents or teacher to sometimes in important ceremony
Old tradition and all that but nobody really care

Akses Zig Forums ironically lebih gampang drpd Reddit, boro boro gua main Reddit. Ga asik

Is reddit banned or something?

dude what


most transwomen either keep their dick or only cut the balls

It will never functioning

Bigot chuds


How brown is Singapore?

>nooo sweetie don't cut off your cock you were so cute ahaa

Not very. They re chinese.

i wish i could pass as a transwoman so that i can guilt-trip 'open-minded' lesbians into fucking me. i'd convince them that i'm just a girl with a dick and balls, while cooming and impregnating them one-by-one, making them fall to my cock. can't beat the cock.

Poster above me is a future tranny