And rate other countries Official Residences.
Post the Official Residence of your country
I believe it's the longest continually habited castle in the world.
no need for wank, we're fair dinkum
>Official Residence
of who
of me
By convention, is considered Official Residence where the Head of State lives.
Its considered the official residence but the King actually lives in La Zarzuela which is a much smaller palace in the hills. Pic related is his workplace and used for special events.
how old is it?
based johnny
It was built in the 9th Century as the Real Alcazar but was destroyed by a fire in 1734. Its current baroque design dates from 1764.
The National Palace was the official residence of most mexican presidents, before that it was the residence of the Viceroy of New Spain. Before that it was Moctezuma's palace the sp*niards destroyed it and used the materials to build the current palace
i bet there are some kinky torture room hidden somewhere in the palace
The Chapultepec castle was also home for a handful of presidents.
In the 30s based socialist president Lazaro Cardenas said castles were too ostentatious for a president and wanted everyone to be able to visit the castle. He turned the chapultepec castle into a museum.
He changed the official residence to a ranch called La hormiga and renamed it Los Pinos. Over time future president turned the ranch in a pretty luxurious residence too.
It's not Buckingham Palace?
Current "socialist" president changed the residence back to the national palace.
Not a bad view though.
Can you let me in on the joke?
I think the actual land itself is long history of official residence and this is just a humble house built next to a bigger flashy building
there isn't one, that's an ex prime-minister of Australia outside his official residence
he used to go for a jog around the streets every morning too, lots of people have stories of being shocked they see the prime minister jogging past them
It's pink. Also the right side was demolished to make way for a street.
Hahahaha is pink
Huis ten Bosch, the royal palace
The Japenese made a replica of it