Have you thanked poland yet for the best game in video game history?
Have you thanked poland yet for the best game in video game history?
>he didn't side with the elves
Fuck humans.
Read the books, you plebeians.
That's not minesweeper.
>Read the books, you plebeians.
i sided with the Order because i liked Siegfred, he was a good bro and also a virgin
it made me laugh, in the quest where you needed virgin tears for something you could ask Siegfred for them
I replayed the 1st act like 6 times by now, it's peak SOVL
I heard the first game is pretty mediocre gameplay-wise and that the sequel is better.
if you can get used to the weird combat this game is really good
especially the plot and atmosphere is top tier, and the investigation in Vizima in Act 2 is my favourite part of the game
i hope this game will be remade in Witcher 3 engine some day
I only played 3 and i didn't like it
tfw no triss gf
But Cyberpunk 2077 didn't release yet
Most overrated series I've ever played
It's the video game adaptation of books for 15 year old boys
Shitty excuse for an "RPG"
>Have you thanked Ukraine yet for the best game in video game history?
it's a decent game thanks to the unofficial patch that fixes it but this game can be extremely annoying, there's just too much running around the map and fighting the respawning bandits
it's the best game in the series anyway because the next ones suck balls
that's not Gothic 2
shit game in shit series, although admittedly it had the highest amount of soul out of the three
secret: sovl = jank
Overrated shit unironically
Shit book as well.
watch the 2002 tv show and cease your retarded fanboy faggotry
I dropped Witcher 1 as soon as I saw the combat mechanics. Played Witcher 2 until the army camp part, just didn't feel like playing any more, the slow pace annoyed me. Took forever to get from one end to the other, some quest where you drag a drunkard back to the camp lasted a million years, Gerald takes forever just to climb some stairs. The movement and travel speed was just terrible. Camp was boring too, but the river town has a nice atmosphere.
Witcher 3, I tried playing two times, got too bored to continue both times. The exploration is a joke, every village looks the same, the non-story NPCs are very forgettable and the wilderness is mostly just bushes and wolves. There are no interesting sights and no special secrets to discover to stumble upon, just more of the same, rendering the size of the world useless.And the map already has all the treasures mapped out, making exploration pointless. Talking about treasure, the whole item system is a complete miss. There's loads of alchemy ingredients, dozens upon dozens of different kinds, but there's zero need to actually track them. Once you make a potion, you have it forever, you don't need to remake it. Ultimately, the ingredient diversity is not utilized as all, and the same goes for crafting. There's tons of armor and weapons, but Witcher gear outperforms them, so really, 98% of the items in the game are just inventory clutter and junk.
Leveling is also shit. If you took out the talent tree out of the game, not much would change, seriously. The combat remains the same from start to finish, there is not much progression there, and it's pretty boring, just rolling around and spamming fast attack will do the trick most of the time. The story itself had a bland pattern, mainly revolving around collecting hints of where Ciri is, with episodic "side-main" quests that weren't all that bad, but the ridiculously slow pace of the game is what kills it. There's just too much side quests and they're boring...
cdpr has not made a single good video game, I'm just waiting for people to realize that
...and if you skip side quests, you feel like you're missing out on the few potential fun ones, and you need the XP to keep up with the main quest, but if you do all the side quests, you'll level too fast making the main quest and rest of the game way too easy. Stupidly enough, I don't remember the option of abandoning side quests, leaving you with a quest log of large-fonted dozens and dozens of side quests.
Red Baron was kinda fun, really, the Novigrad questline too, but I just couldn't keep grinding through Skellige, I was bored out of my mind. The characters also had the annoying tendency of either being comically stupid unwashed peasants straight out of some Enlightenment-era stereotype of the "dark ages" or snarky cynical nobles who jerk off to powerplays. Neither feel like real people.
The game actually looks nice, is nicely optimised, the movement mostly feels right, maybe a bit clumsy at time, but the game would literally be better if they cut out half the items and quests, but with a better leveling system and a reworked talent tree.
I don't mind the running around and respawning enemies so to me the game isn't annoying.
Gothic 1 is better
>mogs every single game out of existence
>playing westcuck shit when superior weebshit exists
Overrated generic fantasy game that tries to be "cinematic" at the expense of gameplay. Also the books are like YA tier shit.
why did the third game lack the political bite of the first and second?
poland didn't make super monkey ball 2
shit opinion
i dont think ive ever thanked poland for anything in my whole life to be honest.
th-thanks Poland.
Gog has a Polish sale now I think