Do Brazillians travel to Latin America often?
Do Brazillians travel to Latin America often?
Monkeys dont travel
Only to the Southern cone. Usually because it's as cheap as travelling to other parts of the country. Buenos Aires is filled with Brazilian tourists the whole year. Same for Santiago.
Northern South America happens, especially to Peru and the Caribbean coast of Colombia, but that's it. Some people do go to Mexico, but it's rare.
unfortunately yes
It's usually cheaper thanks to currency and the language ain't a barrier. However, I don't think we do as much as we should.
How’s the language barrier? Do you guys speak English to each other?
We travel to The USA more
But they live in Latin America
I've been to paraguay, argentina and chile once.
This is a country where people who live in landlocked states sometimes die without even seeing the sea so I can't say often but those who have money to travel by plane abroad usually would rather to another hemisphere, unless they live very close to it and that's probably what uruguay fag refers to, dirt poor colonos
I think the most enticing destination is probably Machu Pichu or Bariloche because we can ski.
Brazil is not Latin America