Post the Official Residence of your country

And rate other countries Official Residences.

Attached: L'Elysée.jpg (1064x710, 194.56K)

Attached: 1200px-Palacio_de_La_Moneda_-_miguelreflex.jpg (1200x800, 298.35K)

Attached: 52f1fe475b388_o_large.jpg (960x643, 127.98K)

Attached: Schloss Bellevue.jpg (3200x1800, 1.24M)


Attached: EOThoJkX0AIgdSf.jpg (580x324, 42.4K)

Attached: la-moneda.jpg (800x391, 333.92K)

Attached: Malacañang_Palace_(Cropped).jpg (1650x928, 647.22K)

Attached: drottningholm11.jpg (1500x750, 1.38M)

I believe it's the longest continually habited castle in the world.

Attached: windsor.jpg (275x183, 5.86K)

no need for wank, we're fair dinkum

Attached: 67776-3x2-940x627.jpg (940x627, 124.78K)