In China, yes
In China, yes
I want that little vehicle
I'm envy
cool map, bro
Op is probably just using a proxy based in hong kong since Zig Forums is blocked in china.
he's from shezhen, he's cool, our only official chinese poster
While not where I live, it can snow in Australia. Here is Hobart, Tasmania.
>our only official chinese poster
Didn't we used to have two with actual Chinese flags? I think one went to school in the U.S.
many chinese names come from those states
Right, I used vpn, let me tell you, in fact, Zig Forums is not banned in China, we can watch but we can't post unless we use vpn, because Google verification code can't be used.
Oh, my friend, I know who you are talking about. In fact, there are two or three mainlanders who post under the Hong Kong flag. We don't know each other.
damn bros reddit has spoken
I guess China lost...
I'm dumb, I've never thought Australia had cold weathers like this, damn
not specifically where I live
>Fucking aussies are getting cold weather
>it still feels borderline like summer in kansas
I just want it to be cold, dark and miserable. Is that too much to ask for?
My china pic
Lane in my city
i want to live there
Cyberpunk vibe in my third tier city
Must look beautiful during spring. Was this taken in autumn?
>32 degrees today
yeah man its freezing
>why yes, I had to cancel my thanksgiving ski trip due to lack of snow, how could you tell?
that's comfy
look yourself in your basement and turn off central heating perhaps? retard
Vladivostok totally collapsed due to snow storm, no water or electricity, even central heating is not working, what a joke of a city, I'm freezing in my apartment now, flushing my shit with melted snow in a bucket lol
Jerusalem fags and north fags get snow once a few years, but the rest of us never get it
Yes, it is.