When was the last time you met a black person?

When was the last time you met a black person?

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6 years ago in Saint Petersburg

when i went to the gas station 2 hours ago

In the morning when I went to the market at 6.30

1 month ago in Seattle

Which state are you from?

Yesterday at Delhaize
Last time I talked to one was 3 years ago though

In highschool. There was a Nigerian foreign exchange student in my school.


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last Christmas, Dublin
small fit as fuck dark black girl with thick english accent
went home and wanked off like 5 times thinking about her, stayed up all night looking for a porn look alike but none have the accent that makes it hotter
still think about it sometimes

Last Saturday, we met on Tinder.

14 years ago

Sometime towards the end of last month. We met on Tinder as well, but she turned out to be fatter than she wanted to admit at first so no go

>last time i interacted with a black person was february last year
turns out the corona epidemic has it's benefits

Today. They asked if I had two dollars and I said no. I wish I lived in a gated community.

Her tiddies squirt chocolate milk.

Like talk with them, or just seen one?


Met? Not sure, last time I met a knew one was probably a year ago.

Saw one in the wild? Last week or the week before, probably. I usually see two or three every month.


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I never met a black person in my life

Today at the mall. He smelled fucking awful

4 years ago

stfu kike

November of 2019

Today, I helped him at work. He's a nice dude and pretty competent.

When me and Tyrone pounded your mom, Shalome

This evening, I bought 2 icecreams and some ciggies from his shop.

3 days ago, postmates.

Last week at work

Dude is new and has the uganda knuckles accent, pretty funny

March or February
There were two Kveenz at a local mall in Vladivostok.
I see poos almost daily