Question to German posters of Zig Forums: What did your grandparents/great grandparents do during World War 2?
Question to German posters of Zig Forums: What did your grandparents/great grandparents do during World War 2?
Being babies.
work on a farm, like 60% of the population
They were following the orders then died
They all worked incredibly hard, every single one. Do you know how many man hours it takes to gas 16 gorillian people?
killed russians mostly
My maternal grandfather was a flak gunner and got a hand shot off.
My paternal grandfather was a pilot who was shot down over France, survived the crash with one lung left and was stitched together on an American hospital boat, he died of lung cancer at the age of 80 later.
My paternal grandpa and grandma? They were farmers in areas that later got lost to Poland. When the war broke out, they were 9 and 10 years old. Had to serve in the HJ to go to school. No field service. The older brothers of my grandpa went to war though, they all survived, but two of them only returned 1954 from Siberia. My great-grandparents in that branch were farmers as well, they were needed for sustaining the population. All of them were devout Catholics that didn't really like Hitler, but when the war came, they feared Russians would murder them and so things fell into place. Not like refusing was an option.
My maternal family lived in the Rhineland and was rich as fuck. They were liberals (not leftists) that thought Hitler was a pleb, but they followed the regime as well when the war propaganda came. My grandparents here were even younger, like 5 when the war began. My great-grandfather was a journalist that quit his job because he didn't want to write about "epic victories" in 1944.
All of my family members were found not guilty, there were 6 levels: 1) Main perpetrators, 2) Offenders, 3) Lesser Offenders, 4) Followers, 5) Persons exonerated and 6) Opponents of the Nazis. All of them were assigned to 5.
What do they think of the state of modern Germany?
I have several (now dead) family members who collaborated with the Nazis. Some by choice, others less so. One of them was an ardent believer in Nazism even long after the war and appeared on televised debates with politicians. None of them really did anything to oppose it.
one of maternal great-grandparents survived the great depression in the us, then gtfo to germany in 1935 and said he worked in a factory until 1945 and then just came back to the us after with my maternal grandmom and great grandmother
So they were jailed after the war?
Anu german ITT have an ancestor who killed kikes?
if so...l kneel
They worked on their farms in the village. Some polish guy was brought over as slave worker in the war. Several years ago he wrote a letter to my grandfather :D
my grandma's family got a Belgian and a Polish slave worker too
the Belgian girl liked my family bc her father knew my great-grandfather and asked him to take her in so she'd be safe but the Polish girl apparently wasn't nice, but considering how Poles were treated I guess that's understandable :DD
It's possible, but I think they just lost basically all of their wealth. Before the war my family was well off, but they lost all their possessions in landssvikoppgjøret.
He was treated fairly here though, and I doubt anyone that were given slave workers actually treated them bad
They went and killed krauts happy for them. Everybody from their tiny town of like 200 people came back. Only one dude got fucked up and had a dud grenade hit him in the face. Not a relative or anything but someone my parents knew when they were kids.
Not german but my great grandfather on my moms side was an english soldier stationed here, he left and never came back
They are all old and happy for the most part. If I asked them, they'd probably be fine with having fewer foreigners and so on, but I don't think they mind. Their family is well, they lived a good life and the situation of the country isn't bad enough for them to be outraged.
>and I doubt anyone that were given slave workers actually treated them bad
eh wouldn't be so sure
I may be toothpaste, but my maternal grandmother was Austrian. She was part of Bund Deutsche Mädel. Picrel. Yeah, she was one of those girls.
>She was part of Bund Deutsche Mädel
like literally every other German girl? membership in the Hitler youth was mandatory
Perhaps. What's interesting about her is that throughout her life she has defended the NatSoc ideology until the day she died, in 2002.
He was a lieutenant won an iron cross and served when he was supposed to be transferred to the east he instead went to north africa but got stuck in crete because british navy. was held in a yugo camp for 5-6 years before finally coming back to germany
my great grand father in my grandfather side was in the spanish civil war and my great grandfather on my grandmother side was virgin frenchmen who escaped paris to the US who fucked my great grandmother while her husband was in the pacific. as for me, I'm a 25 year old virgin.
Paternal grandfather was a soldier in the western front, stationed in Guernesey or Jersey or whatever most of the time. Got into British captivity after the war. Married my grandmother, with whom he had been engaged since before he went to war. When they married, more than 70 percent of their guests were refugees from the former Eastern provinces of Germany who lived with them in their house. He had a big farm just on the border to the Russian occupation zone..
My other grandfather was still very young during the war. He had two older brothers he admired for doing all the cool Nazi stuff. In 1946,he foubd a brown shirt from the Hitler Youth and proudly brought it home, but then his mother proceeded to dye it black. He said thus was the most vivid memory of his childhood. Was not a Nazi later, he was just very aware of the attraction the Nazi youth programmes had for the children in the Reich.
My grandmother's sister, who was the most kind person I ever came across in my life, was an avid supporter of the Nazis during the war. Her fiancee was in the SS and died on the Eastern front. She worked as a nurse in a hospital and survived several bombings, some just barely and with great luck (misplaced the keys to a bunker that was completely annihilated the same night)
Wonder if they supported the invasion of Poland
Great grandfather was a Volksdeutsche and fought russians in the east, got wounded, pretended to be polish when the front moved here and married a Polish girl
Happy times
Have you tried applying for German citizenship?
Not really... From what I can tell, they only think/thought having Danzig as a free city and Austria independent from Germany (when they wanted to fuse) was stupid. They weren't mad for the lost territories in WW1 for the most part, my maternal grandpa once said losing the Elsass sucked, but the rest wasn't that important. From what they told me, neither of them wanted a war or an invasion, they had grown up with the horror stories their parents and grandparents had told them about WW1, so they knew war wasn't a heroic thing. However, once the war was in motion, there was no turning back. They knew they were expected to serve their country, otherwise they'd be punished or killed. Also, they were really afraid of the Soviets and thought "I stay loyal to my country, otherwise we lose everything".
My great grandpa was a masturbation-machine operator at the Auschwitz work camp.
My grandfather killed japs at iwojima. Now I'm dating a jap. Funny how life turns out.
all of them were evil fashisty
ignoring Germany's request for an alliance because we were cucked by USA
>high-quality post
>They weren't mad for the lost territories in WW1 for the most part, my maternal grandpa once said losing the Elsass sucked, but the rest wasn't that important
The east was mostly just Prussian landowners flogging Polish peasants on their estates and who gaf about Schleswig? Hitler didn't even care about the latter or insist that Denmark give it back.
how come only american vetarans go like "yeah man, i killed lots of them nazis/japs/gooks". Literally almost no one in europe ever talked about WW2.
i would bone your nanny so hard
Trust me, the only veterans who did that were guys that didn't see any combat and were just cooks or folded blankets behind the lines. My grandfather was in the Pacific and never talked about the war or wanted to. But he did see a buddy of his step on a land mine a few yards from him.
koth goat anime of all time desu
Its cause you're italian. Your grandfathers didn't kill anyone