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International #1344
Is there any police in the world gayer than Canada's?
How is homosexuality seen in your cunt?
Ywn meet your Zig Forums frens in real life and watch some movies together
Tfw remember my britboo phase
Why do japanese men pretend that their women are pure and don't prostitute themselves in australia...
What are those latino fellas talking about in their thread?
Poor australian men can only have sex with chinese/korean/japanese prostitutes because the white ones are too expensive
Why is a country's east always better than its west?
WMAF the country
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Do americans really?
If your country is good at something, there's a 90% chance japan does it better
Why yes I use British English spelling because I'm based
What is British culture?
I only shill China because every time you even mention this country, Americans seethe...
No offence, I love you lads, but life in here seems very sad. Is it sad??
Could Monarchism work in the New World?
USA lost the Vietnam war? Let's just see about that
How socially acceptable is it in Israel for a Jew to marry a Muslim?
Guys here would rather date foreign women than other Americans. Do you agree?
Latin """""x"""""""""""
Here, I fixed the US
Why don't you play chess Zig Forums? Is it famous in your cunt?
Most of South America unironically believes in gnomes
People in Turkey give you free shit?
Does this happen in your country?
Tfw scandinavian
/nachtschicht/ auch bekannt als /deutsch/
Does this happen in your cunt?
Europoors talk big about bidets but can't afford air conditioning
Are Furries common in your cunt?
Which country would a leftist revolution be most successful in today, and how can I help...
Sverigetråden psykfallsupplagan
I want to find love in India
Why do millenials and zoomers in western countries spend time of their lives making low effort video essays?
/ita/ il filo
What is your opinion of New Africa, formerly known as France?
I will immigrate to europe
1. you`re country
WTF Denmark... Mink holocaust????
Why does Italy try so hard to be France?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Im slavx
Scottish Gaelic is identical in modern use as it was in in 1400
/fr/ - edition de le chien du voisin
Harry Potter magic school locations
What's China doing in Brazil?
Are the lgbt ruining your country? Canada Yes
How do your cunt fights back against the rise of CUTE boys?
What does a 9-10/10 look like in your country?
What's Sardinia like?
Opinions on Norwegians?
I always wanted to visit America out of curiosity, to get a “feel” of the place...
Latin American opinions on Puerto Ricans
Scandinavian women are the prettiest in the world
Are you balding?
¿Why is poland so racist?
Sverigetråden - Jotunheimupplagan
/balt/ + /ausnz/
What are you playing?
I think about this picture a lot
Seriously: why is their economy so shit?
At what age do peope usually lose their virginity in your country?
Greece is the most militarized nation on Earth
View from my window
Is this flag really view as a Nazi symbol in Germany?
Why does japan hire foreign english teachers?
Come make a German friend in this thread!
What do you think of this cunt? How is life here? Are people poor? Is there a massive amount of gibs...
Please use this thread to ask me questions about things
Do social activities to get a gf
My mom just told me that the landlord refused to renew the lease and my family will have to move soon...
/fr/ - le francoFIL
Which is the most European country outside of Europe?
How well can Dutch and German speakers understand each other?
Australians and some south americans have Christmas in the middle of summer
/New England General/
/deutsch/ – Stößchen-Edition
Do you like Latinas?
Sverigetråden - Sötpajer på vift-upplagan
Three Americans record themselves while visiting Zagreb
Tap water around the world
Say something nice about my country
A perfect world
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
If a person like this visits Northern Europe...
Tons of anime imitating France, Spain and Italy (EVEN FUCKING NAPLES)
What's the best thing to have on a burger? In fact, how should the burger patty be?
Please tell me about Scandinavian culture, art, music, etc
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Wait, why aren't Latin countries allowed nuclear weapons but India and Pak are?
[Hilo Latino] Lugares de A.L. que son desarrollados
I wish I grew up in Europe
Do you sometimes feel like you're the only good poster from you're cunt?
Turkey is a part of scandinavia
What are some fish dishes in your country?
When did you realize that Asians/Arabs/etc see no difference between Spanish and Finnish people
What is your favorite Anglo country?
Comfy Spain
Gay marriage and LGBT rights are white people's revenge on the world. For decades the third world of Africa...
Sverigetråden matgeekupplagan
Post your nations cool, scary, edgy, mystic stuff. Ill start with KOKOSHNIK
Racism is bad because...is just bad, okey?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Bulgaria blocks FYROM accession talks with eu
Life in america be like
Meanwhile in Brazil
Heroes and villains of EVROPA
IIT we give ourself a name in the language of the flag that posted above you...
What's her phenotype?
Why do all Eastern Europeans have this haircut
Go to restaurant
Flag look like the pan-african one, without the crescent
Sverigetråden Lördagsfest-upplagan
Youre cun'ry
Is this popular outside America?
Quick choose, Zig Forums!
/ita/ - il filo
There are cute white boys btowsing Zig Forums rn
Russian women are the the most popular in Greece because they are pale and have the same religion
Do you wish you were from another country?
Wow is this true Brit bros ?
Is 27 "too old" in your cunt?
Why do Italians laugh at themselves?
Make fun of German humor one more time
Do girls in your cunt prefer tall, muscular men or average men?
How do Brazil and Portugal posters hate each other so much? Doesn't seem like bant or rivalry to me
The Serbian Empire will rise again
What is student culture like in your cunt?
If you had no other choice,what African country would you move to?
Rate my new jacket
Old American architecture thread
Why do Israeli dislike Poland? Is there no bond created by the many Jews that lived here for centuries...
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + /frens/
Post the Official Residence of your country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
All Germanic languages are ugly
What do these two think about each other?
19 days until Poland becomes a superpower
/fr/ - le fil Français
Sverigetråden - doomer upplagan
Why is this the only country in America that has constant racial issues? Is it because there is no unifying culture...
What is her problem? I messaged her that you can be pro-European without being racist, and she blocked me...
Why scandinavian cities so similar to post soviet-cities?
This choice is too difficult to make
Tfw missed out on Erasmus
Why do Georgians take young men to prostitutes?
Now when the dust has settled
In america, the price you see on the shelves in supermarkets isn't the price you pay at the register...
It's literally impossible to be an incel if you come from one of these countries
Instead of shilling useless refugees...
Thoughts about Austria?
/esp/ - Hilo Español
Are there cute nazi girls in your country?
How come this country doesn't exude softpower like their neighbours do? In particular, Japan and South Korea
What is the best supermarket in your country?
Sverigetråden Biancus Blir Mördad Av Sin Brunpaj-upplagan
Is Zig Forums ready to embrace the Slavic century?
/desi/-Roguelike edition
How will white people be remembered?
swamp Germans
How has your city changed in the past 50 years?
Will Europe ever be this united again?
Most europeans dont have drivers licences
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Mom found the gigachad folder
Vikings never used horned helmets, my ancestors did, stop cultural appropriations
Have you ever been on a date with a foreign girl, Zig Forums?
Thoughts on the black awakening of brazil?
Anons, do you are from a Roman Colony?
Right now millions of Brazilians are waking up for a refreshing morning shower
Why Frenchs like to pretend that France is not ruined and the Muslims in France is just a joke?
What if this country was led by Anglos?
1. What do you think is a must-read for Zig Forums posters to gain a decent understanding of the world?
How old were you when you learned Belgium is the craddle of European civilization?
Why , yes I am Polish, how did you guess?
Normies say "based" now
Polish have all their foreign movies dubbed by just one actor, they call him ''lektor''
Where are the african posters? surely one of them has internet, speaks english, and knows what Zig Forums is
You're telling me real Vikings NEVER looked anything like top pic?
Big if true
Is having a virgin gf/wife normal in your cunt? I cant even imagine one older than 16
As a brown man, I find young white woman the most attractive, do other brown anons feel the same?
Send man to buy tampons
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
ITT: based flags
Forbidden to post porn
Quick you can only save 5 countries
What 400k usd get you in brownentina
Do you know that kissing originated in India?
Post your university
The hardest motherfucker in gaming history is a Slav
"oh, so you don't think Japan is the best country in the world????"
Get me out of this hellhole
/ita/ - il filo
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + /frens/
/deutsch/ am Morgen
ITT: describe your country's political parties
I've noticed the main criticism points towards my country are "materialism and capitalism"
Kurva anyátok
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
What is the most autistic cunt?
2011 I came to Zig Forums
I used to think the shit between Japanese and Koreans was ironic but I'm starting to think that they genuinely really...
Why is this phenotype so common in Colombia?
Sverigetråden - >Dkn ingen latinaFV upplagan
He was the only one based Arab
ITT post ur genetic test results
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Why is the United States of America the best country in the entire world?
ITT: Your country summed up in one picture
Arabs are as far from white as you can get. But Berbers are legitimately white, and I mean this without a bit of irony...
Why are westerners so evil?
I just realized Australians call people "dogs" a lot and its not too common elsewhere
Hello is there drunk thread here in american ylilauta, if so can you please show me the way
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2458
You wake up in the Australia
Post big statues from your cunt
I would like to find love and marry a girl from one of these countries...
Post a monkey from your country
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Why does Zig Forums hate all Americans so much when many are nice guys like this
What were your ancestors doing 200 years ago?
1. your country
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Is ur country a sex tourism destination?
I want to date and marry a Brazilian qt. How hard should that be as an upper middle class white guy from America?
Are you religious Zig Forums, if yes, what religion are you part of?
Created Russia
Pic related is my class
What is it like to be Russian?
Please love our women
Do Nafris really?
Describe your country with one picture
Chad gang incoming
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
How do Japanese people feel about 80s and 90s city pop becoming popular overseas?
Well... Are they?
The top 4 worst posters of Zig Forums
Can you say the n word in your cunt
I am an Indian living in the West
Are their women as attractive as japanese posters claim?
/fr/ - le francofil
How do you feel about foreigners trying to learn your language?
I want to be an American
How can I get an American wife?
1. Your cunt
I want to move to New Jersey or Virginia but I can't decide which one
Are white latinos treated as royalty in latin america?
I'm a Muslim
1. your country
What the fuck
Sverigetråden - Juristupplagan
Tell me about Georgia/Sakartvelo
Buenas tardes. ¿Qué va a ordenar?
If you could say one thing to his face, what would it be?
/nachtschicht/ edsala auch /südtirol/ abermals /deutsch/
What does Zig Forums think about russia? I like russia and think they have a really interesting culture and histroy
Show me your flat, here's mine
The more I learn about Asia the more I realise how sad this country is. They aren't like China or Japan...
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Mexico is more of a warzone than Iraq or Syria
I suffer in Colombia
Brown hairy jew here
Continent rate thread
Sverigetråden - Södermalmupplagan
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
How is the metal scene over there? Please post metal songs from your cunt
Your country
/polska/ general
/deutsch/ edsala /nachtschicht/
How can a man so dumb have such a large following?
Canada to become majority French speaking by 2060
Why hasn't Germany, Italy, Ottomans, and China had colonies on the American continent(s)?
I cant bring myself to enjoy wine
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
How does portugol and brazil view each other? Is it like how america and england is?
Is this universally the most despised country of all time?
VGH.... My Spanish ancestors
Here's your mena baddie, user
Hello, department of based?
/ita/ - il filo
Why is this allowed?
He likes France
/polska/ Polski General Thread
Sverigetråden - Yznupplagan
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Why are they so fit, intelligent and good-looking?
Is this the ideal woman?
Your cunt
Name one good thing that came out of this country
Why aren't Europeans racist?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + lads
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
Anyone else scared of these?
Do you have queer muslims in your country?
Getting kicked out of your house at the octosecond of your 18th birthday
/fr/ - le gramophone
What are Danish girls like?
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Just leaving this here
Has your country every genocided a people? we technically did kill the native americans but we weren't a country yet...
Are people in your country racist?
Largest economy in Europe
/v4/ + friends
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2457
"my father likes to drink this brand of black coffee"
Who's the protagonist of european history?
/lat/ Hilo Latino
They took this from you
Our only big immigrant group was Ukrainians and Brits
Sverigetråden - Dödens upplaga
Do Brazillians travel to Latin America often?
Germany's hero
Do your country have Muslims?
Question to German posters of Zig Forums: What did your grandparents/great grandparents do during World War 2?
Would you support an ethnostate for non whites of USA in the west...
/MEX/ - Hilo Mexicano
Describe your country with one picture
/brit/ /bort/ etc
You have no idea how lucky you are to live in a sunny place
/esp/ - Hilo español
Your cunt
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
/ita/ il filo
British elite boarding schools are getting colonised by the kids of the global Chinese, Indian and African elite...
Sverigetråden Fredagsfestupplagan
Are garloids popular in ur cunt? Is there a local breed?
I like Indians
Have you thanked poland yet for the best game in video game history?
Do people appreciate American art and musicians in your country?
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
Have you given up?
I literally eat this every week
4 seasons
Why do celtic people have so many women?
What's going on, Brazilbros?
What's your country's Hong Kong?
if Europe doesn’t stop letting immigrants in the white race is gonna go extinct!
Scandinavians are beauti-
/fr/ - Le francofil
Please visit Italy
Who would you consider to be the best General in your country's army?
Which one is the perfect female body in your country?
What's the minimum wage in ur country by 2020 in USD?
10 years in eu and still poorer than turkey
Spainbros, am I retarded for wanting to move here? I don't care about muh economy
Are Swedes really promiscuous people?
Why are there so many chuds in this board as of late?
Sverigetråden - Föraktets upplaga
Do non-asians really?
Fennoswedish family moves into the apartment building
1. you're a cunt ry
What is the approximate equivalent of 'Chad' and 'Stacy' in your country/language?
Sous-édition des calories
How would you react if all the native girls in your country got replaced overnight by women like webm related?
Would men in your country accept this deal?
Introduced democracy and Western values into his shitty broken country
Have you ever masturbated to a poster from Zig Forums?
Kurva anyátok
/lang/ Language Learning General
I'm going to a Korean restaurant today with my friend?
Can I pass your country as a local? I am a north chinese neet using VPN
Let's talk about morality, Zig Forums. Would you rape someone if you knew 100% for certain you could get away with it?
Are polynesians what asians would be like if they were masculine?
Did you know that Germany and France love each other?
Noooo how dare businesses and corporations not cater to me just because it's not profitable enough...
Map thread
/ישר/ - /isr/
/ita/ - il filo
Sverigetråden - Sigtunaupplagan
How can Western men even compete with the Korean Chadbull?
What is your opinion on the Scandinavian country that shares a border with Germany in the north?
I have never left my country
I have shizophrenia
Rare Norf Dump
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
The western vanguard against china are two sexpats and a guy in a scientology tier cult
German efficiency
What is the most BVSED part of your country?
May I pass as a local in your country?
Hungary looks very comfy
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine