scoffing a whisk edition
/brit/ /bort/ etc
big iron incoming
The release of Undertale in 2015 changed the world far more than the election of Donald trump in 2016 ever did
gas yourself for having this opinion
lost my virginity in 2015
Munching a football
Amusing edition
louis theroux listens to arcade fire? kek
never lost mine
every single orifice is crammed with golf balls
No, i know it's 100% fucking true
*death metal growl*
*blast beats kicks in*
>no vaccine will work lmao
I didn't. It's why before the bird flu there was not even a thought to make a fly vaccine. There was no flu vaccine when I was in high school. And vaccines are SUPPOSED to be long and expensive procedures because they are interventions in your body.
Did you see me say anything at all about the rabies vaccine? The polyo vaccine? The tetanus vaccine? No, read my post again. Scientists have this logic, that widespread viruses cannot be vaccinated against because their units come like a tsunami, no matter how good and responsive your body is, it will not produce enough antibodies to fight it.
why isnt there a British version of the finnish gal.
ive seen a Spanish and french one.
>all women are bi
In a way, but mostly no
Like 99% of 'bisexual' girls only date men, the only bisexual thing they do is occasionally touch tongues with their other 'bisexual' mates
Just copped a new pair of trainers lads
I've not played Undertale, I don't really understand the cult surrounding it and why zoomers are obsessed with it.
enjoyed this post
I would fuck 80% of women but would only fuck around 5% of men, does that make me bisexual
from where did you cop them, the bargain bin?
>Brian Cox listens to Joy Division
All these celebrities have pretty cool music taste ngl
Noel Fielding, SImon Pegg are two other cool ones
is this a joke lmao
teen age melodrama.
new age homestuck
Most bi girls actually have sex (inb4 girls can't have sex with each other) with other girls, but yeah, they won't actually date
Beard making me look and feel fat and old. Might shave it off
I wonder if there's anyone on the planet who has watched all 3,320 episodes of the Jeremy Kyle Show
It made everyone gay. That's it
What's up with blacks and arabs on youtube with all these horrible comments like
>I pray everyone reading this becomes a millionaire
>you're successful because you're humble bro, respect
>keep hustling my brother
like this proper cringe, superficially 'good' but basically just cynically money-hungry mentality
anyone seen this?
You act like JD isn't one of the most well known and popular bands ever
Simon Pegg, more like Simon Peng amirite bros
It is genuinely funny, don't let the annoying fans put you off
>not played it
>dont understand it
no shit you mong
if you were replying to my post, its a meme lol
>brian cox listens to joy division
holy shit, u ok brian lad?
just makes you a bent freak
laughed when I saw this
loved all 8 pixels in that image lads
seething chav scum
Joy Division suck and are fascists, never got the appeal. They had a decent song with Dead Souls, but even a broken clock strikes right twice a day.
Much more love for punk and British heavy metal.