/med/ - Mediterranean general

Pathways to the underworld edition


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Was about to make a Sapphism edition.

Hello fren

Hi fren.


>tfw woke up late and just took a breakfast as lunch

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Holy fuck a Maltaposter

Holy fuck a Libyaposter.

Sounds nice. What did you have?

some muesli with chocolate in milk with orange juice

and to wait until dinner, fruit yogurt cheese

Is it really cold during Winter there? Like does it even snow?

Sounds nice.
Yeah, it does get cold. The reason is high humidity if not mistaken. No snow though.

Nice, same weather then, the only time it snowed here was 2012's winter.

It never snowed here.

>literally 1 min earlier
why do you spit in my face like that

It happened to me once.


good morning
should i be worried if my body wake me up at 3 pm

I know.

no lmao 3pm in the evening now like after 13 hours of sleep

Yes it's time to visit your relatively cheap-cost yet competent doctors, Kais.

Ah right lol I misread. It could still be pee.

Do you live in Ottoman Libya or Haftarland ?

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Nice flipflops who is she?

So tell me, how are the job markets in /med/ countries? I hear most of your countries have low employment (aka lots of neets)

Those are heels, user. I have no names.

That but alright

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Peak sovl

Do your hear explosions every day ?

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During the war, it was a daily if not hourly thing, but now it's just the occasional gunshots