Post the Official Residence of your country

>Official Residence
of who

of me

By convention, is considered Official Residence where the Head of State lives.

Attached: emmanuel-macron-le-15.jpg (1000x500, 70.01K)

Attached: senate palace.jpg (800x600, 284.06K)

Its considered the official residence but the King actually lives in La Zarzuela which is a much smaller palace in the hills. Pic related is his workplace and used for special events.

Attached: 3-palacio_real_cabecera_fachada_principal_.jpg (1920x600, 177.02K)

how old is it?

based johnny

It was built in the 9th Century as the Real Alcazar but was destroyed by a fire in 1734. Its current baroque design dates from 1764.

Attached: Alcazar_de_Madrid_siglo_XVII.jpg (773x528, 251.46K)

The National Palace was the official residence of most mexican presidents, before that it was the residence of the Viceroy of New Spain. Before that it was Moctezuma's palace the sp*niards destroyed it and used the materials to build the current palace

Attached: 640px-Palacio_Nacional,_México_D.F.,_México,_2013-10-16,_DD_119.jpg (640x312, 48.49K)

i bet there are some kinky torture room hidden somewhere in the palace